"Are you really going?" Jiang Shan asked in surprise.

Lu Ling answered: "Brother Zhao, it's okay for you to go and have a look. We happen to be planning to go hunting outside the forbidden area today, but as I said before, you are not familiar with it. You must not wander around then. You must obey my command in everything!" "

"No problem." Zhao Yin readily agreed.

"Come on, let's all eat. Go back when you're full!" Lu Ling said.

Jiang Shan and Lin Gang stopped pretending, picked up the sorghum buns and started to eat them.

Both of them looked like starving ghosts.

Obviously, they are not willing to eat such mutated crops.

Lu Ling was much more polite. She picked up a steamed bun and chewed it carefully. She didn't look vulgar or pretentious!

Finally, after the three of them had finished showing off three or four steamed buns each, they realized that none of Zhao Yin and the others had moved.

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

"You don't want to eat?" Lu Ling asked.

Just as Song Xiaodao was about to say something, Ning Yue covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Xiaodao, she's not hungry."

After saying that, Ning Yue grabbed a sorghum bun and ate it symbolically.

"Come on, let's drink!" Jiangshan held up the broken bowl like a treasure and raised it to Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin could only pick up the bowl and touch it with him, then frown and drink.

"How is it? Is this wine not bad?" Jiang Shan seemed to have finally found his confidence and asked with a smile.


"Brother Zhao, to tell you the truth, in today's apocalypse, even if this wine is not yours, it is definitely not much. If you hadn't met my brother, how would you have been able to drink it?" Jiang Shan said with a smile.

Zhao Yin could only deal with it casually.

After eating, Lu Ling summoned fifty evolvers and took Zhao Yin and others with her.

Rushing towards a mountain range in the distance.

On the way, Song Xiaodao couldn't help but take out a roasted chestnut and ate it in big gulps.


The strong aroma of roasted chestnuts flowed down the wind, and many of the team of evolvers following behind them sniffed hard.

"What smells so good?"

"Is there such delicious food in the apocalypse? Who is eating it?"

Even Lu Ling, who was walking at the front, sniffed and couldn't help but look back.

At a glance, Song Xiaodao was eating something.

"They actually have such delicious food!" Lu Ling muttered in confusion.

Jiang Shan and Lin Gang also discovered something. They looked back at Song Xiaodao. Even though they had just finished eating, they couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

So delicious!

Compared to this kind of fragrance, the sorghum steamed buns they are so proud of are just shit!

The three of them were about to ask Song Xiaodao what he was eating when they suddenly saw Ning Yue take out a big snow-white steamed bun, which was steaming hot.

And Zhao Yin took out a bottle of wine. As soon as the bottle cap was opened, the rich aroma of wine, which was better than any beauty in the world, spread rapidly within a hundred meters...

"Gudu!" "Gudu...!"

At this moment, everyone was swallowing their saliva.

Lu Ling swallowed, with a hint of loneliness in her eyes, and finally understood why the treatment she had given Zhao Yin before could not impress him at all!

It turns out that people are the real ones who have enough to eat and drink! ’

"Brother Zhao, what kind of wine are you drinking?" Jiang Shan finally couldn't help it, licking his face and came to Zhao Yin's side.

Zhao Yin only thought that eating quietly would not attract attention, but he didn't know that these guys were all dog-nosed.

He could only say perfunctorily: "The home-brewed corn wine is not as good as the Luzhou Laojiao you made before, Brother Jiang."

Jiang Shan's face turned red, he rubbed his palms uneasily and said, "Brother Zhao, you are the one who hides your secrets. You have enough food to make wine!"

"Do you want to drink?" Zhao Yin asked directly, handing him the bottle.

"No, no, no!" Jiang Shan waved his hands quickly: "Brother Zhao is a guest of the camp, how can he drink from you?"

"Really?" Zhao Yin nodded.

Jiang Shan was waiting for his next words, but Zhao Yin never spoke again.

He took out another piece of dried turtle meat and ate it with wine...

Suddenly, the aroma of wine and meat filled everyone's nostrils.

For Jiang Shan and others, it was like roasting them on the fire.

If they weren't concerned about the strength of Zhao Yin and the others, someone would have already taken action to snatch it away.

