"These insect zombies seem to be deliberately waiting next to the golden fruit tree!"

Zhao Yin looked at the nine C-level beetle zombies approaching rapidly, and inexplicably remembered that they were in Guangzhou Industrial Park.

At the beginning, Lao Niu said that he accidentally ate the golden fruit and then met the zombie king of the industrial park.

Now that I think about it, the zombie king seems to be guarding the golden fruit tree!

At this moment, Zhao Yin had some speculations in his mind... Perhaps the Golden Silk Fruit also has great benefits for zombies!

The reason he didn't know in his previous life was that the level of the Eye of True Seeing was too low to read all the information about the Golden Silk Fruit, so he had always thought that the Golden Silk Fruit only worked on mutant beasts!


What's more, the golden silk fruit is extremely precious. Even in the previous life, not many people could see such an SS-level treasure.

Every time I got the Golden Silk Fruit in my previous life, I had to pay a huge price, so it was naturally impossible to use it for experiments...

Zhao Yin didn't have time to think too much, the nine beetle zombies had already entered within thirty meters.

He immediately shouted the order.

"All contracted beasts, maintain their formation, Da Mao releases the gravity field with all his strength and reduces their flying ability!"

"Ning Yue releases ice to reduce their agility and defense in the gravity field for a second time!"

"Song Xiaodao, keep the wind strong. Zombies will not be affected by the poisonous fog, but we are all blind in the fog. The wind must not stop!"

"Bald Dan, you lead the vulture group and knock down the zombies from low altitude!"

"Old Niu takes the lead and is responsible for breaking up the zombie formation!"

"The monkeys will be killed in the first wave, Xiao Bai will be killed in the second wave, Lao Hei will be killed in the third wave, and all the giant rats will be backing up!"

Zhao Yin issued a series of orders.

All men and beasts immediately sprang into action.

The first thing is the lion's hair, swallow the compressed biscuit in your mouth directly, buzz!

Gravity field, fully open!

At this moment, the surrounding weeds broke for no reason, some rocks exploded on their own, and the nine beetle zombies flying in the sky suddenly sank.

At this moment, Lao Hei disappeared from the place with Ning Yue on his back. When he reappeared, he was under the long-horned zombie group. Ning Yue waved his hand, and a large ice mist rose.

With a radius of thirty meters around, the ground was freezing rapidly, and a layer of frost quickly condensed on the leaves of the vegetation. The black carapace of the beetle zombies flying in the air also had a layer of ice condensed on it, getting thicker and thicker...

Their movements became sluggish.

At this moment, a group of vultures descended from the sky.

Before the beetle zombies had time to adapt to the harsh environment, Bald Egg commanded eight vultures to pounce on them, and pecked their heads with their beaks.

With sparks flying everywhere, at this moment, countless arrow feathers also fell from the sky, followed by eight vultures, and fell towards the beetle zombies.

Click! Click!

The frozen carapace has become fragile. Under the double blow, the head carapace of the longhorn zombies all made an explosion like bone cracking.

One after another, the beetle zombies fell downwards like dumplings. Some were trying to avoid the vultures' attacks, and some were directly dizzy...

The next moment, boom!

Before the long-horned zombies had time to land, Lao Niu's huge figure crashed past them, bringing up dust and weed leaves all over the sky.

All the beetle zombies were knocked up and scattered...

Then, poof! puff! puff!

Zhao Yin, who was on Lao Niu's back, also activated his speed ability. The moment the Lao Niu hit him, he fired three shots in succession.

Three beetle zombies had their heads pierced!

With brains sprayed out, three huge corpses fell silently.

It is worth mentioning that after passing through the frozen zombie carapace, there is no need to activate the puncture effect. With Zhao Yin's powerful strength and the sharpness of the blast gun, it can be penetrated directly!

At this moment, before the remaining six beetle zombies had time to get up, the monkey figure also arrived.

Ten stick shadows spread all over the sky, covering the earth, carrying terrifying flames, and crashed down with a rumble.

The two beetle zombies were instantly enveloped.

Xiaobai also arrived, and he opened his mouth and bit the head of a beetle zombie. With a click, the carapace, which was already full of cracks, was bitten into pieces by it...

