At this moment, most of the contracted beasts looked confused, including Ning Yue, who didn't understand why a seemingly ordinary fruit could make Zhao Yin so excited.

Only the little monkey, the old cow, and Song Xiaodao were as excited as Zhao Yin.

I still remember the last time they were in danger of death in the Gwangju Industrial Park for that golden silk fruit.

That time, Zhao Yin's team had not yet developed, and they were almost wiped out.

If it weren't for the "granary", the little monkey would have died!

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The golden silk fruit also opened up the third combat ability for the little monkey!

At this time, Zhao Yin, Song Xiaodao, and the two beasts all had sighs in their eyes. It had been several months since the incident, but it still seemed like it happened yesterday, and it seemed like it had been a few years...

Zhao Yin stepped on the shoulder armor of the old cow: "Old cow, come forward!"

The old cow immediately moved his huge body and came to the front of the team, approaching the golden silk fruit tree...

Zhao Yin was about to check the properties of the golden silk fruit...


Suddenly, a huge black shadow suddenly emerged from the mist and rushed towards the old cow.

It seemed to have been lurking near the golden fruit tree before, hiding all its breath, no breathing, no heartbeat.

When Zhao Yin found it, it had already jumped high and appeared above Zhao Yin's head.


Zhao Yin instantly activated the swiftness ability, and the wind gun stabbed out instantly!

It felt like stabbing into an iron plate. The wind gun could not break its body, but it was just knocked out by the huge force.

The next moment, Zhao Yin finally saw clearly that it was a bug!

It was more than four meters long, crawling there more than one meter high, with a pair of nearly three-meter-long horns on its head, and a pair of thick and sharp mouthparts...

It was covered with a layer of carapace all over its body, emitting a dark metallic luster!

"Longhorn beetle? No... It's not a living organism!"

When Zhao Yin looked over, he had already opened the Eye of True Vision.

[Longhorn beetle zombie, C-level, evolution degree 100/15, strength 330, agility 440, defense 492, spirit 6]

It's actually a bug zombie!

Except for the fact that it has no superpowers, its attributes are no worse than any zombie king of the same level.

Because of the meteor shower, most bugs were burned to ashes, and it is impossible for them to form zombies.

Therefore, there are very few bug zombies in the end times.

And compared with mammals, the size of bugs is inherently weak.

Even if there are bug zombies that survive, it is difficult for them to grow up.

But once they grow up, when their size is not weaker than that of mammals, any bug zombie is extremely terrifying!

Just like this longhorn beetle zombie, it has a hard shell that is born with it.

It is only slightly weaker than the defensive superpowers.

And it has a pair of wings and can fly.

Its mouthparts are comparable to B-level weapons!


At this moment, the longhorn beetle vibrated its wings and flew up rapidly.

Insects are naturally faster than birds in flight speed. With a flash of their bodies, they pounced on Zhao Yin again.


Zhao Yin raised his gun and stabbed again. With the blessing of the swift power, he was also as fast as lightning. At the same time, Zhao Yin directly used 200 points of mental power to activate the penetration effect.

A white gun gas. Instantly rushed towards the longhorn beetle zombie!


The longhorn beetle zombie instinctively wanted to dodge, but Zhao Yin's speed was too fast.

The gust of wind gun directly penetrated the neck of the longhorn beetle and penetrated its body.

Everything happened in a flash.

The longhorn beetle zombie was still not dead, and it flapped its wings desperately in the air. The huge force almost took Zhao Yin to fly.

His feet tightly clamped the body of the old cow and forcibly pulled the longhorn beetle down.

At this time, the lion's hair came, and under the coverage of the gravity field, the body of the longhorn beetle zombie suddenly.

Then, a large stick with flames fell on the head of the longhorn beetle.

After the little monkey put away the golden war stick.

The flame immediately ignited the head of the longhorn beetle. After all, it was not real metal, and the shell burned rapidly, bursting with blue flames.

After a while, the whole longhorn beetle was burned to ashes.

Only a C-level corpse crystal rolled on the ground.

Unfortunately, it was still not a zombie king, and no star crystals were produced.

Zhao Yin breathed a sigh of relief. This was the first time he used the swiftness ability to kill an existence comparable to the zombie king. He was still a little nervous at the beginning.

"No star crystals again!"

Song Xiaodao jumped off Xiaobai's back and picked up the corpse crystal on the ground and said.

