The sky and earth were dark, and endless dust and dead branches and leaves were flying all over the sky, covering most of the sunlight. In the blurred vision of the evolvers, they could vaguely identify the giant in the sky, which was a huge vulture!

Its wingspan covered the sky for two hundred meters. At first glance, it felt like it was covering the sky and the sun.

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The vulture was covered in blood, and most of its feathers seemed to have been torn off by something, and even one of its eyes was blind. The blood was surging and dripping from the sky like raindrops.

Perhaps it was too seriously injured and flew very low, so that every time its huge wings flapped, it would stir up a strong wind and fly sand and rocks.

Obviously, this vulture had been fighting with something more terrible before, and fled here with injuries!

At this time, its one eye saw the crowd below, and it suddenly opened its mouth. A terrible suction force came out, and hundreds of people who were clearing the land below, along with a lot of soil and gravel, flew upside down instantly.

Just like sucking noodles, the crowd lined up in a straight line and sank into its mouth, very smooth.

Then, the vulture opened its mouth again, and hundreds of people were swallowed up again. It seemed to have tasted the deliciousness of flesh and blood. The huge vulture circled and fell directly into the crowd. Its huge eagle claws hooked the ground and sucked fiercely...

"Ahhh... Leader, help me!"

"Captain Li, where is Captain Li, help me!"

Countless cries came. Facing the terrifying suction force, no one could escape. Anyone who was stared at by the vulture would become its breakfast.

Everything happened in a moment. In a blink of an eye, four or five thousand people were swallowed by the vulture. Its stomach was like a bottomless pit. There was no sign of being full, but the wounds on its body were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Li Qingyang, Zhao Dehai and others were all stunned.

There was no mutant beast of this size even in Zhao Yin's team!

It was totally beyond the ability of any of them to contend with.

"Everyone, go back to the camp and hide in the underground bunker!" Li Qingyang shouted loudly.

Unfortunately, his voice was soon drowned out by countless cries.

"Everyone go back to the camp and hide in the underground bunker!" Li Qingyang continued to shout loudly, his eyes red, and he quickly pulled out a machete from his waist and rushed towards the huge vulture regardless of everything.

"Come back!" Zhao Dehai stopped him loudly: "That is a mutant beast above level C, you will die if you go!"

However, Li Qingyang seemed to have not heard it. Facing the massacre of people in the camp, he had completely lost his mind!

In the strong wind, Li Qingyang approached the vulture from behind, jumped high, and slashed at a wound on the vulture's thigh.


The long knife was deeply embedded in the flesh and blood, but for the vulture's huge body, it couldn't even break the bones!

At this moment, someone below finally noticed Li Qingyang's figure.

"It's the leader!"

"The leader is fighting this monster!"

"Leader, hurry up, you can't kill this monster!" Someone shouted loudly.

Seeing that someone finally noticed him, Li Qingyang gathered his strength and shouted loudly: "Everyone, run into the camp and enter the underground bunker! If you can survive, it's a survival! Hurry up!"


After the vulture swallowed the person in its mouth, it suddenly flickered its wings, and the huge wing bone hit Li Qingyang's head, and blood and brain matter flew everywhere...

At this moment, in the eyes of Zhao Dehai, Wu Xuegui and others, the whole world seemed to be dark.

They watched Li Qingyang's body slowly fall from the vulture, and then was pulled into the air of the vulture by a suction force...

From then on, the young man who had always regarded himself as a deserter, the natural leader genius, completely disappeared in this doomsday...

He paid his life just to tell those people that sentence and command them how to escape!

"Is it worth it?"

Zhao Dehai trembled all over, his face pale.

He found that he, a veteran who had served in the army for 20 years, was not as good as a young man.

"Old Li!"

At this moment, Wang Xueming's eyes were bloodshot, he drew his weapon from his waist, and rushed towards the vulture regardless of everything.

Then, Liu Wanchun, Zhang Baisui, Fang An, Yu Shangjie, five young men all followed madly.

At this moment, an indomitable momentum spread over the five ordinary figures. They knew they would die, but they still rushed forward one after another.

"Li Qingyang, we have come all the way, and there are only six of us left. How can you leave alone?"

"Old Li, didn't we agree to guard this camp together and live and die together!"

"Old Li, brothers will avenge you!"


The five people shouted frantically, and came to the side of the vulture one after another. At this time, the vulture seemed to have noticed them in advance and suddenly opened its mouth to suck.

The terrible suction came, and the first one to be sucked away was Wang Xueming who rushed to the front.

There was no fear on his young face. The moment he entered the vulture's mouth, he aimed at a wound next to the vulture's mouth and quickly swung his knife...


The wound was immediately enlarged a little by Wang Xueming, and his figure was completely submerged in the vulture's mouth.

The next one was Liu Wanchun. As if they had agreed, he also slashed a knife the moment he was sucked into the vulture's mouth!

Before his figure disappeared, the wound on the vulture enlarged a little again.

Then, it was Zhang Baisui, Fang An, Yu Shangjie...

Before dying, everyone enlarged the wound a little. After Yu Shangjie swung his knife at the end, with a slash, the corners of the vulture's mouth were completely cut open.

As the blood gushed out, the vulture felt pain and finally closed its mouth.

At this moment, all the suction nearby disappeared.

The crowd below finally got a respite, and someone shouted: "Go to the camp!"

"Go to the underground bunker!"

A large number of people rushed into the camp frantically.

Because of the sacrifice of six people, they finally got a glimmer of hope for them.

Zhao Dehai had already lost his mind and was about to rush over, but was hugged by a pair of big hands: "Old Zhao, calm down, do you want to die?"

Zhao Dehai turned around and wanted to scold, but found that the person holding him was Wu Xuegui.

"Xiaogui, I'm tired of living, I want to do something for my brothers!"

"Will you do something for your brothers if you die?" Wu Xuegui asked calmly, but he was trembling all over. At this time, Liu Shun and others were all ignited with anger and sadness in their hearts, and they were all ready to move.

"Old Zhao, look carefully, when you die, none of these brothers will survive, they are still young, Xiao Li and others died for what they deserved, and what's the point of you going to die?"

Zhao Dehai finally calmed down, looked at the red eyes of the soldiers beside him, and shouted loudly: "Everyone, follow me to retreat to the camp and enter the underground bunker!"

Although the vulture has not attacked them yet, once the people in the camp are gone, it will be their turn.

Facing the huge vulture, they are not much different from ordinary survivors.

Just before the troops bypassed the vultures and entered the camp gate, Wu Xuegui suddenly stopped and asked, "Where is Yuanbao? Have you seen Yuanbao?"

After the death of the martyr Yuan Qing, Yuanbao was taken over by Li Qingyang. Now that Li Qingyang is gone, they should take care of him.

At this time, everyone saw that Yuanbao had just turned around and walked back after bypassing the vultures.

At this time, the little girl pursed her lips and shed tears, running to the place where Li Qingyang died, where Li Qingyang's machete was left!

"Brother Qingyang...Brother Qingyang...!" Yuanbao shouted again and again.

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