The old black ghost carried Ning Yue on his back and appeared behind a beetle zombie. Ning Yue waved his hand and made another ice seal. Then, the old black man waved the rat king claw...

Nowadays, Lao Hei's Rat King Claw has been upgraded to a B-level weapon. Following the cracks in the carapace, it can be poured directly into the head of the beetle zombie!

The remaining two beetle zombies were instantly overwhelmed by six giant rats...

At this time, Bald Dan also led a group of vultures and pursued them. The battle was basically over.

The nine beetle zombies, which were comparable to C-level zombie kings, were completely eliminated by Zhao Yin's team in almost ten seconds.

Of course, being able to kill so quickly was mainly due to the cooperation of the team.

In the team, there are those who control the field, those who break the ice defense, those who fly in the sky, and those who burrow underground...

Zhao Yin was very satisfied with this battle formation, which at least saved half of the energy consumption of the contracted beasts.

They are all compressed biscuits!

"Ning Yue, go and take back the corpse crystal." Zhao Yin ordered happily.

In this battle, the contract beasts seemed to be cooperating even more closely.

After Ning Yue handed the nine C-level corpse crystals to Zhao Yin, he walked towards the golden fruit tree.

Reaching out to pick the ripe golden fruit, Zhao Yin put it into a space ring to preserve it. Then Zhao Yin took out the Nongfu Spring and started watering the roots of the tree.

In his previous life, Zhao Yin had never ripened mutant fruits above S level, and never knew that so much Nongfu Spring would be needed.

Fruit trees basically no longer need energy intake, but just to ripen a golden silk fruit, it actually consumed 300 bottles of Nongfu Spring!

But everything is worth it.

After 300 bottles of Nongfu Spring were poured, the golden silk fruit was completely ripe.

The fruit skin was red, with golden threads, extremely charming.

At this moment, Zhao Yin had already obtained three golden silk fruits!

He was in a good mood, and took out more than 20 bottles of iced black tea at a time and distributed them to all the contracted beasts, and also supplemented the real mutant beasts with compressed biscuits.

"Song Xiaodao, continue!" Zhao Yin said.


Song Xiaodao activated the wind ability again.

The little loli is usually lazy, but she is always obedient at critical moments.

Zhao Yin urged the old cow to step forward.


The old cow crushed a large stone with one hoof.

Zhao Yin frowned immediately: "Da Mao, turn down the gravity, compressed biscuits are free, right?"

With the weight of the old cow, if it wasn't intentional, it wouldn't crush such a big stone.

The lion Da Mao shrank his head: "I know, master."

Before the end of the world, the lion Da Mao was one of the lions in the zoo that couldn't eat enough.

After the end of the world, there was nothing to eat. When he was hungry, Da Mao secretly ate his own feces.

So Da Mao has a great obsession with food.

After all, the master will only distribute extraordinary food when participating in the battle.

I originally thought that I could use this battle to consume more energy and ask the master for more compressed biscuits...

I didn't expect that the master would find out!

"Work hard for me, don't die, there will always be a day in the future when we can eat extraordinary food as meals, the kind that we vomit!" Zhao Yin's eyes also showed yearning.

How could he not know what the contracted beasts were thinking?

They hope to consume more energy so that they can eat more compressed biscuits.

It's not just Da Mao who thinks so, but also Xiao Bai and Bald Dan!

Apart from Lao Niu and Lao Hei, who were the most honest, even the monkey had this idea.

However, among all the contracted beasts, the monkey ate the most extraordinary food. It was the first to follow Zhao Yin and received the most education, so the monkey usually did things very secretly.

All the contracted beasts were excited, and their eyes were all glowing green.

"Master, the little monkey is willing to stab you Pi Yanzi with two knives!"

"I, Lao Niu, am willing to stab you with three knives!"

"Tsk - I, Xiao Bai, always stab the cannonballs directly!"

"Who doesn't know how to brag! I, Baldy, am willing to stab the zombie king's head for the master!"


All the contracted beasts looked at Baldy and fell silent.

At some point, the spiritual power of the contracted beasts had grown to the point where they could communicate with each other with the help of the contracted soul.

Some words that they shouldn't understand, they inexplicably understood because of Zhao Yin's existence.

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