Zhao Yin frowned when he heard it. At this moment, it has been proved that the zombies here are not only extremely terrifying in attributes, but also much higher in level than ordinary zombies in the outside world.

He didn't know where the upper limit of the zombie level in the forbidden area was. In the depths of the forbidden area, would there be B-level or A-level?

Would there be a real zombie king?

Then how terrifying is the strength of the zombie king?

Soon, Zhao Yin shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Let's talk about it when we meet. With his current strength, even if he meets a zombie king that he can't deal with, escaping is not a big problem.

"Golden Silk Fruit is the most important!"

Zhao Yin stepped forward and picked the golden silk fruit.

The next moment, the original golden silk fruit tree withered rapidly, the green leaves quickly turned yellow and dried, the branches cracked, and even the roots were black and rotten...

Just like all the golden silk fruit trees that Zhao Yin had seen in his previous life, it seemed to be restricted by some rules and could never be cultivated.

[Golden Silk Fruit: Grade SS, Type Mutant Fruit, Effect: When taken by mutant beasts below Grade D, the evolution level is increased! Special Effect: Stimulate a bloodline innate ability in the mutant beast! Note: Mutant beast can eat it 1 times effectively]

Zhao Yin glanced at Xiao Bai. In his previous life, after the Flying White Tiger took the golden silk fruit, the ability it opened was extremely terrifying, called psychedelic!

The effect is that it can make any life form with less mental power than it fall into a dream directly!

Moreover, psychedelic is also a domain-based ability. No matter how many life forms enter its domain, they can all be solved at once.

It can kill and give life, and can also control the mind for its own use!

Now that Zhao Yin has the silver leaf, it can open up Xiao Bai's mental potential. It is hard to imagine how much this ability can play in the future!

"Xiao Bai, I'll give it to you after we get out of the forbidden area!" Zhao Yin directly determined the ownership of this golden silk fruit.

It takes half a day for the mutant beast to digest the golden silk fruit, and it still needs to continue working at this time.


After growing bigger, Xiaobai still called softly and cutely, and flattered in his heart: "Master, Xiaobai is willing to put two shells for Master Pi Yanzi!"


It's getting more and more exaggerated!

Zhao Yin's face was full of black lines. Their flattery skills have surpassed their combat power!

They all feel like they can't bear it.

Fortunately, Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue couldn't hear the voices of the contracted beasts, otherwise...

Zhao Yin didn't dare to think about it.

After he put away the golden silk fruit, he jumped on the back of the old cow again.

"Song Xiaodao, keep going forward. I suspect there are more golden silk fruits nearby!"

Song Xiaodao's little face showed excitement. Zhao Yin's strength increased, which was equivalent to her strength increasing.


The strong wind swept the white fog again, and a wide road spread forward rapidly. This time, the wind directly spread to 400 meters ahead before gradually weakening.

Song Xiaodao threw a piece of compressed biscuit in his mouth and waved his little fist: "Beasts, charge!"

With the lion's hairy as the core, all the contracted beasts moved forward.

Zhao Yin still stood on the old cow's shoulder armor, staring into the distance, with the gust of wind gun in his hand, flashing coldly.

After more than ten minutes, he advanced about three kilometers and still did not see any crops. Instead, he encountered many zombies, some D-level and some C-level!

There were no more E-level zombies.

Zhao Yin's face gradually became solemn. Judging from the distribution of zombies, it seemed that the deeper into the forbidden land, the higher the level of zombies.


Zhao Yin stopped Song Xiaodao and ordered: "Turn around, all contracted beasts, move horizontally to the right!"

"Not going to the depths of the forbidden land?" Song Xiaodao asked.

"Of course we have to go to the depths of the forbidden land, but we have to go around here first."

Zhao Yin explained: "The area where sorghum was produced before was distributed within three or four kilometers horizontally. If there are really golden silk fruits in the forbidden land, the probability of this area will be greater. We can't miss any corner!"

Song Xiaodao heard this and stopped talking. He immediately turned the wind direction and blew a road to the right.

The contracted beasts quickly changed their formation and stepped on the weeds to move forward.

Ten minutes later, Zhao Yin saw another golden silk fruit tree.

This fruit tree was bigger than the previous one, with two fruits on it.

One fruit was red with golden threads, and it was ripe.

The other was green, and it was obviously not yet ripe.

At the same time, roar!

There were bursts of corpse roars, and huge black shadows walked out of the fog.

They were all longhorn beetle zombies like before, and there were nine of them!

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