In the desolate apocalypse, no one responded to her, and she could no longer see Li Qingyang's sunny smiling face! She could no longer hear Brother Qingyang’s hearty laughter!

The little girl was only seven or eight years old and had lost all her relatives. Now she saw with her own eyes that the person who was the best to her left.

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"Xiaogui, what are you going to do...?" Zhao Dehai suddenly saw Wu Xuegui running towards Yuanbao desperately.

At this moment, his rickety back seemed to be a little straighter.

"Old Zhao, you take the soldiers away first, I will come back later!" Wu Xuegui dropped these words without looking back.

"Didn't we agree to calm down? You, Tamar, are stronger than me and have a balder head than me, so you can risk your life?" Zhao Dehai cursed behind him, then turned around and ordered: "Liu Shun, take people into the bunker, this is an order. !”

He also rushed after Wu Xuegui.

Wu Xuegui was the only D-level evolver among all the people, and he was also the fastest. He quickly walked around behind Yuanbao and picked up the little girl.

Then he ran back desperately, the veins on his forehead popping.

At this time, the vulture seemed to have finally calmed down, and opened its mouth again, with a terrible suction force, and rushed towards the crowd.

The edge of the suction force happened to be where Wu Xuegui was.

"Old Zhao, catch it!"

When Wu Xuegui saw Zhao Dehai coming, he threw the ingot in his arms hard, and then the suction force came, and his body flew away instantly...

Zhao Dehai subconsciously put the ingot into his arms, looked up, and saw Wu Xuegui's figure being sucked into the vulture's mouth along with many people.

Zhao Dehai's vision blurred for an instant, and the breath in his chest seemed to explode. He ignored his sadness, turned around and ran towards the camp with large strides...

"woo woo woo woo……!"

It wasn't until they ran far away and Zhao Dehai met Liu Shun and others that he let out a long suppressed cry.

The end of the world is full of tragic songs, but there is never a moment where the pain is so heart-breaking that it reaches the bone marrow.

Once young and in high spirits, they went to Kunlun together and vowed to make great achievements. They were called comrades-in-arms, but they were actually brothers.

They carried guns together, endured knives together, lay down in trenches together, and talked about the girl they once loved in the snow.

Zhao Dehai remembered that Wu Xuegui was not bald when he was young, but was the most handsome among him, Wang Chuan, Xie Jinshan and others.

Every time Wu Xuegui talked about the love letters he had collected, several people would go crazy with envy.

Later... Wu Xuegui had one of his legs broken by Ah San and had to be discharged from the army. I still remember that night, at the farewell dinner, he was still smiling happily...

Over the years, Zhao Dehai was busy with business affairs and never saw Wu Xuegui again. He only talked to Wu Xuegui from time to time and learned that he followed Wang Chuan and others to invest in a pharmaceutical company. He never married and donated all his savings.

After the end of the world, Zhao Dehai never thought that he would still meet him...

Because of Wu Xuegui's relationship, he followed Zhao Yin. For this reason, he destroyed the Asan Army Camp and received asylum...

Having been a comrade for five years and a lifelong friendship, Zhao Dehai thought that he would stay with him forever in this life.

"woo woo woo woo……!"

Zhao Dehai from the throat. He let out a hoarse growl: "Xiaogui, you Tamar are an idiot!"

[Human female, power awakener, C-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 298, agility 320, physical strength 220, spirit 135, talent B-level massage, life countdown: 498763 days]

After Ning Yue completed her supernatural evolution, she put on the long green gauze dress she exchanged with Song Xiaodao, adding a touch of coldness to her pure temperament.

But the way she looked at Zhao Yin was full of tenderness.

"Zhao Yin, don't my clothes look good?" Ning Yue asked with a blushing face. She was worried that Zhao Yin would be angry because she changed the equipment privately.

Zhao Yin nodded absently: "It looks good!"

For some reason, he suddenly felt uneasy.

When life has evolved to his level, such emotions often no longer appear. Judging from the experience of previous lives, something must have happened.

He put away the invisibility tent directly.

