Each sorghum plant consumes about 3 bottles of Nongfu Spring to ripen.

It is about the same as the consumption of ripening corn.

But the yield of each sorghum plant is four times that of corn!

If we don’t mention the taste, this kind of sorghum is definitely more cost-effective.

In the end times, most people can’t eat enough, so the least valuable thing is the taste.

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Zhao Yin smiled and ordered the five women and one corpse demon to continue cutting and harvesting.

He continued to plant and ripen.

Until 210 bottles of Nongfu Spring were consumed, Zhao Yin ripened a total of 70 sorghum plants.

Nearly 80,000 kilograms of sorghum grains were obtained!

At this time, Zhao Yin had only 76 bottles of Nongfu Spring that he had accumulated recently.

He planned to keep and plant a large number of sorghum.

After all, dripping two drops of Nongfu Spring on each sorghum seed can not only ensure the survival rate, but also directly grow seedlings.

The life space does not worry about water sources or being destroyed.

Others can't grow crops in large quantities, but he definitely doesn't have this concern.

The only thing Zhao Yin is worried about is the energy consumption of the life space.

But last time, he spent all his money to increase the diameter of the life space from more than 4,000 meters to 10,458 meters.

The diameter has increased by more than two times, but the area has increased several times!

As long as he doesn't plant hundreds of thousands of corn at a time like he did last time, there shouldn't be any big problems.

Zhao Yin was still worried, so he came to the edge of the life space and threw all the equipment he had just received into the boundary wall.

The diameter of the life space increased from 10,458 meters to 10,985 meters!

Then, Zhao Yin returned to the pond and handed all the remaining 76 bottles of Nongfu Spring to Zhou Lili.

"When you are free, pick some sorghum seeds and plant them. You don't need to plant too many, just 20,000!" Zhao Yin ordered.

"You can add more Nongfu Spring. The key is to ensure the quality of survival. If Nongfu Spring is not enough, I will add it for you later."

"Okay, Master!"

Zhou Lili bowed and replied, and Zhao Yin looked deeply at her chest again.

If we talk about body shape, Zhou Lili is definitely the best among the five women.

Hunyuan's upright chest, amazing waistline, peach-like buttocks, slender and straight legs...

Any movement of hers is thrilling.

It's just that this woman knows her advantages very well, and her words and deeds are all charming!

There is no beauty in the world better than this, and it is definitely the dream of any man.

It's just that this woman has too many thoughts, and Zhao Yin has been deliberately alienated.

"Master, Dandan just said that she knows how to make wine koji. If these high-quality grains are mixed with some corn, they can make more fragrant wine!" Zhou Lili said in a soft voice.

Zhao Yin's eyes lit up. The old cripple died, and Zhao Dehai and others also left. Zhao Yin was worried about how to make wine.

"Very good, if you can really make good wine, I will give you a big reward!"

Zhou Lili was overjoyed and bent her waist a little lower. Zhao Yin looked down at her. Although he could not see her collar, her waistline behind him was even more shocking.

Recently, Zhao Yin had been with Ning Yue and his heart was beating wildly.

He quickly looked away and coughed dryly: "Go! Store all the sorghum in the granary and let Zhou Dandan make wine as soon as possible."

"Yes! Master!"

Zhou Lili smiled charmingly. She felt that the master seemed to be particularly kind today, so she felt much better.

Zhou Dandan followed Zhou Lili and handed her a note written on toilet paper with a homemade charcoal pen.

"Sister, you have become so strange recently!"

"Really? What's strange?" Zhou Lili also wrote a note.

"Every time the boss comes back recently, his every expression can make you worry about gains and losses. Sister, didn't you say you hated him? You won't become a masochist after being abused too much, right?" Zhou Dandan wrote.

The girl looked at her sister in shock.

Zhou Lili was stunned for a moment, then her face flushed instantly, and she raised her hand to grab Zhou Dandan's ear: "You are shaking, I will pull your ear off!"

"Sister... Sister... It hurts!"


The contracted beasts still have three hours to evolve.

Zhao Yin walked back to Ban Li's subordinates and replenished some of the recently consumed supplies into the space ring.

Next, he sat down on a chair, looked at the waves in the pool, felt the breeze in the air, and his thoughts drifted away unconsciously.

In the past, Zhao Yin had deliberately changed his habit of nostalgia, but at this time, he unconsciously thought of the old cripple again.

Now, when he thought of the old cripple again, Zhao Yin only felt a slight sting in his heart, but it made him extremely uncomfortable.

He always thought that if he didn't regard the old cripple as his own and deliberately ignored his existence, he wouldn't be sad about his death.

In the end times, so many people die every day. He has seen too much, and he thought he had forgotten the sadness long ago.

He had seen countless people die, and had killed many people, and he no longer felt anything.

No matter if they were good or evil, they were nothing but grass in the end times.

But at this moment, Zhao Yin couldn't help but think about it.

He thought of the old cripple's bald head, his humble appearance, and the difference when he stood at attention...

It was like, it was like in his previous life, Zhao Yin's first loyal subordinate died.

That man was also Zhao Yin's best friend. When Zhao Yin captured a mutant beast, he was torn to pieces and died...

It was a kind of separation of life and death, heart-wrenching and painful.

In guilt, lost forever.

Zhao Yin thought that he would never feel that kind of pain again, but now the old cripple gave him this feeling again.

Sometimes, the slight pain in the heart is the most painful.

Sometimes, this kind of pain often accompanies a lifetime, can not be cut off, can not be shaken off...

Zhao Yin remembered a lot.

He thought of Zhao Dehai and others again.

"A bunch of dead traitors!" Zhao Yin couldn't help cursing.

"I don't know if they are dead."

"Leave so many supplies for them, don't waste them!"


In the end of the world, no one can guarantee that they will live to tomorrow.

Just like Zhao Yin at this time, he went deep into the forbidden land full of dangers.

No one forced him, but he had to come.

If you don't dare to take risks, you will not grow.

You can only wait for death in the cruel end of the world.

Suddenly, Zhao Yin felt a warm and soft feeling on his arm, and smelled a familiar girl's body fragrance in his nose.

When Zhao Yin was lost in thought, Ning Yue came to his side, squatted down gently, and held Zhao Yin's arm against her soft chest. She lowered her head and played with his hand.

"Zhao Yin, are you missing Uncle Wu again?" Ning Yue asked softly.

"Come, let me hug you."

Zhao Yin pulled Ning Yue directly onto his lap and held her in his arms.

Ning Yue was startled and was about to struggle to escape, but Zhao Yin lowered his head and kissed her pink lips...


In the distance, Zhou Lili, who was carrying sorghum, widened her eyes.

"Shameless, vixen!" she wrote on a note.

"Sister, Ning Yue is the master's woman. The young couple is clearing heat. What does it have to do with you?" Zhou Dandan wrote.

"In short, it's shameless!" Zhou Lili wrote.


Three hours later, the four contracted beasts finally evolved one after another!

Ning Yue fell asleep in the invisible tent. Zhao Yin walked out of the tent while holding up his pants.

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