Song Xiaodao swung the blood sword in his hand, chopped off the zombie's head, then crushed it with his foot, bent down and took out the corpse crystal from the frozen blood clot.

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"Zhao Yin, there are already a thousand of them, and the Blood Evil Sword can have enough Blood Evil Sword Qi!" Song Xiaodao turned around and said.

"Not bad!" Zhao Yin nodded and said, "Use the blood evil sword energy only at critical moments."


Song Xiaodao climbed up to the beast's golden house and naturally lay in Zhao Yin's arms: "I'm so tired, Zhao Yin, let me take a rest, and then let Ning Yue kill the zombies!"

Zhao Yin didn't speak, and Ning Yue responded: "Okay."

She walked alone before the herd.

Ning Yue seems to be willing to adapt to the newly acquired superpower. Every time she encounters a scattered zombie, she takes action before all the contracted beasts, sealing it with ice, then picks up the meteorite and smashes the zombie's head...

Finally, after killing a D-level zombie, Ning Yue took out a star crystal. After Zhao Yin opened it, a D-level machete came out.

"Ning Yue, you have a weapon!" Zhao Yin threw it directly to Ning Yue.

There was no way, last time in order to expand the space, Ning Yue's Yuanyue Ax was swallowed up by the life space. Along the way, the machete was the first weapon that Zhao Yin came up with.

Ning Yue took the machete and it was much easier to kill the zombies. They were frozen and then quickly chopped off their heads.

Nowadays, zombies are more scattered than before, and it is difficult to see large groups of corpses.

Even small groups of corpses are difficult to encounter. Sometimes you can't see one even if you go a long way. Sometimes, one can pop out of the grass every few dozen meters.

At dusk, Zhao Yin led people and animals out of the copper city and entered the boundaries of Huacheng.

Zhao Yin suddenly remembered that he had heard rumors in his previous life that there was a forbidden area in Huacheng!

The so-called forbidden area may be home to powerful mutant beasts, the zombie king or the powerful zombie demon, or it may be some kind of extraordinary thing...

In short, in the apocalypse, there are some places that are extremely dangerous. If ordinary evolvers step into them, they will have a narrow escape from death!

As time passed, after the news was spread, no evolver was willing to step in, and it was also called the forbidden land!

But for the top superpowers in the apocalypse, opportunities may come when there is great danger in the forbidden area.

For example, if a mutated beast above C level is entrenched somewhere, it will definitely be called a forbidden area by the survivors, but if it is encountered by Zhao Yin, haha...!

"To find wealth in danger, you have to go and see the legendary realm!" Zhao Yin whispered.

In his previous life, he had heard about forbidden areas and could only avoid them, but now it was different.

Ordinary mutant beasts and zombie kings were just there to bring warmth to him.

Even if it's A-level, even if Zhao Yin can't beat him, it's not a problem to leave if he wants to!

Zhao Yin clearly knew that being timid and afraid to develop was a fatal crisis!

After entering Huacheng, Zhao Yin summoned two female slaves to start cooking dinner, and then sent out all the contracted beasts.

"Remember, you are not allowed to act privately. You only need to explore the nearby gathering place of survivors. If you find it, come back and report to me."

If there is a large human gathering nearby, they will definitely know the location of the forbidden area!

All the contracted beasts responded in their hearts, then quickly dispersed and went away in different directions.

Zhao Yin sat down on a huge raised meteorite three to four meters high.

He took out a bottle of wine and took a sip.

Then he squinted his eyes and looked at the fiery sunset.

Ning Yue also climbed onto the meteorite, knelt down behind Zhao Yin, and gently squeezed his shoulders with her weak, boneless hands without saying a word.

The gentleness coming from her hand made Zhao Yin feel peaceful for a while, and he raised his head and took a big gulp of wine.

Half an hour later.

Zhao Yin was drunk and lying on his back in Ning Yue's arms, his head resting on her tall chest, and his whole body seemed to be floating in the clouds.

