"Little sister, are you okay?" Jiang Shan asked.

Song Xiaodao slowly raised his head, took out a few white tissues, and wiped the corners of his mouth.

When this scene fell into the eyes of Jiang Shan and others, the three of them were stunned again!

You must know that although they are the leaders of the camp, they usually don't even have paper to wipe their butts.

Lin Gang usually used rocks, leaves and other things to deal with when he was convenient, but Jiang Shan was more direct, just pick up his pants and leave.

Even Lu Ling prepared a lot of clean rags in the space ring.

Not to mention such clean toilet paper, even newspapers and the like, I haven't seen it for a long time.

However, Song Xiaodao's next move made the three of them widen their eyes again.

I saw her throwing away the toilet paper, then taking out a whole pack and starting to clean up the vomit on the floor...

"Little sister... don't! Wait, don't waste such precious paper!" Jiang Shan shouted quickly.

"You mean this?"

Song Xiaodao asked: "Is it very precious?"

"Precious! Very precious!" Lin Gang said.

His hemorrhoids have become inflamed recently.

"Are you mistaken? I have a lot of toilet paper here!" As if to prove something, Song Xiaodao took out a pile of at least forty or fifty packs from the space ring.

Zhao Yin once ransacked the Asan Army Camp and obtained tens of thousands of packs of tissues!

They are usually piled randomly under the chestnut tree.

He didn't manage it deliberately, and Song Xiaodao stored dozens of packs in the space ring for backup.

There are also many in Ning Yue's space ring.

At this time, the three camp leaders all looked at Song Xiaodao in shock, especially Lu Ling, their eyes widened.

"Little sister Song, you...can I buy it from you? How about a pack of ten D-level corpse crystals?"

With that said, Lu Ling began to look for the space ring, almost pleading: "The price is negotiable."

Song Xiaodao was stunned, as if he didn't expect that ordinary paper towels could have such value.

For a long time, Song Xiaodao followed Zhao Yin and almost forgot what the end of the world should be like.

Zhao Yin smiled and said: "The leader of the road is out, it's just a few packs of tissues, what's the worth of the corpse crystals!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he directly picked up three packs of tissues and threw them at Lu Ling and the others.

The three people took it, with joy on their faces.

Jiang Shan quietly stuffed his tissue to Lu Ling: "Boss, here you go."

Lu Ling immediately cast a grateful look and asked in a low voice: "Uncle Jiang, don't you need it?"

"I am made of iron and cannot be broken!"

Jiang Shan said cheerfully, and looked at Lin Gang with disdain.

Lin Gang's face turned red and he wanted to take the tissue to please Lu Ling.

But Pi Yanzi doesn't live up to expectations!

He cherished the tissue and put it into the space ring, pretending not to see it.

Lu Ling got two packs of tissues at once and said to Zhao Yin with a smile as bright as a flower.

"Thank you, Brother Zhao. I really don't know how to thank you."

Zhao Yin smiled and said: "If Chief Lu really wants to thank you, why not give him something of equal value in return!"

Lu Ling's face froze, she didn't expect that the other party would actually ask her for a gift in return for just a polite word.

Zhao Yin doesn't even like D-level corpse crystals. If she is asked to bring out a more precious treasure...

Just when Lu Ling hesitated, Zhao Yin pointed to the sorghum steamed buns on the table: "I'm interested in this kind of steamed buns, why don't Leader Lu give me some sorghum seeds?"

"Brother Zhao should know that it is not easy to cultivate fields in the apocalypse. You need to have a place close to a water source. However, most places with water sources are not safe and cannot be defended. We have thought about planting before, but we have been blocked several times. Zombies destroyed!"

Lu Ling said: "It takes several months to plant crops and wait for the harvest. During this period, people must be sent to guard you at all times! But Brother Zhao, there are only three of you, and you cannot wait forever for the crops."

"Brother Zhao, why not join our camp? With you joining us, the camp might actually be able to cultivate fields!"

After going around in circles, Lu Ling came back to the topic again.

She took every opportunity to persuade Zhao Yin.

"I'm sorry, Chief Lu. We're not used to living with too many people. I'm just curious about growing crops. Chief Lu, just give me the crop seeds!" Zhao Yin said calmly.

The expressions of Lu Ling and the three of them all froze.

Unexpectedly, they brought out the best food and wine in the camp, but still could not attract Zhao Yin.

Soon, a smile appeared on Lu Ling's face again: "Brother Zhao, if you think about it again, you can stay in the camp for a few days to observe before leaving."

"I can consider it!" Zhao Yin nodded: "But, sorghum seeds?"

There was a hint of coldness hidden in his eyes.

If the other party is still ignorant, it is impossible to say that he will grab the crop seeds!

Jiang Shan on the side felt something keenly and quickly shouted haha.

"Brother Zhao, it's not that the boss didn't give you seeds. In fact, we didn't grow the mutant sorghum ourselves, we just got it in one place by chance!"

"We...we didn't get much sorghum, so we had to grind it all!"

After saying that, Jiang Shan was afraid that Zhao Yin wouldn't believe it, so he took off the space ring from his finger.

"Here is all the food inventory in the camp. Brother Zhao can take a look at it himself."

Zhao Yin frowned, took the space ring, and inspected it on the spot.

There isn't much food stored inside.

There are only a few tons of spoiled food from before the apocalypse, and a dozen large bags of mutated sorghum noodles, about two thousand kilograms.

Six bottles of Luzhou Laojiao, seven or eight thousand catties of ordinary wild boar meat.

No wonder they treasure sorghum buns and use them to win me over!

No wonder Jiangshan would lick a drop of trash wine on the table without hesitation.

It turns out that they only have this little stuff!

To put it bluntly, Lu Ling's talk of free food and wine is just bragging!

Zhao Yin returned the space ring to Jiangshan, his face had turned cold.

The three leaders of the camp were embarrassed, especially Lu Ling, whose face turned red like a persimmon after her lie was exposed.

Jiangshan was the thickest-skinned: "Brother Zhao, in fact, we know a place where there are still some sorghum, but...!"

"It's just that it's very dangerous there. Even we only explored the periphery. Sorghum was found there. I once accidentally saw that there was another sorghum in the depths..."

Jiangshan said carefully, worried that Zhao Yin would misunderstand that his intentions were not pure.

"Brother Zhao, we call that place a forbidden area. Many people have entered it before, including those with supernatural powers who came here because of its reputation, but... I have never seen anyone walk out of the depths of the forbidden area!"

"Forbidden area?"

Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue both raised their heads.

At this time, even Xiaobai in Zhao Yin's arms poked his head out from his suit collar.


Jiang Shan did not pay attention to the palm-sized kitten and continued.

"Our camp was built here because of the existence of the forbidden area! Wild beasts and sorghum can be found occasionally outside the forbidden area!"

"Where is the forbidden area? Can you take me to see it?" Zhao Yin asked immediately.

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