Zhao Yin looked back and saw that only Song Xiaodao, Ning Yue, Lao Niu and Monkey were not injured!

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All the remaining contract beasts were covered in blood.

Zhao Yin raised his hand and directly summoned two female slaves and Wang Xiaolei: "The monkey set fire to the corpse crystal, clean the battlefield and then rest!"

After saying this, the tired little monkey didn't even bother to flatter him, and just set it on fire.

A few minutes later, the ground was covered with transparent corpse crystals.

Most of them are C-level corpse crystals!

Zhao Yin and the five girls stepped forward to pick it up.

A total of 546 D-level corpse crystals and 3241 C-level corpse crystals were harvested!

"It's a pity that all the previous corpse crystals were burned!"

Zhao Yin felt a burst of physical pain, and at least tens of thousands of corpse crystals were burned.

What’s even more strange is that so far, Zhao Yin still hasn’t found even a single star crystal in the forbidden area!

It seems that everything here is different from the outside world.

At this time, a familiar voice came from the distance.



The corpse demon shouted loudly with a hoarse voice.

Anger instantly appeared on Zhao Yin's face and he shouted: "Song Xiaodao!"

Song Xiaodao immediately released the power of the wind, blowing out a narrow path three meters wide and one kilometer away in the direction of the corpse demon's voice.

The tall figure of the corpse demon was immediately revealed.

At this time, the corpse demon was holding the Qiushui Sword in one hand and Jiangshan in the other. He saw Zhao Yin at a glance, and then grinned stupidly: "Master!"

Immediately afterwards, he unfolded his bone wings and flew over at extremely high speed with excitement.


This voice broke directly.

Zhao Yin was ready to beat him up, but after the corpse demon landed, he suddenly dropped the Qiu Shui Sword and Jiang Shan, rushed forward, and hugged Zhao Yin's legs.


"Master! Master! Master...!"

The corpse demon raised his head and looked up at Zhao Yin. The dead fish's eyes were full of shock after the disaster.

Zhao Yin clenched his fist and did not punch it down.

At this time, the corpse demon was like a lost child who finally found the person closest to him.

"Where have you been?" Zhao Yin yelled loudly.


The corpse demon doesn't know how to explain at all, he only knows to call me "Master!"

At this moment, Jiang Shan's eyes widened, and he didn't expect that he would hit him by mistake.

He actually found his ancestor for the Corpse Demon Grandpa.

I never thought that the ancestor I recognized would be Zhao Yin...

The country was trembling, surprise and fear spread in my heart at the same time.

He looked back at the mountain of corpses, and then at the ashes on the ground that had been burned by the terrifying temperature...

Looking at the terrifying giant beasts...

At this moment, Jiang Shan's mind went blank!

At this moment, the corpse demon didn't know that he escaped because he couldn't speak.

If Zhao Yin knew that his loss-making business was all caused by the corpse demon's righteous grandson, he would definitely be beaten.

Asking the corpse demon couldn't get any answer, so Zhao Yin gave up and continued to ask, turning his eyes to the things that had just been discarded by the corpse demon.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yin saw Qiushui Sword and was also in a trance.

Lu Ling's weapon?

Then, Zhao Yin saw Jiang Shan who was lying on the ground. This old guy had a gray face and a complicated expression...

"Brother Zhao, I...!"

Jiang Shan quickly got up and licked his face. The next moment, the corpse demon rushed up and slapped Jiang Shan on the face.

Jiang Shan staggered after being beaten, and then he met the dead fish eyes of the corpse demon. The anger in his heart quickly went out before it even rose.

The zombie demon pointed at Zhao Yin: "Master!"

Jiang Shan understood something immediately and quickly bowed to Zhao Yin: "Old ancestor."

There was a hint of frustration in his voice.


Zhao Yin was in a trance again and didn't understand what was going on for a while.

The corpse demon turned around and picked up the Qiu Shui Sword, held it in both hands and handed it to Zhao Yin, as if offering a treasure: "Master!"

"You brought the Qiushui Sword back to give it to me!"

