At this time, a fragrance came, Jiangshan looked up and saw Zhao Yin walking under a chestnut tree.

There were more than a dozen large wooden barrels stacked there.

Zhao Yin opened a barrel and poured something into an empty wine bottle.

Without much guessing, Jiangshan could clearly smell the rich aroma of wine.

Compared with this mellow taste, the wine he drank before was not as good as horse urine.

"Are those dozen barrels full of wine brewed from mutant crops?"

Before, Zhao Yin said that mutant crops were used to brew wine, and he thought that the other party only brewed a little bit.

After all, being able to brew wine with mutant crops is already luxurious enough!

"Damn, each wooden barrel can hold 500 kilograms of wine, how much is that, aren't you afraid of drinking him to death?"

Jiangshan was already jealous and crazy.

"How could he be so careless? When pouring the wine, couldn't he keep his hands steady? It all spilled!"

"Yes, you have plenty of wine! You are rich! But even if you don't want to lick it yourself, let me lick it for you!"

He swallowed his saliva wildly, and complained wildly in his heart towards Zhao Yin's back.

But in fact, Jiangshan didn't dare to move at all until Zhao Yin spoke.

Not to mention the corpse demon, even those pseudo-mutant beasts were about to be promoted to Class B.

Who could he afford to offend here?

At this time, Zhao Yin didn't know what Jiangshan was thinking. He drank the wine and walked back to the dining table, drinking and eating.

On the dining table, there were snow-white steamed noble meat, roasted golden vulture meat, stir-fried pork shreds with green vegetables...

The aroma of meat and wine kept drilling into Jiangshan's nose.

He sniffed desperately, swallowed his saliva, and watched a large table of food being slowly eaten by Zhao Yin and the other two.

After Zhao Yin had enough food and drink, he took out another twenty large iron basins.

Jiangshan's eyes widened again. He actually saw that those large iron basins were full of broth.

Judging from the smell, it was definitely not ordinary beast meat!

"How much mutant beast meat did he get to make so much broth?"

Jiangshan guessed something and felt that Zhao Yin was too wasteful.

"Now in the end of the world, people have nothing to eat, and he actually used this to feed the mutant beasts?"

Jiangshan couldn't believe it.

At this time, Zhao Yin took out the broth and took Ning Yue into the invisible tent.

Soon, the two beautiful female slaves carried hot water in...

"Damn it, the ancient emperors were not as happy as him!"

"Eat and drink, and have a beautiful woman accompany him to take a mandarin duck bath..."

Jiangshan had to admit that this was not the dream of all men in the end of the world?

He couldn't remember how long he had been afraid to even fantasize like this.


After all the contracted beasts completed their evolution, they walked to the iron basin left by Zhao Yin and ate the broth.

After all the beasts had eaten and drunk their fill, they all lay on the ground to rest.

Corpse demon Zhang Jie jumped into the pond to catch fish, and Wang Xiaolei accompanied him on the shore.

And Song Xiaodao also drew a basin of hot water and went into the wooden house to take a bath...

At this moment, the entire life space was peaceful, as if it was a paradise.

Until two hours later.

Zhao Yin walked out of the invisible tent with a refreshed spirit, holding Ning Yue on his arm.

He directly opened the Eye of True Vision and swept towards the contracted beasts.

[Adult water buffalo: B-class mutant beast, strength 570, agility 410, stamina 550, defense 600, spirit 255, bloodline talent: huge strength, iron armor]

[Flying white tiger: B-class mutant beast, strength 515, agility 590, stamina 428, defense 550, spirit 435, bloodline talent: extreme speed, psychedelic field]

[Adult male lion: B-class mutant beast, strength 475, agility 510, stamina 420, defense 535, spirit 308, bloodline talent: gravity field, extreme speed]

[Vulture King: B-class mutant beast, strength 507, agility 550 , stamina 402, defense 578, spirit 320, bloodline talent: arrow feather, wind system]

[Rat King: B-level mutant beast, strength 550, agility 585, stamina 455, defense 580, spirit 324, bloodline talent: earth escape, extreme speed]

[Rat: Grade B, strength 405, agility 415, stamina 342, spirit 38, mutated by zombie virus infection]

[Vulture: Grade B, strength 409, agility 405, stamina 310, spirit 20, mutated by zombie virus infection]

The attributes of all pseudo-mutant beasts are basically the same.

Zhao Yin retracted his gaze. Now, the C-level potential of all contracted beasts has been basically developed.

Next, B-level mutant beast meat is no longer able to play a big role for them.

It's time to worry about where to get higher-level mutant beast meat.

Zhao Yin shook his head and stopped thinking about it. The matter in front of him has not been resolved yet.

"Have you all rested well?" Zhao Yin said softly.



Voices echoed in Zhao Yin's heart.

All the contracted beasts woke up and were full of energy.

Zhao Yin nodded: "Since you have all rested well, I will take you to the core of the forbidden area, where you may encounter a more difficult battle."

"I am willing to die for my master!"

"I am willing to fight to the death for my master!"

"Master, Xiaobai is willing to fill the earth for you, Pi Yanzi!"

"Master, Baldy is willing to fill the universe!"


Zhao Yin ignored this flattery and turned back to shout to a wooden house: "Song Xiaodao."

The little girl walked out of the wooden house reluctantly, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Here we go."

Zhao Yin called the corpse demon again, waved his hand, and took the previous team and appeared in the endless fog again.

He slightly distinguished the direction, and then commanded the herd to move to the core of the forbidden area.

At this time, the dead fish eyes of the corpse demon were full of excitement, and kept flying above the herd.

Zhao Yin saw this and was sure that something must have happened there before.

No zombies appeared on the way.

Zhao Yin could vaguely hear that there were still zombies roaring on the other side of the forbidden area core, and he didn't know how many there were.

This proved that this forbidden area was far more than the zombies he had killed before.

After more than ten minutes, the fog gradually thinned, and gradually, the herd walked out of the fog and finally entered the core of the forbidden area.

There was no sea of ​​blood and corpses as imagined.

It was clear here, with red clouds all over the sky in the west and a bright moon rising from the east.

Before I knew it, it was evening when day and night alternated.

The vegetation here was different from the outside world, it was green and full of vitality!

In the center of the core of the forbidden land, there was a round earthen hill.

For some reason, Zhao Yin always felt that this earthen hill seemed a little out of harmony and out of tune with the surrounding terrain.

All the contracted beasts stopped, Zhao Yin slowly closed his eyes and listened carefully.

The entire core of the forbidden land was dead silent.

There was not even a sound of zombie footsteps.

"Zhao Yin, it turns out that the core of the forbidden land is so beautiful!"


Zhao Yin opened his eyes: "If there is nothing here, those zombies can't help but come in!"

"All people and beasts, still arrange the previous formation, not allowed to leave the gravity field, dear grandson, you lead the way!"

The corpse demon received the order and ran towards the central earthen hill with ease.

"Slow down!" Zhao Yin shouted hurriedly, fearing that he would be led into the ditch by this fool.


The corpse demon immediately turned around, pointed at the dirt hill, and nodded vigorously.

"You mean, there is a crisis in the core of the forbidden area, in the dirt hill?" Zhao Yin understood something.

The corpse demon nodded heavily, as if to prove something to the master, spread his bone wings, flew a long circle at low altitude, and nothing happened.

He was telling Zhao Yin that except for the dirt hill, there was no danger anywhere else.

Zhao Yin finally felt relieved and stood directly on the old cow's shoulder.

He looked down from above and quickly scanned.

Soon, a large area of ​​golden mutant crops appeared in his sight.

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