
Then, the corpse demon yelled again.

He ignored several people and walked past them stupidly.

At this moment, a sword light came and pierced the corpse demon's neck.

This book was first published on ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ— Book Bar โ†’ ๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

The one who drew the sword was naturally Lu Ling. Humans and corpses cannot coexist. Since they have met, there is no reason not to kill.

"Don't..." Jiangshan shouted loudly.

Lu Ling had never noticed that the moment Jiangshan saw the corpse demon, she was trembling all over.

Even his lips trembled several times when he opened his mouth, but he couldn't make a sound to remind Lu Ling.

That was an existence that had never been heard of, called the corpse demon!

And it was B-level, with terrifying attributes, and... three combat abilities!

Ding Dong!

The Qiushui sword accurately pierced the corpse demon's neck.

But it only cut a little skin.

A trace of black blood just flowed out, and the wound healed by itself.

At this time, the corpse demon suddenly turned back, staring at Lu Ling with dead fish eyes.

He seemed to be unable to understand why this human attacked him.

Lu Ling met his gaze, and her face instantly turned pale as paper.

Previously, she saw the size of the corpse demon and thought it was just an ordinary E-level zombie.

Although the sword just now was not a full-strength attack, even an ordinary C-level zombie king could not defend so easily!

But this guy who was neither human nor zombie in front of him was not hurt at all.

The next moment, the corpse demon was angry, grabbed the Qiushui Sword with one hand, and punched out with the other hand!


Lu Ling was immediately knocked away by a punch.


Xiaohui and others were all shocked.

A dignified SS-level superpower, who was considered invincible by everyone in the outside world, could not withstand a punch!

Just as they were about to go forward and fight, they immediately heard Jiangshan shouting, "Don't move!"

Then, Jiangshan knelt down in front of the corpse demon with a plop, and kowtowed hard: "Grandpa Corpse Demon, please calm down, the leader really didn't mean to offend you...! I... I apologize to you on her behalf!"

Sure enough, after seeing Jiangshan's actions, the corpse demon did not move again.

He tilted his head and thought about it, and finally remembered that there was a lame man in the life space before, who always liked to talk to me like this.


The corpse demon held the Autumn Water Sword, and tears suddenly appeared in his eyes. He missed me again!

In fact, Jiangshan chose to kneel down and beg for mercy because he saw a flash of humanistic thinking in the eyes of the corpse demon before.

It proves that the monster in front of him is not the same as a zombie.

This monster still has humanity!

"Grandpa Corpse Demon, aren't you looking for me...No, Grandpa Corpse Demon, you want to find the ancestor, I...I know where he is." Jiangshan said while the iron was hot.

The corpse demon was stunned, and the murderous intent slowly dissipated.

"Master!" he growled.

It was as if he missed someone to the extreme.

"Yes, we know where the ancestor is." Jiangshan mustered up his courage, tried to raise his head, and licked his face.

In the dead fish eyes of the corpse demon, the emotions finally stabilized completely, and he grabbed Jiangshan.


This voice was urgent.

Jiangshan hurriedly stood up: "I'll take you there."

As soon as the words fell, the corpse demon let go.

Jiangshan turned and walked into the mist.

"Uncle Jiang!" At this time, Lu Ling finally climbed up from the bushes, his face pale, and blood oozing from the corners of his mouth.

"Uncle Jiang, how do you know what the ancestor is...!"

"Leader!" Jiangshan hurriedly interrupted Lu Ling's words: "I'm going to a very far place to find the ancestor for Grandpa Corpse Demon, you... you guys leave the forbidden area as soon as possible."

After that, Jiangshan took the corpse demon and disappeared in the mist.

Lu Ling trembled all over, she understood what Jiangshan meant.

He wanted to take the corpse demon far away and let herself and others escape quickly.

One person's death is better than everyone's death.

Lu Ling held back her tears: "Before the zombies come back, collect all nearby areas as soon as possible and leave the forbidden area!"


