The Sky-Swallowing Vulture opened its mouth in panic and swallowed it. The flames on its body were swallowed into its stomach like flowing water. The next moment, it instinctively wanted to spread its wings and fly.

But when it flapped its wings, it remembered that the real feathers on its wings had been burned out. It felt cold in the severe pain.

Then it was ready to use its supernatural power on the monkey. At this time, a white cat, not much bigger than a palm, attacked it like a stream of light.

The other cat actually had a pair of flesh wings, and its flying speed was much faster than before.

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At this moment, the white cat in the eyes of the Sky-Swallowing Vulture gradually grew bigger in front of its eyes... No, it was not growing bigger, but rapidly approaching its remaining single eye.

The next moment!


Xiaobai's sharp claws sank deeply into the pupils of the Sky-Swallowing Vulture, and then the eyeball was directly torn apart, and a large amount of black blood splashed out...


The Sky-Swallowing Vulture let out a shrill wail!

It had not forgotten the scene of forcing that human into a desperate situation. It did not expect that after such a short time, the roles would be completely reversed!

At this time, the ground under the feet of the Sky-Swallowing Vulture suddenly rippled, and a huge black rat claw stretched out, poof!

A piece of flesh on the thigh of the Sky-Swallowing Vulture was immediately cut open, and it could not even stand steadily as blood flowed...

Since Zhao Yin released the contracted beasts, he did not watch the battle again.

Since he took out the iced black tea for the contracted beasts to drink, the ending was doomed.

Without the protection of the group of vulture brothers, the Sky-Swallowing Vulture itself was also injured. Except for Da Mao, any of Zhao Yin's six mutant beasts could fight it!

"Old cripple, Zhao Dehai!"

Zhao Yin came to the underground bunker, kicked open the stone slab blocking the door, and shouted loudly: "Are you all still alive?"

"It's the boss!"

"The boss is here!"

"Don't worry, it's our boss. With the boss here, everyone will be fine!"

A group of soldiers heard Zhao Yin's voice and immediately walked out of the secret door.

Everyone's face was pale. The pressure that the Sky-Swallowing Vulture had just put on them was extraordinary.

Zhao Dehai still held Yuan Baoer tightly in his arms, with his head down, not saying a word.

Behind the group of soldiers, followed by hundreds of braver survivors, they also walked out of the secret door.

Everyone subconsciously looked up and saw that the Sky-Swallowing Vulture, which was still majestic before, was like a pheasant with feathers removed, and was tortured by a group of contracted beasts without any resistance...

A large amount of blood rain sprayed, and within a radius of dozens of meters, it was like hell on earth.

Liu Shun tried to stay calm and explained to the survivors: "That's the boss's herd, don't be afraid!"

At this moment, all the survivors were shocked!

So many terrible mutant beasts, are they all their boss's?

Soon, everyone saw the tall young man standing alone opposite. He had neat short hair, a suit and leather shoes, and fair skin. He didn't look like someone who lived in the same apocalypse at all.

"Is that their boss?"

"It's saved. This bad bird will be killed by the boss!"

"The boss is so powerful, is he going to lead our camp? We will never be afraid of zombies and mutant beasts again!"


A group of survivors talked a lot, and the sadness and fear on their faces before were all relieved a lot.

Zhao Yin's eyes quickly swept through the crowd, and soon, he found something!

"Where is the old cripple? Where is he?"

Zhao Yin scolded Zhao Dehai and others.

The feeling of uneasiness became stronger in his heart.

"Boss, I didn't stop Xiaogui. He...he was swallowed by a vulture for saving people." Zhao Dehai said with sobs.

Zhao Yin was stunned when he heard this.

He stood there for a long time without coming back to his senses.

Although he had been mentally prepared, at this moment, a rare feeling quickly occupied all his thoughts...

"Where is Lao Wu, who is Lao Wu?"

"Hello, Lao... Boss, my name is... Wu Xuegui. When Captain Wang was still here, he asked me to manage the supplies here!"

"How did you get your leg lame?"

"To answer the boss, when I was a soldier, I was guarding the border adjacent to the country of Asan. I got disabled in a conflict. This is a prosthesis."

Those memories inexplicably emerged in Zhao Yin's mind.

When we first met...

He was bald, lame, humble and timid...

He didn't look like a veteran at all, but more like an old man who was exhausted!

I still remember that when we left the West Valley, Wu Xuegui showed his intention to follow for the first time.

Zhao Yin had always been deliberately ignoring the old cripple's expression after rejecting him in his memory...

"Captain Wang, Captain Xie, it's all because of Old Wu's uselessness that he couldn't keep such a strong man when he met him..."

"I won't give up. There are five or six hundred people in the cave, all of them are human lives, and there are so many children among them!"

"Now that you are gone, I will definitely protect them, even... even if the boss really leaves in the end, I... even if I die, I will die in the cave!"

"He is old and disabled, but he always wants to shoulder the heavy responsibility, hehe...!"

At this time, Zhao Yin's throat let out a hoarse and dry laugh.

"Stupid old cripple! How can there be people like you in this world?"

At this moment, Zhao Yin suddenly felt that having such a good person around him, actually... actually...

In fact, it is a good thing!

"Her name is Wang Xiaolei. Three generations of her ancestors have been soldiers. Her great-grandfather died in World War II, and her grandfather died in the counterattack. Now her father has also died. The Wang family! The whole family is loyal! Only this single seedling is left...!" "

"Boss, let her stay with you to wash and cook. Just give her some food scraps..."

"Boss, in this apocalyptic world, if we don't follow you, we will have no way to survive. Therefore, if we follow you, we will have no one to blame if we die."

"Boss, we are by your side. If we cannot demonstrate value, we will leave on our own without the boss's instructions."

That day, the old lame man knelt on the ground humbly.

The old lame man, despite his injuries, managed to impress Zhao Yin with his sharp tongue.

Let him break the routine and take him and Wang Xiaolei with him in this life, this apocalyptic world where people cannibalize people.

From then on, in the desolate apocalypse, there were two more people in this life, a girl and a cripple.

It turned out that I had long been accustomed to the presence of that old cripple without even realizing it!

I have long been used to eating the food he cooked, and getting used to being woken up by him every morning...!

He was used to it, and he would kneel down at every turn, exposing his shiny forehead...

At this moment, one scene after another, like a movie, slowly flowed through Zhao Yin's mind.

The old cripple is gone.

In this end of the world, there is missing in life, a stupid bad good person, a kind, humble, but also full of passion and loyalty complex old man.

What is missing is a veteran who is full of sincerity and is not fit to live in the apocalypse, but can shine in the darkness!

Zhao Yin's heart felt empty at this moment.

At this moment, the Sky-Swallowing Vulture has been beaten to the point of death by the contracted beasts. It is lying on the ground, and it can be seen that it has too much air and not enough air.

All contracted beasts stopped.

The little monkey strode towards Zhao Yin: "Master, that bad bird has fallen. Do you want to stab Pi Yanzi first and then go to the contract?"

Zhao Yin looked back at the sky-devouring vulture, and then took steps forward.

Soon he came to the head of the sky-swallowing vulture. Zhao Yin looked at its eyes with only two blood holes left, his expression was calm, and he slowly raised his palm.

Pressing on the head of the sky-devouring vulture.

The next moment, he activated his superpower...

However, it is not the soul of the contract, but the thunder power... Boom!



Zhao Yin mobilized his energy with all his strength, and one after another thunder struck into the head of the sky-swallowing vulture at close range. Every time it fell, its body was trembling violently...

Zhao Yin was also trembling, violent bombardment... boom! Rumble…

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