Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 210 The cooking skills of the female slave

Late at night, the moon in the sky is dimmer than before.

When Zhao Dehai woke up from his drunkenness, he saw countless torches lit all around, and seven or eight hundred people surrounded him and a group of drunken warriors, guarding them.

He rubbed his temples to dispel the alcohol and quickly got up from the ground.

"Where's the boss?"

"Zhao Tuan, your boss left two hours ago and left these things for you." Someone said next to Zhao Dehai.

The crowd made an opening, revealing a large amount of supplies in the distance.

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There are tens of thousands of clean Asan military uniforms, military boots, bedding and other items. Dozens of tons of bagged corn are neatly stacked into a hill. There are also two tons of chestnuts...

In addition, there is a wooden table left in place, with 20 pieces of sandwich bread, 10 bottles of iced black tea, 12 bottles of F-level evolution potion, 2 bottles of E-level evolution potion, and 1 bottle of D-level evolution potion.

3 bottles of D-level healing potion!

20,000 E-level corpse crystals!

Zhao Dehai's eyes widened. At this time, Liu Shun also woke up and looked at the batch of supplies with the same shock.

"Did the boss say anything?" Zhao Dehai asked.

"He didn't say anything, just left these things and left."

"Why didn't he say anything?"

Zhao Dehai grabbed the person who spoke by the collar: "Think clearly, did you say what you said?"

"Tuan Zhao, Tuan Zhao, please don't do this. We can all testify that the boss really didn't say anything before he left." An evolutionist grabbed Zhao Dehai and persuaded him loudly.

Zhao Dehai slowly turned back and looked to the east. In the dim sky and earth, in the desolate world, he could only see endless weeds and shrubs floating in the wind, and no one was there...

"Boss, he gave us a way to survive!" Zhao Dehai was trembling all over.

"Everyone, please remember that if... if we meet again, if he needs it, we must repay the great kindness even if we sacrifice our lives!"

Zhao Dehai knew that separation in the last days might be eternal farewell.

He didn't know if he would ever see that person again in this life.

When the morning light rose, a buffalo as big as a hill had arrived at the former site of the copper market three hundred miles away.

The old cow transformed into a man seven or eight meters tall, carrying a golden house on his thick back four to five meters wide, which shone with golden light in the morning light.

At this time, Zhao Yin was sitting on the soft rat skin, looking ahead through the open door, feeling the morning breeze blowing in his face, bringing with it a hint of coolness.

Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue sat beside him, one on the left and one on the right.

"Zhao Yin, you gave them too much." Song Xiaodao pouted.

"We are not short of food," Zhao Yin said.

"But there are so many extraordinary foods, I usually don't want to eat them!" Song Xiaodao said.

"If Zhao Dehai is smart, he will use those evolution potions to cultivate a group of evolvers, and he himself can evolve to C level. With that batch of extraordinary food, it will be enough for the camp to launch a moderate battle against the zombies. Maybe he can Turn around from now on," Zhao Yin said.

In fact, the most valuable thing is the evolution potion. He thought about it for a long time last night before he was willing to give all the remaining evolution potions to Zhao Dehai except for two bottles of F-level and one E-level evolution potions.

But those things are not that important to Zhao Yin now, and the death of the old lame man is like a thorn in his heart.

If he doesn't do anything, even if he stands at the pinnacle of the apocalypse in the future, it will be difficult to pull out the thorn.

Now that these things have been given, it can be regarded as compensation for the old lame man, and Zhao Yin has calmed down.

In the end of the world, the most precious thing is love, because you don't know who you will lose next moment.

The most untouchable thing in the apocalypse is feelings. This is the price Zhao Yin needs to pay!

This is also the reason why he has been reluctant to contact too many people.

"Zhao Yin, I'm hungry!" Song Xiaodao rubbed his stomach and said, "We still had breakfast yesterday morning."

Zhao Yin looked at Ning Yue, and she smiled shyly: "I'm hungry too."

"Then go eat." Zhao Yin said.

The next moment, the old cow and the sad beast Tuojinwu disappeared together.

within the life space.

All the contracted beasts were sleeping, and Wang Xiaolei was still guarding the unawakened corpse demon.

After the two female slaves had bagged all the corn, they now had nothing to do. They heated hot water, each had a large iron basin, and were soaking their feet under the chestnut tree.

Zhao Yin took one look and felt a little angry. No matter what the environment, they seemed unwilling to give up their enjoyment.

"You two, come here." Zhao Yin waved.

The two women quickly put on their shoes and ran towards this side.

"Master!" "Master!"

Nowadays, they call Zhao Yin very smoothly.

"Can you cook?" Zhao Yin asked.

"Yes!" Zhou Lili nodded immediately, her eyes lit up as she seemed to have thought of something.

To Zhao Yin's surprise, Zhou Dandan whispered: "Master, I...I can do it too."

Zhao Yin nodded and handed the space ring that Wu Xuegui used before to Zhou Lili: "From now on, you will be responsible for cooking. The turtle meat and vulture meat are both in this space ring. Let's stew a piece of vulture meat first to taste it."

"I understand, Master, we will never let you down again!" Zhou Lili said.

"Don't brag. If you don't do it well, I will sell you the next time I see a large gathering of survivors." After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he ignored the two of them.

The two women looked pale as they watched Zhao Yin leave.

Although they were slaves in Zhao Yin, they could at least eat and wear warm clothes.

It was hard to imagine what kind of inhuman abuse they would suffer in other camps.

"Dandan, I'll light the fire and wash the pot, and you can cook!" Zhou Lili whispered to Zhou Dandan.

Zhou Dandan nodded. In fact, before the end of the world, Zhou Lili was positioned as the future heir by the family. She had no problem cooking, but it was impossible to say how delicious it was.

On the contrary, Zhou Dandan was the one the family was going to marry off, and they deliberately trained her to be a good wife.

She had learned a lot of skills, including Chinese and Western cooking from a five-star chef.

Soon, the meals of Zhao Yin and the other two were served on the table. The snow-white turtle meat was carved into lotus flowers and steamed with crispy ear vegetables to fill a large plate.

The steamed buns were actually whiter and softer than those steamed by Wu Xuegui!

The noodles were not the hand-rolled noodles that Wu Xuegui was used to making, but ramen noodles, served with tortoise bone soup and dandelions, which were delicious.

The most noteworthy thing is that the meat of the Sky-Swallowing Vulture was not as fishy as the meat of the vulture last time.

Perhaps it was because the Sky-Swallowing Vulture did not eat zombies, and after being stewed into broth, it exuded a strong fragrance.

Zhao Yin's mood instantly improved, and he ordered the two female slaves: "You two continue to eat mutant crops!"

Both women showed happy smiles on their faces and bowed deeply: "Thank you, Master!" "Thank you, Master!"

Zhao Yin's eyes subconsciously glanced at Zhou Lili's snow-white chest again.

He waved his hand to let the two women leave, and said to Wang Xiaolei on the side: "Come and eat together!"

At the square table, Zhao Yin and the three women sat on each side and ate breakfast.


After the sun rose to the top of the sky, Zhao Yin brought Ning Yue and Song Xiaodao, as well as all the contracted beasts, and appeared in the outside world again.

The world behind them was still desolate, and they headed eastwards, facing the rising sun...

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