Next, in the relaxed atmosphere of the contracted beasts chatting and gossiping, three hours passed in a blink of an eye.

In the area where the golden silk fruit may exist, most directions have been searched.

Only the last small area is left.

More than 2,000 zombies were killed, and Zhao Yin obtained 2,035 D-level corpse crystals and 76 C-level corpse crystals.

However, he has never found the golden silk fruit again.

At this time, Zhao Yin's space ring, plus the previous accumulation, has a total of 87,482 E-level corpse crystals, 3,129 D-level corpse crystals, and 88 C-level corpse crystals!

"If there is no golden silk fruit, there may be no more nearby."

Zhao Yin murmured: "After searching the last area, it is time to enter the depths of the forbidden area. I don't know what dangers there are there. Let the monkey be promoted to B-level first!"

Zhao Yin directly called the little monkey, took out 1,200 D-level corpse crystals, plus 88 C-level corpse crystals, and gave them to it after collecting enough corpse crystals for promotion to B-level.

"Monkey, you should be promoted to Class B first. We will enter the depths of the forbidden area later. I need you to have stronger combat power!"

The little monkey immediately became excited. The master had never lied to it. As expected, the favorite contracted beast had always been it.

"Master, the little monkey is willing...!"


Zhao Yin's ears were already calloused from hearing this. He didn't want to listen to this kind of flattery anymore. He raised his hand and put the little monkey into the life space.

Then, he ordered all the people and beasts to continue searching the last small area.

Previously, Zhao Yin planned a four-kilometer radius around the first golden silk fruit tree he met.

At this time, the last small area left was the center of the plan. It only needed to advance all the way to the depths of the forbidden area and reach the place where the first golden silk fruit tree was met. It would be considered that the search within a radius of four kilometers was completed.

With the whistling of the wind and the rolling of the fog, the contracted beasts moved forward slowly.

Just five hundred meters away from the first golden silk fruit tree, Zhao Yin's pupils suddenly shrank.

After searching for three hours, his eyes were almost blinded, and he finally saw a golden silk fruit tree again!

This sapling was shorter than the previous two!

A red fruit with golden silk was on it!

This time, perhaps because it was too close to the first golden silk fruit tree, the zombies nearby had been dealt with before.

The old cow came to the golden silk fruit tree smoothly.

Zhao Yin jumped off the old cow directly and reached out to pick the golden silk fruit.

So far, four golden silk fruits were in hand!

Except for the old cow and the little monkey, each of the remaining four real mutant beasts could get one.

"Zhao Yin, there are already four!"

Song Xiaodao stepped forward and said, "It would be great if there was one more, I also want to try it."

As she said that, the little loli swallowed her saliva.

Zhao Yin glared at her: "Are you a mutant beast?"

"If you want a human-shaped contract beast, I, I can do it too." Song Xiaodao nodded his little head seriously.

Zhao Yin was speechless. She was so spineless for a bite of food!

Where did she get the face?

At this moment, Zhao Yin suddenly changed his mind and decided to let the four contracted beasts activate their second abilities first.

It only took half a day, but it would be safer after entering the depths of the forbidden area!

He took all the people and beasts back to the life space.

The next moment...


A hoarse voice with a metallic texture came.

Corpse demon Zhang Jie had woken up at some point. He was lying by the pond, and seemed to be catching fish again.

After seeing Zhao Yin, the corpse demon suddenly jumped up from the ground, ran towards Zhao Yin excitedly, and then pounced on him and hugged his legs directly: "Master!"

Corpse demon Zhang Jie raised his head, his voice full of excitement!

At this moment, the blue veins on his face were much less, and he looked closer to the two female corpse demons.

Even the vitality in him became vigorous, no longer like a zombie, but closer to humans.

It turns out that when reaching B level, not only the zombie king will undergo a qualitative change, but also the corpse demon!

[Corpse Demon: Grade B, Evolution Degree 100/0, Strength 628, Agility 686, Spirit 3, Defense 645, Spirit 3, Awakening Talents: Stone System, Bone Transformation, Golden Armor]

Corpse Demon Zhang Jie's attributes are even stronger than those of the Sky-Swallowing Vulture, which was also B level at the beginning!

