Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 228: Being beaten to the point of calling him

At this time, the zombie king suddenly retreated and avoided the attack of the corpse demon. The previous teasing in his one eye had disappeared.


Then he fell into anger.


The next moment, the zombie king used a faster speed, and one fist turned into an afterimage, smashing the corpse demon Zhang Jie out.

The force of this punch was several times greater than the previous one!

Only then did the corpse demon Zhang Jie know that this zombie king actually had a second superpower, which was a power-related superpower.

Then, the zombie king started to speed up, and before the corpse demon landed, his body turned into an afterimage and caught up in an instant, boom!

Another punch, smashing the corpse demon directly into the sky.

The corpse demon was horrified to find that this zombie king had a third superpower, a speed-related superpower!


The corpse demon smashed to the ground and sank deeply into the mud. The golden armor and petrification superpowers all cracked.

A trace of fear finally emerged in the eyes of the corpse demon Zhang Jie.

At this time, the zombie king came again. His speed was too fast. The corpse demon had no time to dodge. He was directly grabbed from the mud by the zombie king, and then slapped away...

The corpse demon spun in the air and flew out, and two of his golden teeth were slapped away.

Fortunately, he had the ability to change bones, and the two teeth that flew out flew back and entered the mouth of the corpse demon.

In the dead fish eyes of the corpse demon, he was completely panicked, and only then did he realize that he had poked a hornet's nest. He endured the severe pain from his whole body and opened his bone wings before landing.


The bone wings vibrated violently, and the corpse demon was crooked and finally stopped in the air.


Seeing that he would not land again, the zombie king roared angrily below.

This time, the corpse demon no longer dared to touch the zombie king's bad luck, and spread his bone wings to fly away.

He was running away!

The corpse demon, who had just evolved to level B, was full of vigor and thought he could make great contributions for his master, but he didn't expect to encounter this perverted zombie king, so he fled...

The zombie king below was beating the ground angrily, and many boulders were smashed into powder by him.

It was sleeping soundly, but it didn't expect a corpse demon to suddenly break into its territory.

I wanted to teach the ignorant corpse demon a lesson, but I didn't expect to lose an eye.

The zombie king wanted to chase and kill, but he couldn't help but look back at the dirt mountain. For some reason, he didn't choose to chase and kill it.



The zombie king directly issued an order, and the next moment, three kilometers away, countless zombies went berserk!

Immediately afterwards, all the zombies killed in the direction specified by the zombie king...


At this moment, the corpse demon still didn't know that because of the direction he fled, Zhao Yin fell into a bitter battle.

At this moment, it was too badly injured. After flying two kilometers, it felt like its body was falling apart.

Suddenly, it saw that in the fog below, all the zombies were running wildly in one direction. The corpse demon was not smart and instinctively chose to retreat for the time being. It flew in another direction.

Finally, the corpse demon saw a few lone C-level zombies below, and landed directly, smashed the zombies' heads with a few slaps, and then took out the corpse crystals and ate them.

After eating the corpse crystals, his body really felt much better.

Then, the corpse demon did the same thing, killing zombies and taking corpse crystals along the way, and traveled through the endless fog.

Unknowingly, he killed nearly a hundred C-level zombies, and after eating the corpse crystals, his injuries finally stabilized.

At this time, the corpse demon's dead fish eyes suddenly became sluggish.

It suddenly couldn't tell the direction, and even because the distance was too far, it couldn't sense the existence of the master...


"Master!" "Masterβ€”β€”"

The corpse demon shouted loudly, and he was completely panicked.

At this moment, the corpse demon Zhang Jie was even more terrified than being chased by the zombie king.


"Boss, I heard someone calling me?"

Jiang Shan suddenly stopped and listened.

Lu Ling nodded, she heard it too.

"The voice is strange, it doesn't sound like ours!" Lu Ling frowned and said.

"Then it's okay." Jiang Shan smiled, and then asked in confusion: "What were those zombies going crazy about just now? Why did they suddenly run over there?"

Lu Ling shook her head, she also had no idea.

What happened was too weird. Before, they were still besieged by more than a dozen C-level zombies, and several D-level evolvers under their command died in the battle. Even Lu Ling had no time to take care of them.

Who knew that those zombies suddenly scattered and then all ran in one direction.

This was not the strangest thing. Then they found that all the zombies in the depths of the forbidden area were no longer wandering aimlessly as before, but all went in the same direction like crazy.

There were even a few waves of zombies that passed by them and ignored them directly...

"Leader, Third Master, no matter what, it's a good thing for us. We just need to take the opportunity to collect crops." At this time, Xiaohui spoke up.

"Xiaohui is right!"

Jiangshan laughed and said, "At least more of our people can survive!"



At this time, the hoarse voice came closer.

"Could it be that Brother Zhao was beaten by zombies and is begging for mercy?" Xiaohui thought of something and said.

Jiangshan nodded immediately: "It's possible!"

Before the end of the world, there were many people who seemed mighty and unyielding on weekdays, but once they encountered a real crisis, they were often more cowardly than grandsons.

Lu Ling frowned and suddenly said, "Wait for me here."

"Boss, what are you going to do?" Jiang Shan was shocked.

"He hasn't told me how to ripen crops yet. I can't let him die!"

Lu Ling didn't even look back and continued, "I'll go save him!"

Her long hair fell behind her, swaying slightly with the white mist.

"Boss, the zombies here are all perverts. It's too late to dodge. The three of them are all superpowered. They can be beaten to be called masters. You may also encounter danger if you go!" Jiang Shan persuaded loudly behind him.

Lu Ling ignored him, and her graceful figure slowly disappeared in the mist.

"Let's go, follow him!" Jiang Shan shouted.

Everyone followed him and ran forward, and soon caught up with Lu Ling.

"Why are you following?"

At this time, behind Jiang Shan, there were all C-level evolvers, including Xiaohui, a total of three people.

"We will go with you to rescue people!" Jiangshan gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry, even if we encounter a crisis, Xiaohui and the others have the power to protect themselves."

Lu Ling sighed, and finally said nothing.

Soon, the voice calling for the master in front became clearer.

Gradually, a figure appeared in the white fog and was walking quickly.


At this time, the corpse demon's throat was almost broken.

Lu Ling suddenly stopped and felt a tingling sensation on her scalp.

In the past, she only felt this way every time she really encountered a life-and-death crisis.

She unconsciously tightened the Qiushui sword in her hand.

Jiangshan and others on the side were also facing a great enemy. They had seen clearly that the figure in the fog was more than half a head taller than Zhao Yin.

So, it was not Zhao Yin who was beaten by zombies and called for the master!

"Who is this person?" Xiaohui said in a trembling voice.

It is impossible for an ordinary person to appear alone in the depths of the forbidden area.

"Who is his master, and why is he calling here?"

Too weird!

When everyone was confused, the man finally walked within five meters, and gradually, they all saw clearly... the face of the corpse demon.

His thin face was pale, vaguely visible, and his face was full of blue veins like zombies.

When Lu Ling saw the dead fish eyes clearly, her face sank instantly!


But why can a zombie talk?

And call me master?

While Lu Ling was stunned, the corpse demon also found them, and then, a surprise appeared on his face.


The voice was only half uttered, and the corpse demon found that it was not Zhao Yin, and the dead fish eyes showed a deep loss.

Like a lost child.

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