After passing the area where the golden fruit tree is located, we have gone six or seven kilometers into the forbidden area.


A C-level human zombie suddenly sprang out of the fog, and then entered the gravity field.

Before Zhao Yin could speak, Lao Hei carried Ning Yue on his back and fled underground. The next moment, he emerged from the ground behind the zombies.

Before Ning Yue had time to take action...


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Lao Hei's claws, with residual images, suddenly tore the zombie's head apart, and then with a hook, a C-level corpse crystal with black brains was hooked out.

Ning Yue was stunned for a moment.

Zhao Yin, who was opposite, was also stunned when he saw this.

He didn't expect that the combination of ground escape and extreme speed would be so perfect!

It can be described as elusive.

Immediately afterwards, Lao Hei carried Ning Yue on his back, his figure turned into an afterimage, and instantly returned to Zhao Yin: "Master!"

Lao Hei lifted the corpse crystal with his paws and handed it to Zhao Yin with excitement in his eyes.

Now, like several other mutant beasts, it can finally demonstrate the strength that a mutant beast should have in front of its owner!

"Old Hei, you did a great job!" Zhao Yin took the corpse crystal and praised it.

Lao Hei's eyes became even more excited, and the humility he had before completely disappeared at this moment.

In fact, Lao Hei is like a loser who suddenly has money and becomes confident in his words and deeds. He also feels like this at this time.

"Master, Lao Hei is also willing to insert the zombie king into your skin!"


At this time, two more zombies rushed out of the fog, one C-level and one D-level.

This time, I didn’t wait for Lao Hei to take action.

The lion's hair suddenly rushed out.

At the same time, its dual abilities are activated at the same time.

Gravity weakens the speed of zombies and increases Da Mao's own speed at an extremely high speed!

Quickly and slowly, the two zombies were like living targets, easily hunted by Da Mao.

Immediately afterwards, Da Mao also held up two corpse crystals, waiting for Zhao Yin's praise as if offering treasures.

Zhao Yin possessed him, rubbed Da Mao's head, then grabbed the corpse crystal and said: "You are also very powerful!"

"Ho ho! Da Mao is very powerful, Da Mao is the most powerful!"

Da Mao fell to the ground and rolled a few times, covered in grass and leaves, as happy as a child.

Only Xiaobai's eyes were a little dull.

Bald Dan has already demonstrated the wind element to his master, and Lao Hei, who has the least presence, is even more powerful. When the two powers are matched, the compatibility between the two powers is not much better than that of Lao Niu.

The combination of Da Mao's two abilities is also perfect.

Only Xiaobai himself, its psychedelic powers can only be effective on living organisms.

It seems to be in a forbidden area and there is no way to show it!

How can I get the owner's attention?

Xiaobai drooped his ears, and the whole cat became weak.

Song Xiaodao patted Xiaobai's head: "Good boy, Zhao Yin is destined to be the king in the apocalypse, and now you are the future queen's mount!"

Xiaobai rolled his eyes, what kind of bullshit queen?

Where did this little girl get her face in the movie?

Didn’t you really see that the one Lao Hei was carrying was already sleeping with his master?

Song Xiaodao had no idea what Xiaobai was thinking. When he saw Xiaobai's ears perked up, he felt happy: "Good cat, when I become the queen in the future, I will let you eat extraordinary food every day!"

Xiaobai was shocked. He didn't expect that the little girl would be so good to him, and he was moved in his heart.

"Meow~ Then come on!"

As the team deepens, the surrounding zombies become denser and denser, and C-level zombies appear more frequently.

When Zhao Yin appeared ten kilometers outside the core of the forbidden area, dense corpse roars suddenly sounded from all directions.



Countless footsteps formed a sound wave, approaching here very quickly.

Immediately afterwards, zombies broke into the road, one, two, three... ten, twenty...

Densely packed, in an instant, there were zombies everywhere, at least five hundred of them, nearly half of them were C-level!

In other words, at least two hundred or more existences comparable to C-level zombie kings are coming at the same time!

"Da Mao, turn on gravity with all your strength. No one or beast is allowed to go out of the gravity field!"

Zhao Yin shouted: "Kill!"

His expression also became serious.

There was no time to carefully arrange the formation, and the killing started in an instant!

Zhao Yin didn't realize that the order he just gave only mentioned humans and animals out of habit, but did not mention the corpse demon.

This also led to the corpse demon Zhang Jie feeling that he was letting him do whatever he wanted, so he immediately flew into the depths of the forbidden area...

There seemed to be something attracting him.

The zombie demon's body was too fast, coupled with the cover of the fog, and Zhao Yin's mind was focused on the battle in front of him, he didn't notice it at all...

At this time, the little monkey activated three powers with all his strength, and his terrifying figure, with raging flames, suddenly crashed into the zombie group.

Then came Lao Niu, Xiao Bai and Song Xiaodao, Lao Hei and Ning Yue...