The most important thing is that he now has three major combat abilities!

It is a pleasant surprise that the corpse demon can change its attributes at this time. Zhao Yin is in a good mood and rubs his head: "Good grandson!"

"Grandpa!" Corpse Demon Zhang Jie raised his head and looked at Zhao Yin with deep thoughts and excitement in his eyes.

Zhao Yin took out the heart of the Sky-Swallowing Vulture and threw it directly to the edge of the pool: "Go eat a full meal, and go out to fight with Grandpa later!"

The corpse demon looked at the huge heart that was still dripping with blood, and his dead fish eyes were dazed for a moment, then he licked his lips, pounced on it, and chewed it like a vicious dog eating shit.

There was also a head of the Sky-Swallowing Vulture, which was prepared for the Corpse Demon.

But Zhao Yin did not take it out, because he was worried that the Corpse Demon would fall into a deep sleep again after eating it.

Everything will be decided after leaving the forbidden area.

At this time, the little monkey had completed its evolution. When it saw Zhao Yin appear, it immediately ran over here.


"Master, the little monkey feels stronger again, and can kill more powerful zombies for you!"

Zhao Yin immediately opened the Eye of True Vision.

[Adult Tongtian Monkey: B-level mutant beast, strength 558, agility 579, physical strength 428, defense 587, spirit 400, bloodline talent: gigantic, frenzy, fire control]

The little monkey has just been promoted to B-level, and its potential has not yet been opened, but it is already very strong!

When it was at C-level, it was not weaker than ordinary B-level mutant beasts, and now its attributes have surpassed the dead Sky-Swallowing Vulture!

Zhao Yin praised: "Very good, I'm waiting for you to show your strength!"

"Master, the little monkey will definitely not let you down!"

The little monkey jumped in front of Zhao Yin, and a string of flames suddenly burst out on its fingers.

It was like offering a treasure: "Master, master, look!"

The azure flames before now have a hint of black!

The temperature around seemed to rise a few degrees.

Zhao Yin's breathing sank, and he felt threatened by that trace of flame.

After the little monkey reached B-level, did its ability also undergo a qualitative change?

Zhao Yin took out a mountain axe that he had just traded with Lu Ling and threw it on the ground.

"Try the power of the flame!"

The little monkey was shocked and immediately pressed the flame on his finger towards the mountain axe... The next moment, the blue flame with a hint of black spread rapidly and wrapped the mountain axe.

Then, the mountain axe melted rapidly.

"Quick! Put away your superpowers!"

Zhao Yin shouted nervously on the side.

He had never expected that even D-level weapons could not withstand the little monkey's superpowers!


The little monkey quickly stretched out his hand to absorb the flames. The mountain axe was almost completely deformed, and the axe blade melted into an iron lump.

"Master, it's amazing!" It raised its lower jaw and waited for Zhao Yin's praise.


Zhao Yin then warned seriously: "However, you must be more careful when burning corpses in the future. Remember not to burn corpse crystals and star crystals."

"Got it, master!" The little monkey nodded repeatedly.

Zhao Yin took out a bottle of corn wine and gave it to the little monkey: "This is your reward."

"Thank you, Master. The little monkey is willing...!" The little monkey paused and looked back at the other contracted beasts.

It always felt that it should change to a more innovative flattery. It thought about it seriously and said in its heart: "The little monkey is willing to fight for the master until the last hair is left!"

Zhao Yin was too lazy to pay attention to it, waved his hand, and let the monkey play.

The little monkey, who turned into a little macaque, carried his beloved corn wine that the master had just rewarded, and circled around the pool crazily.

Zhao Yin took out four golden silk fruits and swept his eyes over all the contracted beasts around him.

All the contracted beasts took a deep breath.

They all stared at the golden silk fruit in Zhao Yin's hand, although they didn't know what it was.

But their blood was boiling, and they felt the importance of that thing faintly!

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