Unconsciously, the drunkenness swept through his body. With Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue around, he would feel a sense of security.

Just like even if the world falls apart, as long as I am still alive and they are around, it is a kind of happiness.

Ning Yue stroked Zhao Yin's short hair and stared at his sleeping face.

The evening breeze stirred her hair, which fell on Zhao Yin's chest. Ning Yue's eyes were filled with tenderness.

Her fingertips gently traced the full forehead, the high bridge of the nose, the lower jaw, and even the green stubble...

Ning Yue placed her beautiful face on top of Zhao Yin's head and closed her eyes.

At this moment, she felt as if she was embracing the whole world.

In the apocalypse, it seems that it is no longer so cold and lonely.


Song Xiaodao sneakily poked his head out from under the meteorite, puffed his lips and blew air, which attracted Ning Yue's attention.

Ning Yue looked up, and Song Xiaodao had a small face and lowered his voice: "I'm warning you Ning Yue, don't think that because I treat you as my sister, Zhao Yin also likes you, so I can monopolize him by myself!"

Ning Yue was stunned and didn't react for a moment.

"No matter what, I will be Zhao Yin's eldest wife in the future, and you will be the second child at most!" Song Xiaodao warned extremely seriously.

Ning Yue nodded: "Okay!"

She never thought about fighting with anyone.

"Also, don't tell Zhao Yin what I said to you today, otherwise...!" Song Xiaodao clenched his fist: "If Zhao Yin spanks me, I will definitely spank you back!"

"Okay!" Ning Yue nodded again.

Song Xiaodao blinked, and the threats he had prepared before were like a punch on cotton. He suddenly didn't know how to speak.

The little girl snorted coldly and quietly retracted her head.

Soon, the contracted beasts came back, and Song Xiaodao ran over to wake up Zhao Yin.

"Master, there are three or four thousand people gathered fifteen miles to the north." Lao Hei reported.

The other contracted beasts did not find the gathering place of human survivors.

Huacheng is not large in area, and the population before the end of the world is not large, but only three or four thousand people survived in a city, which is still too few.

Zhao Yin intuitively thought that it might be related to the forbidden area.

He picked up Song Xiaodao with one hand, jumped up, jumped onto the beast-carrying golden house behind the old cow, waited for Ning Yue to climb up, and went straight to the north.

Soon, rolling mountains appeared in front of Zhao Yin.

Lao Hei led the herd to a high ground and stopped: "Master, it's just ahead."

Zhao Yin came out of the golden house, stood on the head of the old cow, and looked down.

A wall made of meteorites looked thicker and stronger than the wall built by Li Qingyang and his team before.

A large open space was enclosed under a cliff, and stone houses were built inside. Many people were active in the space, most of them were young men and women.

At a glance, Zhao Yin found hundreds of evolvers!

There was no F-level, most of them were E-level, and a small number were D-level!

There were even three C-level evolvers who had used evolution potions to unlock their potential...

Zhao Yin thought that there should be no strong people in a gathering place with three or four thousand survivors, but at this moment, it seemed that this camp was not simple.

"Zhao Yin, there are so many evolvers!" Song Xiaodao also came to Zhao Yin's side.

"In such a short time, we have created so many evolvers, including three peak C-level ones. The leader of this camp is at least an A-level combat psychic, and his evolver level is definitely not lower than C-level!" Zhao Yin said.

In the final analysis, Zhao Yin was able to walk ahead of most people in the apocalypse, except for the reason that he was a reborn person, all his strength was based on SSS-level psychic abilities.

There is more than one SSS-level psychic in this apocalypse!

In the previous life, those who had SSS-level combat psychic abilities at the beginning of the apocalypse developed countless times faster than Lin Tianfeng.

No one can say how far they have come now!

It is better to be safe than sorry. Zhao Yin did not intend to expose his strength before he explored the opponent's strength.

He jumped down from the old bull's head and collected all the contracted beasts.

He only left Xiaobai, who had turned into a palm-sized one, in his arms.

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