Zhao Dehai wanted to refuse, but Liu Shun on the side suddenly grabbed his sleeve.

At this moment, more than thirty soldiers behind him were all looking at Zhao Dehai with red eyes, as if they were expecting something.

The hidden blood in their bodies was rolling and surging rapidly at this moment.

Liu Shun said: "Zhao Tuan, what they want is just a way to survive! Their lives were paid for by Li Qingyang and others, and many of them are the family members of our comrades!"

"Liu Shun, do you know what you are talking about?" Zhao Dehai scolded.

Liu Shun nodded and said: "I know, in fact, we are the real deserters. If we can't protect our brothers' families, we...we...!"

Liu Shun suddenly seemed to be unable to find the right words to say.

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Zhao Dehai was silent. In fact, even if Liu Shun didn't say these words, wouldn't Zhao Dehai himself think so?

But unlike Liu Shun, Zhao Dehai carries the wealth and lives of more than thirty comrades.

"Liu Shun, how can we protect so many people?" Zhao Dehai said: "Don't forget, this is the end of the world!"

"If we can't even protect the families of our comrades, what's the point of us Tamar being alive? We'll die in the end times!"

Liu Shun spoke loudly: "Zhao Tuan, I know you are worried about the boss's kindness, but the boss no longer needs us to collect corpse crystals, and our combat power is dispensable to him!"

Liu Shun continued: "Tomorrow I can ask the boss to resign for you. If he agrees, you can lead us to rebuild this camp, for Li Qingyang, for Wu Xuegui, and for all...the brothers who have passed away!"

"What if the boss doesn't agree?"

"If the boss doesn't agree, we will never mention it again!" Liu Shun said seriously.

Zhao Dehai fell silent again.

Although Zhao Yin had said at the beginning that if he found a faster way to collect corpse crystals in the future, he would let them go.

After the monkey showed its ability to burn corpses and preserve corpse crystals last night, Zhao Yin did not mention it, and had previously said that he would take them on their journey tomorrow.

Obviously, the boss has no intention of letting them go.

Zhao Dehai was reluctant to leave his boss like this.

But if they follow the boss and leave, how can everyone in the camp, including Yuan Baoer, whom Wu Xuegui sacrificed his life for, survive on.

But if I and others stay, although there is no guarantee that they will survive, at least there will be more opportunities...

At this moment, the entire camp, with more than 16,000 people, were waiting for Zhao Dehai to decide their fate.

Just like before, the group of soldiers faced the zombies and were waiting for his decision!

At this moment, Yuan Bao'er, who was lying on the ground, suddenly woke up and hugged Zhao Dehai's leg: "Uncle Zhao, Bao'er wants you to stay...!"

The little girl looked up at him with a pleading expression.

Her little face was dirty, her eyes were big, and the black ash from before was stained with tears along with her face.

Suddenly, at this moment, Zhao Dehai remembered the day when the zombies broke out.

That day, because of his hesitation, the entire Kunlun Military Region was harmed!

Today, will he harm all the families of the martyrs and Yuan Baoer because of his hesitation?

At this moment, the blood that had been hidden for so long in his chest was boiling completely, then boiling hot, and his face turned red.

"Liu Shun, please resign to your boss tomorrow, we...!"

Zhao Dehai paused: "For Li Qingyang and others, for Wu Xuegui, and for the fallen comrades and comrades, what if we lose our lives?"

He finally made a choice!

Zhao Dehai remembered the night when he was brought back to the life space by Zhao Yin for the first time.

He and Wu Xuegui were lying side by side in the cornfield.

Zhao Dehai will never forget the words Wu Xuegui said at that time.

"Old Zhao, do you know that I can't fulfill Wang Shun and Xie Jinshan's wishes? I, Tamar, am a waste!"

"I know that our Daxia soldiers are too stubborn in our thinking and are not suitable to survive in this fucking apocalypse. The boss's idea is the right one."

"But...but I just can't give in! When disaster strikes, countless people are in dire straits, and I, an old cripple, can't do anything...!"

"Old Zhao, after I die, I will have no shame to see Wang Shun and Xie Jinshan...!"

