Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 225 Four Secondary Superpowers

"Zhou Lili, you two go cook first and let the contract beasts eat, and I will take them out to work.

Zhao Yin pulled up his pants and shouted to the two female slaves in the distance.

Zhou Lili immediately trotted over and said respectfully: "Master, I have prepared food for you."

As soon as she finished speaking, she set up a table outside the invisibility tent.

More than a dozen dinner plates were placed, including fried food, steamed buns, vulture bone noodle soup, stir-fried shredded pork with crispy ears and vegetables, steamed turtle meat...

Everything is done in advance and stored with space rings.

Then Zhou Lili took out more than twenty large basins, all of which were filled with steaming broth.

"Master, I have prepared food for three days, and also some dry food for the road, including steamed buns, dried meat, fried food and the like!"

After saying this, Zhou Lili took off the space ring on her finger and handed it to Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin took it and inspected it briefly, with satisfaction on his face.


This woman is thoughtful and more considerate than the old lame man.

"Yes, I said that if you do things well, you will be rewarded heavily!" Zhao Yin took out the last bottle of E-level evolution potion from the space ring.

He raised his hand and handed it to Zhou Lili: "This bottle of E-level evolution potion can enable you to unlock your E-level potential."

"If you successfully brew the sorghum wine, I will give you another D-level corpse crystal to allow you to enter the peak D-level!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yin took out another E-level corpse crystal: "Give this to Zhou Dandan and let her evolve to E-level first. Tell her that if you work hard for me, her E-level evolution potion will be indispensable in the future!"

Nowadays, Zhao Yin has limited manpower, and these two female slaves are becoming more and more important.

Let them improve their strength and make things easier.

Zhao Yin no longer thinks about selling the two female slaves. They are good at work and eye-catching, and they are not short of the few corpse crystals they sold!

"Thank you boss for the gift!"

Zhou Lili was about to bend down when Zhao Yin waved his hand: "Go and call all the contract beasts over."

"Wang Xiaolei, go call Ning Yue and tell her that I will ask her to get up and start working after dinner."

Soon, Song Xiaodao, Ning Yue and Wang Xiaolei accompanied Zhao Yin to sit at the wooden table and eat.

Zhao Yin looked at the four contract beasts walking out of the cornfield.

[Adult male lion: C-level mutant beast, strength 375, agility 390, physical strength 320, defense 395, spirit 188, blood talent: gravity field, extreme speed]

[Flying White Tiger: C-level mutant beast, strength 415, agility 490, physical strength 368, defense 450, spirit 335, bloodline talent: extreme speed, psychedelic field]

[Vulture King: C-level mutant beast, strength 407, agility 450, physical strength 302, defense 478, spirit 270, bloodline talent: arrow feathers, wind system]

[Rat King: C-level mutant beast, strength 450, agility 485, physical strength 395, defense 508, spirit 224, bloodline talent: earth escape, extreme speed]

Not only did the four contracted beasts all evolve second abilities, but all the second abilities were combat-type!

Zhao Yin has not watched their potential development for several days. Except for Lion Da Mao, the other three are about to reach the peak of C level.

Xiaobai did not disappoint, and indeed evolved psychedelic powers!

Da Mao and Lao Hei's second abilities are both extremely fast, which is the same as Xiao Bai's first ability. They are very powerful!

Especially Lao Hei, he was trembling with excitement at this time.

Zhao Yin Youran remembered that the first time he experienced the horror of speed powers was with the White Rat King. At this time, the Black Rat King finally evolved speed powers!

The remaining bald egg has evolved into the elemental superpower wind system. It seems that it is destined to take the long-range attack route.

At this moment, the four contracted beasts were all excited, and even the broth placed there seemed less attractive.

"Master, I feel that the speed is very fast now!" Lao Hei was the first to express his excited voice.

"Master, my second power is also speed. It must be faster than a mouse!" Da Mao said unconvinced.

"Master, I have awakened the wind element. Not only can it increase my flight speed, I can also launch wind element attacks!" Bald Dan said proudly.


There is only one thing in Xiaobai's heart: "Except me, Xiaobai, everyone here is my younger brother!"

The other three contracted beasts all stared at the white cat angrily. They were so angry and arrogant!

Even Lao Hei was very unhappy, his green eyes burning with fire.

Zhao Yin quickly waved his hand: "No fighting among us, let's all eat!"

He used the soul of the contract to forcibly extinguish the anger of the contracted beasts. Then Zhao Yin also stared at the proud white cat: "How powerful are you? Go and compete with a monkey?"

Xiaobai was immediately frightened. The monkey's mental power was too much beyond it, and the psychedelic powers were ineffective!

The monkey's first and second abilities can also increase speed, and its agility is far beyond Xiaobai's. What's more, the monkey also has a perverted third ability...

"Squeak, squeak, squeak...!"

The monkey looked at Xiaobai with disdain and taunted, seemingly intending to vent his anger on his brothers.

Zhao Yin was worried that the white cat had become the public enemy of the world, so he coughed and said again.

"Actually, Xiaobai is not bragging. After awakening the spiritual power, its mental power has increased a lot. Any life form at the same level that has lower mental power than it will have no choice but to be slaughtered when it enters the psychedelic realm!"


Xiaobai jumped into Zhao Yin's arms and rubbed his chin aggrievedly: "Master is the best to Xiaobai, Xiaobai loves master!"

At this moment, all the contracted beasts looked at Xiaobai in shock.

The master would not lie to them.

If they were hostile, Xiaobai could easily slaughter them all except the monkey.

"Eat, and then work."

Zhao Yin threw Xiaobai out mercilessly, took out a bottle of corn wine, poured a glass, and drank it all in one gulp.

Wang Xiaolei, who was standing by, laughed happily when she heard Zhao Yin say that Xiaobai was so powerful.

She seemed to be happier than her own strength.


After a meal, Zhao Yin left the life space.

This time, in addition to Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue, as well as the beast group, he also had a B-level corpse demon by his side!

At this moment, the sight was still desolate.

The rolling white fog still filled the entire world.

If an ordinary evolver appeared so abruptly, he would not even be able to tell the direction.

However, Zhao Yin had a strong mental power, and immediately identified the way to the depths of the forbidden area from the clues nearby.

"Song Xiaodao, Baldy, you two should clear the way together!" Zhao Yin ordered.



Two gusts of wind rose at the same time, Song Xiaodao rode on Xiaobai, and Baldy flew in the sky, one up and one down.

As the wind whistled, the white fog around them rolled away at high speed.

In the blink of an eye, a road that was twice as wide as before was cleared.

At this moment, the area that Zhao Yin could search at the same time was directly doubled, which was equivalent to saving half the time!

Zhao Yin stood on the old cow, wearing a black suit that was rustling in the wind, holding the gust of wind in his hand, with the tip of the gun drooping.

He stared forward, constantly scanning the vegetation, and no plant escaped his sight.

Ning Yue rode on Laohei again and walked on his left, and Monkey carried the golden war stick and walked on his right.

And the corpse demon Zhang Jie, with a pair of bone wings growing on his back, followed the vulture and flew over Zhao Yin's head.

The team included humans, beasts, and corpse demons...

They slowly moved deeper into the forbidden area.

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