After the transaction, Zhao Yin put away all the Nongfu Spring and equipment.

Lin Gang suddenly said to Lu Ling: "Boss, I want to go alone to explore."

"You want to act alone?" Lu Ling was stunned.

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"The forbidden area is far more dangerous than imagined. Now that the brothers have come in, it is impossible to recall them."

Lin Gang continued: "I can protect one person, and I can save one person from death!

Lu Ling hesitated slightly and nodded: "It's better to separate."

Lin Gang looked back at all the evolvers, then turned around and walked into the fog, and his tall back slowly disappeared.

"Let's go! "Lu Ling sighed.

Jiang Shan, Xiao Hui and others followed closely behind her, slowly walking into the depths of the forbidden area.

Soon, another mutant sorghum appeared in front of them, which was similar to the one Zhao Yin had put into his life space.

This time, Zhao Yin did not compete with Lu Ling again.

Lu Ling swung her sword to cut off the sorghum tree, and Jiang Shan and others picked more than a thousand kilograms of crops into the space ring. Only then did she walk out of the haze of her subordinates' death, and a smile appeared on her face.

In the last few months of the apocalypse, she also walked out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses, and her character was not comparable to that of the women before the apocalypse.

In the next ten minutes, no evolvers were encountered in the camp.

On the way, they met a few more zombies, all of which were E-level and D-level, and were solved by Lu Ling's swords. Suddenly, Jiang Shan pointed to a huge plant that fell down three meters away from his feet.

"Boss, look, mutant sorghum!"

Lu Ling hurried over. It was indeed a sorghum tree, but the crops on it had just been picked by someone.

"It's our people! "Lu Ling smiled.

This is good news.

Zhao Yin's eyes lit up. There are more mutant crops in the forbidden area than he thought.

The people in the camp have the ability to find sorghum, and the chance of finding other crops is not small.

Due to the fog, the area they walked through was only a few thousand meters. Compared with the dozens of kilometers of the entire forbidden area, there are still large unknown areas.

How many mutant crops and how many varieties are there?

"Leader Lu, I want to explore alone." Zhao Yin said.

"You don't plan to go with us?" Lu Ling was absent-minded.

In her opinion, although Zhao Yin is a superpower, he is unlikely to be stronger than her.

The other party has been following behind her, just to seek shelter. I didn't expect that he would also act alone.

Zhao Yin shook his head: "The forbidden area is very large, and it is impossible for the people in the camp to explore it all. One more person's effort may result in more gains. "

After saying that, Zhao Yin didn't plan to wait for Lu Ling to say anything else, and turned around with Song Xiaodao and walked into the fog.

At this time, he had already figured out the strength of Lu Ling and Lin Gang, and the crisis deep in the forbidden area was still unknown.

Since they were not SSS-level psychics, Zhao Yin no longer expected Lu Ling to find out everything for him.

Being with them would only be a burden to him.

Zhao Yin's goal had been achieved. No matter how many crop seeds the camp could find in the forbidden area, they would definitely exchange them with him for supplies.

As for the life and death of Lu Ling and others next, Zhao Yin didn't care.

After walking 500 meters, Zhao Yin stopped and took Song Xiaodao back to the life space.

At this time, Ning Yue was sitting outside the invisible tent, chatting with Wang Xiaolei. The two female slaves were frying crispy ear vegetable boxes with corn oil, and put them into the space ring while they were still hot, ready for Zhao Yin and others to take away as dry food.

The corpse demon was still lying under the chestnut tree, his chest rising and falling regularly, but he was not awake, and his whole body was full of vitality.

All the contracted beasts were waiting outside the invisible tent to see Zhao Yin and Song Xiaodao appear.

"Master!" "Master..."

A series of voices sounded in Zhao Yin's heart.

Zhao Yin went directly to the place where dandelions were planted, replenished hundreds of dandelion leaves, and then distributed one to each contracted beast.

After all the contracted beasts ate, Zhao Yin took Ning Yue, Song Xiaodao, and all the contracted beasts to the forbidden area.

"Song Xiaodao, you ride Xiaobai, drink iced black tea, and use your supernatural power to blow away the fog in front! "

Zhao Yin ordered directly.

Xiaobai immediately walked towards Song Xiaodao, and the little Loli climbed onto its back and sat on the golden saddle.

She tilted her head back, drank a bottle of her favorite iced black tea as ordered, and then burped.

The next moment, Song Xiaodao waved his hand, and a strong wind blew around.

The thick white fog swept rapidly into the distance. In the blink of an eye, the fog that was dozens of meters wide and three hundred meters long in front was cleared.

The fog was rolling all around, but there was only a clear sky.

"Da Mao, you also drink the iced black tea, and open the gravity field with all your strength to protect all the contracted beasts inside. If you run out of energy, eat compressed biscuits! "

Zhao Yin opened a bottle of iced black tea and fed it to Da Mao, and stuffed a piece of compressed biscuit into its mouth.