In the early morning, Zhao Yin woke up with Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue.

Neither Ning Yue nor Song Xiaodao knew how to roll noodles or steam steamed buns. They simply cooked some corn porridge and paired it with some dried turtle meat, and the three of them ate.

As for the contract beast, Zhao Yin directly threw out a few large pieces of raw turtle meat.

There are now twenty contracted beasts, and without the old cripple, Zhao Yin is too lazy to do it carefully for them.

All the contracted beasts were very unhappy with the meal, and the little monkey said in his heart: "Master, I miss the old lame man!"

Although the energy of raw meat is no worse than that of broth, the fresh taste of star salt is their favorite.

"Zhao Yin, I miss the old cripple." Song Xiaodao was holding a bowl bigger than her head. The polenta in it was too dry. It didn't taste like anything before, but now I'm used to Wu Xuegui's delicious food. , suddenly difficult to swallow.

"How about I send you all to visit him!" Zhao Yin said ruthlessly.

Song Xiaodao was stunned for a moment before he realized what was happening and quickly shook his head: "No... I don't miss the old cripple anymore!"

The little monkey also quickly tore into the raw meat and said, "It's delicious, it's delicious!"

Zhao Yin dealt with them briefly and left the life space with the two women.

Wang Xiaolei was still there. The piece of wood that Zhao Yin gave her yesterday had been chopped into a tombstone.

There was no grave. The tombstone was placed in the soil burned by the flames.

There was a relief carved on the tombstone, which was very abstract, but somewhat similar to Wu Xuegui's when he was alive.

Zhao Yin coughed.

Wang Xiaolei, who was kneeling in front of the tombstone, came to her senses, stood up quickly, and rubbed her sore knees: "Boss, are we leaving?"

The girl had regained her composure at this time.

Zhao Yin nodded and took the lead to walk in the direction of the crowd.

Zhao Dehai and others were all shirtless, helping the survivors to clean up the ruins, and bags of grass seeds and dried wild vegetables were dug out.

Only Liu Shun did not move, and there was a struggle on his face.

Zhao Yin appeared, Liu Shun gritted his teeth, and mustered up the courage to greet him.

"Boss." Liu Shun bowed and tried to squeeze out an ugly smile.

At this time, Liu Shun was struggling in his heart.

Zhao Yin's long-standing kindness and majesty made him suddenly wonder how to ask for his resignation.

"Boss, we... we discussed it last night. Now we can't help you much by staying with you. This camp needs us. I... I...!"

Zhao Yin frowned and immediately understood something.

He put his hands in his trouser pockets and lowered his head in silence.

Soon, Zhao Yin slowly raised his head and smiled.

"Lao Liu, Lao Zhao and the others, come and have a drink with me!" Zhao Yin whispered.


"You don't want to accompany me?"

"Yes... We are willing, very willing!"

Liu Shun nodded heavily. Some words no longer need to be said too clearly.

Tears always appeared in his eyes, and he strode back.

Liu Shun walked behind Zhao Dehai and others and said a few words. All the soldiers, including Zhao Dehai, turned around.

Earlier, they all noticed Zhao Yin's arrival, but they didn't dare to look back.

At this time, everyone dropped what they were doing, their faces flushed, and walked towards Zhao Yin.


"Boss!" "Boss!"

Everyone still bowed to Zhao Yin with respect.

Zhao Yin nodded, raised his hand to release the invisible tent, and then took tables, chairs, benches, corn wine and some dry food.

No one mentioned resignation, and Zhao Yin did not ask. He asked Song Xiaodao, Wang Xiaolei, and Ning Yue to pour wine for everyone, and he drank one cup after another.

In fact, Zhao Yin could not find much to say to Zhao Dehai and others, and Zhao Dehai and others did not dare to talk in front of him.

So this drinking was very silent.

Until noon, Zhao Dehai and others were drunk and unconscious, and Zhao Yin also fell down.

Zhao Dehai remembered that before he fell asleep, he seemed to hear Zhao Yin saying: "There is no banquet that will not end in the world!"

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