The corpse demon nodded repeatedly and signaled Zhao Yin to accept it: "Master! Master!"

Zhao Yin was moved for a moment, and the anger in his heart dissipated a lot.

He took the Qiushui Sword and turned to look at Jiangshan.

"Chief Jiang, what happened?"

Jiang Shan then roughly recounted what he had experienced.

Zhao Yin finally understood that the corpse demon went deep into the forbidden area. He didn't know what happened. He got lost when he came out and happened to meet Lu Ling.

Lu Ling was looking for death, and she actually dared to draw her sword at the corpse demon, so she lost the Qiu Shui Sword, and even her country...!

At this time, without any further guessing, Zhao Yin also knew that Jiang Shan was doing evil to the zombie demon and planned to kill him with the help of zombies.

Although what Jiang Shan did was not wrong, Zhao Yin looked at him with a cold look.

"Now that you're here, stay!"

After Zhao Yin finished speaking indifferently, he waved his hand to bring everyone, beasts, and corpse demons into the living space.

Back under the chestnut tree, Zhao Yin checked the injuries of all the contracted beasts.

Shu Liu lost both ears and one eye, Lao Hei lost part of his tail, Da Mao lost one of his ears...

He immediately took out fifteen bottles of D-level healing potions and regenerated the severed limbs of Shu Liu, Lao Hei and Da Mao.

Now that the contracted beast has reached C-level, five bottles of D-level healing potions are needed to regenerate a severed limb.

As for the C-level healing potion, Zhao Yin was reluctant to use even one.

In the future, when the contracted beasts are promoted to B-level, only C-level or higher healing potions can be effective if they are seriously injured.

Therefore, C-level healing potions should be saved as much as possible.

After the three contracted beasts took the potions, they recovered quickly.

Then, Zhao Yin took out a pile of sandwiches. Except for the old cow and the monkey, the other contracted beasts were injured.

After all the contracted beasts recovered from their injuries, Zhao Yin took out all the corpse crystals.

After counting, plus the corpse crystals accumulated previously, Zhao Yin now has 87,482 E-level, 2,475 D-level, and 3,241 C-level corpse crystals in his hand!

As for F-level, it is no longer of much use.

Except for the little monkey that is already B-level, Zhao Yin gave each beast 100 C-level corpse crystals.

"Today, you all worked hard and deserve rewards. Let's all evolve to B-level!"

"Thank you, master!" "Thank you, master...!"

One after another voice sounded in Zhao Yin's heart.

All the contracted beasts were excited. They were envious of Zhao Yin's promotion of the little monkey to Class B.

Unexpectedly, the master gave it to them in a blink of an eye.

"Evolve here, don't damage my crops, or I won't give you food for three days!" Zhao Yin warned.

"Understood, Master!"

"Yes! Master!"

All the contracted beasts were eager to eat the corpse crystals.

Zhao Yin turned around, took out some food, called Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue, and the three of them started eating.

After a hard battle, the three of them were starving.

Jiangshan had been standing not far away, looking at this life space with a shocked face.

He didn't know why, Zhao Yin waved his hand, how did he get here?

The mutant crops rarely seen in the outside world were actually planted here so that you couldn't see the end at a glance.

Each corn tree can produce at least hundreds of kilograms of corn!

With so many trees, how many mutant crops can be harvested?

Jiangshan's heart was about to jump out of his throat!

He soon saw dozens of chestnut trees planted beside the huge pond. Some of the trees were blooming, and some had already borne fruit. The huge chestnut thorn balls were extremely pleasing to the eye...

The dandelions that they regarded as life in their camp before were actually numerous here...

Jiangshan even saw that many dandelion leaves had traces of being eaten by herbivores!

Is this usually used to feed cows?

Jiangshan felt that his three views had been overturned!

Is this really the end of the world?

He also saw a silver-skinned fruit tree and a turmeric that covered one side of the pond...

After seeing the properties of the two crops clearly, Jiangshan's breathing became uneven.

How many cards does this Zhao Yin have?

He planted so many crops here, isn't he afraid of zombies destroying them?

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