[113 bottles of Nongfu Spring, 75 pieces of sandwich bread, 77 bottles of iced black tea, 80 pieces of compressed biscuits, 12 yellow peaches, 14 cans of canned beef, 8 pieces of instant noodles, 4 cans of canned tuna, 4 bottles of F-level evolution potion, 2 bottles of E-level evolution potion, 6 bottles of D-level healing potion, 2 bottles of C-level healing potion]

7 pieces of F-level equipment! 4 pieces of E-level equipment!

[Mount Helmet: Grade D, Type Extraordinary Mount Equipment, Mount Movement Speed ​​50, Impact Force 45, Additional Attributes: Mental Power 20]

[Machete: Grade D...]

[100 Star Salts: Grade D, Type Extraordinary Seasoning, Strength +50 for 24 hours after consumption, Note: Consume one at a time]

[100 Star Salts: Grade...]

[Yuanyue Axe: Grade C, Type Extraordinary Weapon, Sturdiness 99, Attack 125, Additional Effect Chopping Speed ​​+35]

[Blood Sword: Grade C, Type Extraordinary Weapon, Sturdiness 98, Attack 115, Additional effect assassination speed +45, special effect blood evil: kill one thousand life forms or pseudo life forms, release a blood evil sword energy, destroy the spiritual defense of life forms below 200 points]

[Explosive Arrow: Grade B, type of extraordinary weapon, attack 520, additional effect hit the target to produce explosion, covering a radius of 50 meters without distinction, note: disposable weapon, disappears after explosion]

[Explosive Arrow: Grade B...]

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Zhao Yin sorted out all the supplies from 417 star crystals, in addition to Ning Yue's talent pill, he also opened two B-level explosive arrows!

Now, Zhao Yin has 7 huge ones in his hand!

In addition, there are two blood evil swords in C-level equipment that are worth his attention!

An equipment with rare mental attack!

Compared with the gust of wind gun used by Zhao Yin, it is hard to say which one is better. It can only be said that the effect is different when encountering different opponents!

However, Zhao Yin still prefers the gust of wind gun.

The shape is slender, the attack is high, and it can be used in a wide range. Moreover, his mental power is as high as 450 points. With the mental power in the energy ring, if he doesn't care about the cost, he can release three penetration skills in succession!

Even if he encounters the zombie king of Asan Kingdom, he can tear open its defense. Three shots are enough to kill it!

But the premise is that Zhao Yin can hit it and not be attacked by it!

"This blood evil sword is a rare item in the C-level equipment. Song Xiaodao, I will give it to you for the time being!"

Zhao Yin directly handed the blood evil sword to Song Xiaodao.

Song Xiaodao had already seen the attributes of the blood evil sword and was preparing to ask for it.

She immediately hugged the blood evil sword and bowed deeply to Zhao Yin: "Thank you for the gift, boss!"

"Don't learn the tricks of the old cripple!" Zhao Yin taught.

He directly confiscated Song Xiaodao's previous Yuanyue Axe and handed it to Ning Yue: "Although this Yuanyue Axe is not as good as the Blood Evil Sword, it is completely sufficient for your current strength."

Then, Zhao Yin took out a bottle of E-level evolution potion and a D-level corpse crystal and handed them to Ning Yue.

"E-level potion can open up your E-level genetic potential. After taking it, you can be promoted to D-level!"

Ning Yue's eyes were red.

She remembered that she had asked Zhao Yin at that time, asking him why he was so good to her.

Zhao Yin only said, because... he owed her!

But Ning Yue didn't think so.

Since meeting this guy, he has been paying for her unconditionally.

She couldn't remember when the other party owed her.

"Zhao Yin, why are you so good to me?"

Ning Yue asked this question again.

Zhao Yin looked at her in silence.

Song Xiaodao replied: "Because you are his fiancée!"

No matter how outrageous the things he heard from Zhao Yin were, Song Xiaodao was willing to believe them now.

