After entering the camp, not long after, a group of people came up quickly!

Zhao Yin's expression condensed, and he immediately opened the Eye of True Vision.

There were more than 130 people in total, all of them were evolvers.


Three people were C-level, 26 were D-level, and the remaining more than 100 were all E-level...

In front of everyone, there was a young woman with a hot body, wearing a slim leather suit and high heels.

All C-level defensive equipment, fluorescent flow.

[Human female, awakened person with superpowers, C-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 317, agility 326, physical strength 210, spirit 180, life countdown: 495963 days]

Next to the woman, there was a tall middle-aged man, who seemed to deliberately slow down the woman by half a step, deliberately highlighting the woman's superior status.

[Human male, awakened superpower, C-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 335, agility 306, physical strength 250, spirit 120, life countdown: 487251 days]

There are actually three superpowers in this camp!

The true vision eye cannot see the specific attributes of the superpowers of the woman and the tall man, but it can only be said that they are at least A-level or above.

Obviously, Jiangshan asked someone to prepare wine earlier, but he was actually calling for help.

"Please don't get me wrong, this is the leader of the camp. I heard that you three are coming, so I came to greet you!"

Jiangshan saw the change on Zhao Yin's face and immediately explained.

Zhao Yin didn't speak, his eyes fell on the woman!

"Welcome to the three superpowers, my name is Lu Ling, the leader of this camp!"

The woman twisted her slender waist and walked over.

She was in her early twenties, with a melon-seed face, beautiful red lips, fair skin, and bright eyes that were charming and soul-stirring.

The True Vision Eye can only see Lu Ling's basic information, and cannot tell the specific level and type of superpowers.

Zhao Yin said calmly: "My last name is Zhao, and these two are Ning Yue and Song Xiaodao!"

"So it's Brother Zhao and his two sisters."

A smile appeared on the beautiful face of the woman: "The end of the world is coming, and there are not many human survivors. Since we have met, we are a family!"

"I heard that you three are here to stay overnight. There is not much else in the camp, but there are enough food and wine!"

"I have prepared a welcoming banquet for you three. Please follow me to the banquet first!"

After Lu Ling finished speaking, a group of evolvers behind him immediately parted ways.

When Zhao Yin took a step, Lu Ling deliberately walked side by side with him, and everyone followed behind them.

It can be said that Zhao Yin was given enough courtesy!

Zhao Yin understood that all this was because the strength of the three of them was strong enough!

Lu Ling just wanted to absorb the three superpowers into the camp.

If it were ordinary survivors, they might not even be able to step into the gate, or even be robbed of all their belongings, so that... they would lose their lives.

Soon, the group walked into a spacious and bright stone house. In the middle of the hall was a huge round table covered with food.

A large pot of hot, unknown animal meat and wild vegetables stewed in broth.

A large pot of black steamed buns.

And a bottle of Luzhou Laojiao before the end of the world, the kind that costs more than ten yuan a bottle.

"Three, although you are very powerful, you must have never eaten such fresh and delicious food after the end of the world!"

At this time, the tall man who had not spoken said in an affirmative tone.

There was a hint of arrogance on his face.

Zhao Yin smelled the smell and immediately distinguished that the meat was just ordinary animal meat, but the steamed buns were made of a mutant crop!

Zhao Yin couldn't help but take a closer look at the steamed buns, trying to distinguish what kind of mutant crop it was.

But his eyes fell on the eyes of several leaders in the camp, just like a country bumpkin entering the city.

Even Lu Ling had a hint of sarcasm in her eyes, but she quickly hid it and said with a smile: "Three of you, please take a seat and enjoy!"

Zhao Yin didn't notice their expressions at all. At this time, he was thinking about how to get the seeds of this mutant crop.

No matter what crop it is, the number of varieties that can fill the life space.

He took Song Xiaodao with one hand and Ning Yue with the other, and sat down at the table without courtesy.

The three camp leaders also sat down separately. At this time, Jiang Shan said: "Three of you, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jiang Shan, the third leader in the camp, and this is Lin Gang, the second leader of the camp!"

"Hello, Leader Lin, Leader Jiang!" Zhao Yin retracted his gaze and said with a smile.

"Brother Zhao, don't be polite, just eat it. If it's not enough, I'll ask someone to make more." Lu Ling said generously.

"Thank you!"

Zhao Yin grabbed a steamed bun and took a big bite directly.

Then, he widened his eyes and finally remembered!

Isn't this made of mutant sorghum?

But compared to the corn buns Zhao Yin usually eats, the sorghum steamed bread tastes like shit!

Mutated crops are different from crops before the end of the world. Mutated corn flour can also be steamed into big white steamed buns, which are soft, glutinous and sweet.

On the contrary, the steamed buns made of sorghum taste very strange.

But out of politeness, Zhao Yin still swallowed it reluctantly.

Little did he know that Zhao Yin's expression fell into the eyes of the three leaders, and they understood it differently.

Lin Gang immediately said: "Brother Zhao, it's not shameful not to have eaten mutant crops. Many people in the end of the world have not eaten them."

"This is a new variety after the end of the world, a kind of sorghum mutation. Although the taste cannot be compared with the sorghum before the end of the world, it is a fresh ingredient after all, not the rotten food you usually eat!"

Jiangshan also picked up the bottle of Luzhou Laojiao and poured some into six small bowls full of gaps, and his movements were cautious.

A drop of wine spilled on the table, and Jiangshan immediately lay down and licked it clean.

Then he distributed the six wine bowls in front of everyone, and then he smiled and spoke.

"Brother Zhao, most people nowadays can't even eat food, and no one can use food to make wine, but in our camp, we can drink this luxury!"

Jiangshan had a rich expression: "Brother Zhao, you're welcome, you must not have drunk wine for a long time, come and try it!"

Zhao Yin was immediately distracted and didn't react for a long time.

How can they be sure that they haven't eaten mutant crops and haven't drunk wine for a long time?

His absent-mindedness made Lu Ling's smile deepen. She immediately said, "Brother Zhao, to be honest, our camp not only has food and drink, but also has no shortage of corpse crystals. As long as you are willing to join the camp, you will be treated the same as the three of us!"

In Lu Ling's opinion, Zhao Yin and his three men are strong enough and are wandering survivors. It is easy to invite them to the camp.

If these three high-level psychics can be successfully absorbed, the strength of the camp will double. Not only will the safety be greatly improved, but it will also develop rapidly...

This is also the reason why Lu Ling immediately welcomed Zhao Yin and his three men after receiving Zhang Shan's instructions.

However, at this moment, an untimely retching sound sounded.

"Ugh... Ugh...!"

Song Xiaodao was lying under the table, vomiting desperately, and vomiting jaundice juice.

The little girl ate a sorghum bun while Zhang Shan was talking!

"Song sister, what are you doing..." Lu Ling was shocked.

Jiang Shan and Lin Gang also looked at Song Xiaodao in confusion.

After seeing the sorghum buns she spit out, both of them showed heartache in their eyes.

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