At this moment, Jiang Shan's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and his whole body was shaking like a sieve.

"Grandpa Corpse Demon, don't worry, I saw the ancestor go in that direction before."

After speaking, Jiang Shan pointed to the direction where the zombies had rushed to before, with tragic and sinister eyes.

Corpse Demon had no idea of โ€‹โ€‹Jiang Shan's tricky mind, and he immediately became excited, grabbed Zhao Yin, and quickly ran in that direction.


Two hours later.


The area within a radius of two kilometers was ignited by flames.

The large area of โ€‹โ€‹poisonous fog was burned away by the raging fire. The monkey's terrifying figure trampled on the zombies. Not only the golden war stick in his hand, but also dozens of zombies were burned to ashes with every blow. Every time it took a step, several zombies were trampled down and burned to ashes...

An hour and a half ago, as the battle was under control, Zhao Yin ordered the monkey to save some compressed biscuits.

Despite this, three quarters of the compressed biscuits in his hand were consumed, and now there were only more than a hundred pieces left.

Zhao Yin didn't know whether this battle was a profit or a loss. He got sorghum seeds and four golden silk fruits, but consumed so much extraordinary food.

Even the corpse crystals were burned.

It can be said that Zhao Yin has never made a loss-making business in this life. At this time, his heart was bleeding.

Finally, there seemed to be not many zombies left in the nearby area.

The zombies coming from the fog gradually became sparse.

"Monkey, turn off the flames, leave me some corpse crystals!" Zhao Yin said with red eyes.

As soon as he finished speaking, the flames around the monkey quickly gathered into its body, and soon, only a thin layer covered it.


The monkey smashed down with a stick, and more than a dozen C-level zombies had their heads blown up, leaving more than a dozen corpse crystals...

"Old Black, take Ning Yue to collect the corpse crystals, don't let the flame embers burn!" Zhao Yin ordered.

He just saw that a corpse crystal rolled into the ashes left by a big tree, and was immediately burned into a wisp of white smoke.

Old Black immediately took Ning Yue and quickly escaped underground.

The next moment, Ning Yue waved his hand to release a large piece of ice mist, extinguishing all the embers under the little monkey's feet, and then quickly picked up the corpse crystals left by the monkey along the way...


Zhao Yin no longer activated the thunder ability, but only activated the swiftness, his figure turned into a residual image, and rushed into the zombie group again.

He intentionally protected the pseudo-mutant beasts behind him, leaving them with few C-level zombies.

All the pseudo-mutant beasts were too seriously injured.

Especially Rat Six, it had reached C-level, and a bottle of D-level healing potion could not regenerate its broken limbs.

Previously, a claw was broken, and Zhao Yin fed it five bottles of D-level healing potions before it could recover.

But after so long, it became covered with wounds again, both ears were bitten off by zombies, and only one eye was left...

Among all the contracted beasts, only the monkey and the old cow were not injured. Not to mention the monkey, the old cow's armor ability, no zombies could break through the defense.

At this time, as the number of zombies decreased, it launched another collision.

The old cow's tactic was simply a bulldozer, and it played a huge role at this moment.

As it advanced, the number of zombies decreased by one-third again, and the pressure on Zhao Yin and other contracted beasts was relieved again, and all the people and beasts killed the zombies faster!

Another twenty minutes passed.

As the monkey smashed the last zombie to death with a stick, the whole world seemed to fall into a dead silence.

Only the vast white fog was left around.

Zhao Yin was covered with sticky blood and brain matter.

Only then did he feel dizzy. This was the result of the energy being consumed and replenished at a very fast speed, and then consumed at a very fast speed again. The body of a C-level evolver was about to be unable to bear it.

The gust of wind gun in his hand was also covered with corpse oil, blood, brain matter and other filth. It was so slippery that Zhao Yin could hardly hold it steady.

Zhao Yin estimated that in this battle, he killed nearly ten thousand C-level zombies!

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