All the vultures and giant rats had similar basic attributes to the previous batch of evolutions, Zhao Yin just glanced at them.

He looked at the old cripple.

[Human male, D-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 95, agility 92, stamina 85, spirit 48, life countdown: 139960 days]

Then, Zhao Yin looked at Da Mao.

[Adult male lion: C-level mutant beast, strength 175, agility 190, stamina 150, defense 195, spirit 58, bloodline talent: gravity field]

Among C-level mutant beasts, Da Mao has the worst attributes!

Zhao Yin was too lazy to talk nonsense with it, and sorted out the remaining corpse crystals and evolution potions.

There were 7695 E-level corpse crystals, 440 D-level corpse crystals, and 1 C-level corpse crystal!

There were 8 bottles of F-level evolution potions that had nowhere to be used, and there was no bottle of E-level and above.

At this time, Ning Yue also completed the evolution and randomly enhanced a talent.

[Human female, D-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 88, agility 110, physical strength 75, spirit 65, gifted B-level massage, life countdown: 148763 days]

"Massage?" Zhao Yin was surprised.

Is there such a talent? He had never heard anyone mention it in his previous life.

Ning Yue blushed when Zhao Yin looked at her: "Zhao Yin... I, did I waste the talent pill?"

Zhao Yin coughed dryly, will Ning Yue open a massage shop in the end of the world in the future?

"Very good! This talent... is very good!" Zhao Yin said with a guilty conscience.

"Really?" Ning Yue believed it and smiled: "I feel that I suddenly understand the veins of every bone and muscle of human beings. As long as you need the feeling, I don't need any props to make you reach the peak of feeling!"


Everyone was stunned. Is this a massage?

Why does it feel like a super driver talent?

"Zhao Yin...!"

Ning Yue wanted to say something else, but Zhao Yin stepped forward and covered her mouth: "Okay, I know."

Ning Yue instinctively wanted to take Zhao Yin's hand away, and raised her hand to hold his hand.

Her fingertips touched Zhao Yin's skin, and suddenly it was like a thread of electric current, a tingling feeling, instantly along Zhao Yin's hand, spread all over his body...

The firm willpower in his heart began to collapse immediately, and the extreme comfort made Zhao Yin feel like lying down immediately...

Zhao Yin quickly let go of Ning Yue, stepped back, and looked at her vigilantly.

Ning Yue didn't realize what she had done at all, and continued what she wanted to say just now: "Zhao Yin, I'll give you a massage, it can relieve your fatigue!"

"No need!"

Zhao Yin said, and quickly changed his words: "Let's do it another day!"

Ning Yue looked at Zhao Yin with resentment, and still wanted to show her value in front of him.

Zhao Yin turned around and glared at Zhao Dehai and others. At this time, everyone had strange eyes.

"Everyone go back to the life space to rest!" Zhao Yin shouted.

"Yes! Boss!"

Everyone lined up and walked towards Zhao Yin, and he sent them back to the life space one by one.

Finally, all of Zhao Yin's contracted beasts were sent back to rest, leaving only Xiaobai and Laohei, as well as Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue.

After a night of fighting last night, Zhao Yin did not allow the contracted beasts to use a large amount of extraordinary food, and all the people and beasts were very tired.

"Laohei, take Ning Yue with you, so you can walk faster."

Zhao Yin climbed onto Xiaobai's back, and Song Xiaodao immediately climbed up and lay lazily in Zhao Yin's arms again.

It seemed that Zhao Yin's arms were originally her private territory, and she didn't need to follow or discuss it.

Ning Yue received Zhao Yin's order and bowed to Laohei: "Brother Rat, thank you for your trouble."

Laohei lowered his body and let Ning Yue sit on the golden saddle on his back. One cat and one rat, carrying the three of them, walked towards Nanzhou City again.

Passing through Nanzhou City and heading east, there are now more zombies in the wild, all of which are scattered from densely populated cities, tourist areas, highways, etc. before the end of the world.

In major cities, except for the summons of the zombie king, it is difficult to have hundreds of thousands of zombies.

Zhao Yin understands that now is the best time for ordinary survivors to survive. It won’t be long before the B-level zombie king appears, and then a more terrifying sea of ​​corpses will be formed.

By then, only large forces that have developed one by one will have the possibility to continue to survive.

As for small groups of human gatherings, they will either be turned into blood food by the zombie king’s sea of ​​corpses, or they will form a larger force...

The current season is autumn before the end of the world, and it has not rained for two months. Many of the weeds that grew luxuriantly after the heavy rain after the end of the world have already shown signs of withering, and half-foot-long dead leaves have formed at the tips of the grass leaves.

The leaves of some bushes have also begun to turn yellow, and many dead leaves have fallen on the ground.

Xiaobai and Laohei stepped on it, making a crackling sound from time to time.


An E-level zombie suddenly jumped out of the bushes and pounced on Laohei frantically.

Zhao Yin immediately sent a message to Laohei to retreat, and said to Ning Yue: "Ning Yue, this zombie is left to you to kill!"

Ning Yue's face turned pale instantly. Although she had already prepared herself mentally, she didn't expect it to come so quickly.

Laohei moved around casually, playing with the zombie. Ning Yue on his back trembled and took out the Yuanyue Axe. He found the right opportunity, closed his eyes and chopped down hard.

After all, he was a D-level evolver, and his speed was much faster than the zombies, poof!

An axe hit the zombie's head directly, and the black brain splattered.


Ning Yue screamed because a drop of blood sprayed on her face. She immediately threw away the Yuanyue Axe and wiped it in a hurry.

Zhao Yin looked at her calmly and did not comfort her.

Just like Song Xiaodao at the beginning, this is the process she must grow up.

After Ning Yue calmed down, Zhao Yin pointed at the Yuanyue Axe on the ground: "You shouldn't throw it away."

Ning Yue felt the coldness in Zhao Yin's voice and immediately woke up. She jumped off Lao Hei's back and picked up the Yuanyue Axe.

"I'm sorry, Zhao Yin, next time...never again."

"Killing the first zombie is to let you get familiar with the process. If it weren't for Lao Hei just now, you would have been bitten by the zombie!"

Zhao Yin said: "Next, Lao Hei will return to the life space, and the rest will be done by you alone!"

Ning Yue nodded: "I know."

She understood that she was indeed panicked just now. Since she chose this path, she should go on firmly.

In the end of the world, countless girls like her had no choice at all. It was Zhao Yin who gave her all this.

Ning Yue's eyes gradually became firm.

However, Zhao Yin's next words made her face change again.

"Dig out the corpse crystal."


Ning Yue stared at Zhao Yin blankly, unable to react for a while.

Zhao Yin asked: "Do you need my help?"

"Ah! No... no...!"

Ning Yue resisted the nausea and walked towards the corpse of the zombie. Seeing the white skull and the dark brain with dark red meridian tissue, she immediately turned around and vomited.

Zhao Yin did not urge her, but quietly waited for her to adjust her mentality.

At this time, Song Xiaodao, who was sitting in Zhao Yin's arms, took out a chestnut and chewed it: "Ning Yue, it's not scary at all. Just treat it as playing in the mud when you were a child. Anyway, the zombies won't get up and bite people."

Ning Yue's tears came out. After a while, she forcibly stopped the urge to vomit, reached out and dug out a corpse crystal from the brain, pursed her lips tightly, and then stood up and walked towards Zhao Yin.


Before she finished her words, she bent over and vomited again.

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