Da Mao had no mount equipment, so he could only let it hold the compressed biscuit in its mouth.

At this time, with the protection of Da Mao's gravity field, all people and beasts had an extra layer of protection.

Then, Zhao Yin ordered Ning Yue: "Ning Yue, ride on Lao Hei, it can save your life at the critical moment!"

Lao Hei heard this and immediately walked towards Ning Yue...

So far, Song Xiaodao has Xiao Bai, a mutant beast with super speed and superpowers, to protect him, and Ning Yue has Lao Hei, an expert in escaping!

After arranging these, Zhao Yin ordered again.

"All people and beasts must not leave the gravity field without permission."

"This time, the mission is to kill zombies first, and to find mutant crops first... I declare that we will move forward immediately!"

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he also jumped onto the back of the old cow. His tall figure stood on the front shoulder of the old cow, holding a cold and shining blast gun in his hand.

The howling wind messed up the long hair of Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue, and also made Zhao Yin's suit rustle.

As Xiaobai took a step, the wind spread forward...

The herd slowly moved forward.

Song Xiaodao's wind force was like a beam of light in the dark night in the mist. As the direction of the wind force kept changing, Zhao Yin could see a large area from a high position.

Soon, Zhao Yin saw another mutant sorghum.

"Monkey, go pick it!" He immediately commanded the monkey with his voice.

The monkey ran over happily, uprooted the sorghum tree directly, and ran towards Zhao Yin carrying it.

"Master, there are so many sorghums." The monkey's happy voice was transmitted.

"When we make sorghum wine, you can drink it too!" Zhao Yin said generously.

"Okay! Little monkey wants to drink with the master!" Monkeys are born to love wine. When they heard that they could make wine, they jumped up and down happily.

Zhao Yin directly connected to the sorghum tree and put it into the life space together.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

At this time, countless corpse roars suddenly came from the fog.

It was attracted by the sound of Song Xiaodao's wind. The footsteps of countless zombies were rapidly surrounding him.

"Prepare for battle!" Zhao Yin shouted immediately.


Damao roared and immediately opened the gravity field with all his strength. Then, zombies walked out of the fog from all directions.

They looked hideous. Compared with the dry skin of zombies outside, the zombies in the forbidden area were covered with pustules. The old zombie walking in front had two eyeballs hanging on his eye sockets, and kept swinging to both sides when walking. Sticky liquid kept dripping from his rotten eye sockets...

The moment the zombies stepped into the gravity field, their movements became sluggish.

At this time, Bald Egg led the vultures and flew low to pounce.

Swish, swish, swish!

Countless arrows fell from the sky!

Before the zombies could react, a large number of them were stabbed into hedgehogs.

Then, the arrows flew back, paused slightly on Bald Egg, and shot out again...

Under Ning Yue's command, Lao Hei immediately escaped into the earth, and when he appeared again, he was already in the center of the zombies.

Ning Yue waved his hand, and a large piece of ice mist rose. All the zombies within a radius of more than ten meters were frozen.

Then, a dozen ice cones condensed rapidly in the air.


Ning Yue blew a light breath, and the ice cones fell into the corpse group like raindrops.

Accurately pierced the head of each zombie...

The other contracted beasts had not had time to take action, and the corpse group was completely solved.

The little monkey held his golden stick and stayed there.

"Master, it's not that I didn't work hard. I just... I just heard that there was wine to drink, and I was too happy. I didn't pay attention and let Baldy get ahead...!" The little monkey explained nervously.

It was worried that its vanguard position would be taken away by Baldy.

"I know that you are the most obedient monkey of the master." Zhao Yin comforted him, and then ordered: "Monkey, burn the corpse and take the corpse crystal!"

"Yes, master!"

The monkey was excited again, and a fireball as big as a human head condensed in his hand, raised his hand and threw it into the pile of corpses.

Suddenly, the azure flame burned...

"Well done!" Zhao Yin praised.


The monkey jumped up and down happily.

Ten minutes later, Song Xiaodao used the wind to blow away the ashes. There were only 300 E-level corpse crystals and 52 D-level corpse crystals left.

Zhao Yin collected all the harvests with a calm face.

"Keep moving forward!"

All the people and beasts gathered again, formed the previous formation, and moved forward again...

Time passed by minute by minute, and the white mist was like a dead silence!

Just when Zhao Yin went five kilometers deep into the forbidden area, he suddenly saw that the mist in front was blown away by Song Xiaodao, revealing a short shrub.

On that shrub, there was a fruit that made him extremely familiar!

The whole fruit was red, with golden threads!

Zhao Yin's breathing suddenly sank, and he blurted out: "Golden Silk Fruit?"

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