Soon, Zhao Yin drank half a bottle of wine and put away the food and wine. Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue were also full.

The three of them acted as if nothing had happened and continued to move forward with the team.

Jiang Shan was so angry that he beat his chest and stamped his feet. He wished he could slap himself to death!

Why are you being polite to Zhao Yin?

Lu Ling wanted to trade some food with Zhao Yin, but she didn't say anything.

Extraordinary materials are the blood of the development of the camp and must not be exchanged with Zhao Yin for food. As for other materials, how could Zhao Yin value them?

Lin Gang lowered his head. He remembered how he had looked down on Zhao Yin and others before, and now he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

They can produce two different crops and have grain to make wine!

You can imagine how nourishing Zhao Yin's life is, but he still claims that he has never eaten mutant crops!

Everyone on the road became silent.

Finally, after climbing over several mountains, everyone came to a huge valley covering an area of ​​dozens of kilometers.

From a distance, thick fog enveloped the entire valley.

"This is a forbidden area!"

As Lu Ling stopped, the faces of all the evolvers became nervous.

At this time, wind poured into the valley from the mouth of the valley, and the fog was blown away some. It was vaguely visible that countless lush vegetation were growing in the valley.

Jiang Shan suddenly pointed in a direction: "Brother Zhao, I once saw a mutated sorghum tree there, but you have to go six hundred meters into the valley. The mist here is poisonous. Even a C-level evolver will be poisoned if he inhales a few more breaths." Coma, being comatose in the valley is basically equivalent to death.”

At this time, everything six hundred meters away was covered in thick fog.

Zhao Yin's mental power was several times stronger than Jiang Shan's, and he still couldn't see anything when he opened the Eye of True Sight.

"Before the end of the world, most crops will not have the same vitality as weeds. This situation will be even worse after the end of the world. Except for a few mutated crops, they will not be able to grow in the end of the world. This is the biggest reason for the food shortage in the end of the world, and it is also the sorrow of all mankind. ”

After Jiang Shan finished speaking, he let out a long sigh.

His tone inexplicably made Zhao Yin feel like a dead old cripple.

Zhao Yin couldn't help but look up at the middle-aged man in front of him. The skin on his face was loose and like orange peel.

"This forbidden land is different. I don't know why, but it can grow a lot of mutant crops. It's just a pity that this is a Jedi!" Jiang Shan continued.

Zhao Yin took steps and walked directly towards the valley.

"Brother Zhao, what do you want to do?"

Lu Ling quickly spoke loudly and stepped forward to stop him: "Didn't we agree that we are not allowed to walk around? You really don't know how dangerous this place is!"

Zhao Yin could tell clearly that Lu Ling was really caring about him at this time, and said calmly: "I just want to try it to know the level of toxicity of the poisonous mist!"

"We have tried it a long time ago. The toxicity has reached at least C level, maybe even B level. Your C level body will definitely not be able to withstand it!"

"Level B or below?" Zhao Yin was shocked.

In his hand, a half-meter-wide plant leaf suddenly appeared.

[Dandelion: E-level mutant plant, rich in nutrients! Efficacy: Removes poisons below B level! Special effect: Sow seeds, and when the umbrella withers, a thousand mutated plants of the same level will grow.]

Jiang Shan was shocked when he saw clearly the properties of dandelion leaves, and grabbed Zhao Yin's arm excitedly: "Brother Zhao, you actually have such a precious crop?"

"I just discovered one by chance." Zhao Yin said casually.

Zhao Yin would not reveal his wealth to others. As long as he wanted it, he could have as many of these dandelions as he wanted.

He usually cooks noodles and eats them as green vegetables.

"Three leaders, are you interested in going in with me? If you encounter mutant crops, I will only take some seeds, and the rest will belong to your camp!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yin took out sixty dandelion leaves from the space ring, which he had kept as spares before.

These are enough for everyone to enter the forbidden area, and there is more than enough time to tour the place!

Jiang Shan's eyes suddenly widened.

For those who live near the forbidden area, these dandelions are more precious than human life. Even if they only have a fingernail, they can go a few meters deeper into the forbidden area.

Maybe we can get more crops and feed more people!

Jiang Shan read the properties of dandelion loudly.

When Lin Gang and others heard this, they all trembled with excitement.

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