But Ning Yue was not a child. In fact, Song Xiaodao's words were too vague for her to understand the meaning.

Zhao Yin was silent and collected all the supplies, leaving only the helmet of the mount. He then took it in his hand and walked out of the invisible tent.

At this time, all the people and beasts were resting outside the door.

Zhao Yin handed the helmet to Xiao Bai. Now it was Zhao Yin's mount. After returning the helmet to Lao Niu, Xiao Bai's equipment was only a golden saddle.

Then, Zhao Yin took out 90,000 E-level corpse crystals and distributed them to the nine pseudo-mutant beasts that had not yet evolved to C-level!

"I promised you before that if there are more corpse crystals, I will definitely let you all evolve to C-level!"

Zhao Yin said: "Now, I have fulfilled my promise. I hope you can work harder for me in the future!"

"I am willing to die for the master!"

"I am willing to die for the master!"

"I am willing to die for the master..."

Voices rang in Zhao Yin's heart with enthusiasm.

Zhao Yin waved his hand: "Let's all start evolving!"

At this time, among all of Zhao Yin's contracted beasts, only the lion Da Mao had not yet obtained the corpse crystal that evolved to C level, and was staring at Zhao Yin eagerly.

When it saw its master looking at it, it immediately said in its heart: "Master, Da Mao is also willing to die for you!"

"In the previous battle, Da Mao, you performed very well!"

Zhao Yin took out a hundred D-level corpse crystals and threw them in front of the lion: "In the future, when you have mutant beast meat, your strength will be as strong as other mutant beasts!"

Zhao Yin liked this lion very much, not for anything else, just because it and his master have one thing in common, two words, handsome!

With this lion around, the group of wage earners can also exert their fighting power and kill zombies much faster!

"Master, Da Mao is also willing to stab you Pi Yanzi...!"

"Shut up!" Zhao Yin scolded.

He didn't even know why this sentence was contagious.

After Da Mao evolved, Zhao Yin called everyone and gave the newly obtained E-level healing potion to Wu Xuegui.

He also gave him two corpse crystals, one E-level and one D-level!

"Old cripple, after evolving to E level, even if you leave me in the future, you can still take Wang Xiaolei to survive in the end of the world." Zhao Yin said.


Wu Xuegui's eyes were red and he instinctively wanted to kneel down. Suddenly he remembered Zhao Yin's previous words and stood up straight: "Boss, I will never give up. Wu Xuegui is willing to fight to the death for you throughout his life!"

Among all the workers and slaves, Zhao Yin took Xiaobai away from Wang Xiaolei and felt a little uneasy about his conscience, so he let her evolve to D level first!

The old cripple has the most trustworthy character among all the people, so Zhao Yin asked him to evolve to D level!

Zhao Yin ignored Wu Xuegui and began to organize his equipment.

Except for the extra C-level Yuan Yue Ax that Zhao Yin kept as a spare, all the excess D-level and E-level equipment were also distributed to Zhao Dehai and other soldiers.

You can take it back when you expand the space in the future, so why not increase your combat effectiveness first?

Seeing that Zhao Yin seemed to have forgotten only her two sisters, Zhou Lili quickly said cautiously: "Master, I...where are we?"

Zhao Yin suddenly turned cold: "From today on, you two are not allowed to eat mutated crops. From now on, you will eat spoiled military rations. Old cripple, you will be responsible for supervision from now on!"

"Okay boss." Wu Xuegui immediately nodded in agreement.

Zhou Lili's face suddenly turned pale. They didn't even dare to ask why, for fear that they wouldn't even be able to eat the military rations after asking.

In fact, they already knew in their hearts that Zhao Yin might have noticed their performance tonight.

Zhou Lili was heartbroken with regret, and Zhou Dandan's eyes were red.

Soon, Lao Laizi and all the contracted beasts were all evolved.

Zhao Yin opened the Eye of True Sight and looked at them one by one.

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