After Song Xiaodao saw Ning Yue put on a green gauze dress, he dared to wear the sailor uniform she had changed into. It made the little loli's waist become more and more white and slender, and she was cute yet wild.

She stood up straight outside the previous tent, pretending to be nonchalant, but in fact she was showing off her new clothes.

Zhao Yin couldn't appreciate it at all and asked with a frown: "They haven't come back yet?"


Song Xiaodao snorted coldly: "The old lame man clearly promised me that he would come back before Ning Yue evolves. Wait and see if I don't strip off his bald head!"

"Let's all enter the life space!"

Zhao Yin couldn't help but put the two women into his life space without any explanation. Then, he activated his speed power and ran towards the camp he passed before.

One is that he wants to try out his new powers, and the other is that the reason for his uneasiness may be related to Wu Xuegui and others.

The people and animals around him are safe, only Wu Xuegui and the others may be in crisis!

Zhao Yin's figure transformed into a restaurant all the way, and after ten minutes, the camp appeared in sight.

But at this time, the previously vibrant camp had already turned into ruins. A huge vulture was raging among the ruins, seemingly looking for something.

[Sky-swallowing vulture: B-level mutant beast, strength 526, agility 675, physical strength 470, defense 805, spirit 335, bloodline talent: Devouring]

It's actually it!

Zhao Yin did not expect to meet the Sky-Swallowing Vulture again here!

He will never forget that it was the one who forced him into the Asan Kingdom, and he narrowly escaped death several times.

Although the Sky-Swallowing Vulture has grown a lot in strength recently, Zhao Yin no longer has any fear.

However, he still had to ensure the safety of Wu Xuegui, Zhao Dehai and others first.

Soon, a large number of human scents appeared in Zhao Yin's perception. It was a hidden underground bunker with the entrance under a well.

Zhao Yin raised his hand and summoned six mutant beasts. He took out six bottles of iced black tea and six compressed biscuits, divided them and ordered: "Monkey, Lao Niu, go and beat me to death, Lao Hei, you It’s your responsibility to prevent it from escaping from the ground. Xiaobai, Bald Dan, and Da Mao, you three control it and don’t allow it to take off!”

After saying this, all six contract beasts drank the iced black tea, held the compressed biscuits in their mouths, and then all rushed towards the sky-swallowing vulture.

Especially the monkey, who was forced into a desperate situation by the vulture last time. Now the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet!

Although it is only C-level, after drinking the iced black tea, both its supernatural powers and three-dimensional attributes are higher than those of the Sky-Swallowing Vulture!

At this time, the Sky-Swallowing Vulture also noticed the charging beasts, felt the strong pressure, was frightened for a moment, and immediately spread its wings and flew up.

However, at the next moment, a burst of arrow feathers suddenly fell from the top of the head, and its attack power was no worse than that of ordinary B-level contracted beasts. The already injured Sky-Swallowing Vulture was instantly cut and bruised, and large pieces of feathers fell off.

However, it wasn't over yet, as its eyes were dazzled again. A small white cat, not much bigger than a palm, flashed past, and its sharp claws instantly took away a large piece of flesh and blood from its body.

The sky-swallowing vulture didn't even see what it was.

It quickly sank its body and at the same time issued the devouring power.

Sure enough, something was sucked over by it, but the next moment, bang!

The huge collision force directly hit the mouth of the sky-devouring vulture. The cracked corner of the mouth was immediately torn completely by a horn, reaching the corner of its eye. Then, the shadow of the stick with blazing flames hit the sky...

The sky-swallowing vulture's eyes were full of horror, and he couldn't figure out where so many powerful mutant beasts came from?

It looked at everything desperately, trying to escape, but suddenly it felt its body sink and its movements became sluggish.

At this moment, the sky-swallowing vulture opened its eyes wide and watched as the shadows of sticks in the sky fell on it.


In an instant, the skin and flesh of the Sky-Swallowing Vulture were torn open, blood rained all over the sky, and all its feathers were scorched by the terrifying flames.

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