A large piece of ice mist rose up, and among the zombies around Ning Yue, the D-level zombies were directly frozen, while the C-level zombies were frozen even slower. Then, Lao Hei's figure flashed past at high speed, and the frozen zombies were frozen. The zombies were quickly killed...

Bald Dan controlled the wind blades and arrow feathers, densely falling into the sky... They merged with Song Xiaodao's wind blades, sweeping through them like a tornado.

All the D-level zombies along the way were cut into pieces, and the C-level zombies were dead or injured...

At this moment.

All people and beasts took iced black tea and compressed biscuits as if they were free.

The weakest pseudo-mutant beast in Zhao Yin's team had already reached C-level. With the doubled strength of the special effect of iced black tea, even if the zombies here were abnormal, they could not stop them at all.

However, there were too many zombies. Just after killing the zombies in the gravity field, zombies from the outside rushed in.

The D-level zombies were quickly destroyed, but many of the C-level zombies were only injured, and it was unlikely that they would all be killed in one blow.

In this melee, the contracted beasts could not strike accurately.

This also led to more and more C-level zombies in the gravity field.

Roar, roar, roar!

In the distance, there were more and more dense corpse roars. Zhao Yin stood on the back of the old cow and looked up. That was the direction deep in the forbidden area.

The voices of C-level zombies could be vaguely heard.

The fog was all over the eyes, and it was hard to see what was happening in the depths of the forbidden area.

At this time, the battle in front of him was urgent, and Zhao Yin could only raise his gun and shoot the C-level zombies that were hit by the old cow one by one in the air...

After he killed more than 30 C-level zombies, the old cow finally slowed down.

With the attribute bonus of the giant power and iced black tea, the old cow's strength is comparable to the power of A-level!

But there are too many C-level zombies!

The strength of many C-level zombies has reached more than 300. The number of ants biting elephants is increasing, and the C-level zombies blocking the front of the old cow are increasing, causing its forward speed to slow down.

In the end, the old cow could only stop, use the armor power to bear the attack, and use the horns to kill crazily!


Zhao Yin used two things at the same time, and activated the thunder power at the same time!

The dazzling thunder burst out in the zombie group, and the purple arcs of electricity collapsed everywhere. Although it could not directly electrocute the C-level zombies, it could temporarily paralyze them.

He simply jumped off the old cow and used his speed ability to the fullest.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

A series of head-smashing sounds came, and wherever Zhao Yin passed, all the C-level zombies had their heads smashed!

At this moment, Zhao Yin was covered with zombie brains and dirty blood.

All the people and beasts were killing like crazy, and their energy was being consumed at a very fast speed.

Zombies were still endless!

After more than ten minutes, Zhao Yin's energy was exhausted, and even his two energy rings were empty.

He tore open a piece of compressed biscuit, stuffed it into his mouth, and looked back. All the contracted beasts looked tired, and Da Mao, who released the most powerful superpower, was already breathing heavily with his mouth wide open.

Zhao Yin's heart condensed, and he quickly turned around to replenish compressed biscuits for all the contracted beasts.

With the support of extraordinary food, the battle continued...

As time passed, I don't know how long it had been.

The corpses on the ground had piled up into a mountain, and all the people and beasts were stepping on the corpses.

However, the zombies' attack was still not over.

It was like it was endless.


At the front of the team, from the direction of the deep forbidden area, a large number of zombies surged again!

This time, they were all C-level, at least more than a thousand!

You know, these are all comparable to the existence of C-level zombie kings. In today's doomsday, any one of them is enough to attack the city!

At this moment, all the pseudo-mutant beasts are already scarred, especially Shu Liu, because he rushed the most fiercely, one of his front claws was broken.

The skin was dragged on the ground, oozing all over the ground, bright red blood.

Xiaobai, Laohei, and Damao were also injured to varying degrees.

Among the mutant beasts, Laohei was the most seriously injured. He wanted to show himself too much, and in order to protect Ning Yue on his back, the tip of his tail was torn off by a C-level zombie, revealing the white bones...

Zhao Yin encountered many crises in this life, but he had not experienced such a tragic battle many times!

His contracted beast had not been injured like this for a long time.

"Where did so many zombies come from?" Zhao Yin wondered.

He just heard that these zombies all came from the depths of the forbidden area.

The previous movement could not possibly alarm the depths of the forbidden area. How could the zombies gather here for no reason?

"Could it be that there is a zombie king commanding there?" Zhao Yin thought calmly.

Roar, roar, roar!

The dense zombie roars, coming from far and near, woke Zhao Yin from his thoughts. In the depths of the forbidden area, there are far more than a thousand zombies coming, and there are more behind...

It's endless, how long will it take to kill?

"My dear grandson, go ahead and see if there is a zombie king!" Zhao Yin ordered loudly.

However, there was no response from the corpse demons around him.

Zhao Yin realized something and looked back. Where was the figure of the corpse demon in the battlefield?

"Damn it!" Zhao Yin cursed.

He didn't have time to think and ordered loudly: "Monkey, turn on the third superpower with all your strength. Don't want the corpse crystal, burn it for me!"

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