Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 182 People are always forced to do something

Zhao Yin took out a stack of clean towels, and then threw out a pure water bucket filled with pond water.

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"Next time you give it to me, remember to wipe it clean to avoid dirtying the space ring."

Ning Yue raised her head, her hair was messy, and she looked a little pitiful.

She took the towel without saying a word and wiped the corpse crystal clean until it was crystal clear: "Zhao Yin, is this okay?"

"Ning Yue, are you still okay? Do you want to take a break before moving forward?" Song Xiaodao chewed chestnuts with a gloating tone.

"Who said I can't do it!" Ning Yue straightened her proud chest: "Zhao Yin, let's go!"

After she finished speaking, she put away the towel and bucket, picked up the Yuanyue Axe, and stepped forward.

Zhao Yin sent Xiao Hei back to the life space and urged Xiao Bai to follow.

Not long after, two more zombies appeared in front.

Ning Yue, who had been ready for the attack, held the axe in both hands. When the two zombies rushed over, she chopped off the head of one zombie with one axe. Then, the second zombie rushed over, and she swung the axe...


This axe directly chopped off a part of the arm of the second zombie,

but the zombie opened its big mouth full of rottenness and bit her neck as if nothing had happened.

"Ah! Save me...!"


A wind blade flew over and accurately cut off the head of the zombie, and the black dirty blood sprayed all over Ning Yue's body.

"Hahaha...!" Song Xiaodao laughed.

Ning Yue turned around with a pale face and looked at Song Xiaodao. The little loli was still chewing chestnuts in her mouth, puffing her cheeks and said, "It's okay, I was even worse than you at the beginning!"

Ning Yue bent down to dig out two pieces of corpse crystals, wiped them clean and handed them to Zhao Yin.

"Remember next time, you have to chop off the heads of zombies. Killing zombies is secondary, and self-preservation is primary. You need to be more careful when you meet zombies above level D! By the way, the level of ordinary zombies can be judged by their size!" Zhao Yin said.

Ning Yue nodded: "Thank you, Zhao Yin."

After she finished speaking, she turned and walked forward.

The girl who was full of spiritual breath now had disheveled hair and blood all over her body. At the same time, there was a little more calmness in her eyes.

Also, the ridicule of the little girl made Ning Yue hold her breath.

Soon, three more zombies appeared. Ning Yue held the Yuanyue Axe in both hands and took the initiative to meet them. She killed the one in front with one axe, then turned sideways to avoid the attack of the second zombie, and the Yuanyue Axe chopped at the third zombie.


The zombie's head was chopped off by Ning Yue. She turned around and swung the axe at the one that passed by...

The axe hit the head!


Half of the head was chopped off, and the zombie fell straight to the ground.

Kill three zombies in one go.

People are always forced out.

Ning Yue was originally a D-level evolver. Her body flexibility, speed, and even strength are several times that of E-level zombies. This is the level she should have!

She doesn't need any fancy moves. Strength and speed are often the key to real battlefield melee.

Ning Yue stared at her masterpiece blankly, thinking of a few days ago when she was forced into a desperate situation by Zhang Bo and others.

It feels like a lifetime ago!

"Ning Yue, well done!" Zhao Yin finally smiled.

Ning Yue met his dark eyes and smiled: "Thank you."

She dug out three corpse crystals, wiped them clean and handed them to Zhao Yin, then turned around and walked forward again...


The sun sets, and the clouds are particularly red in the autumn evening.

The cool wind made the girl's hair messier. Ning Yue's figure was moving between more than a dozen E-level zombies. With every axe blow, a zombie's head was chopped off.

After a while, all the zombies fell.

Ning Yue bent down to dig out the corpse crystals, wiped them, and walked back to hand them to Zhao Yin.

"That's all for today. Ning Yue, you should also participate in the next battle!" Zhao Yin took the corpse crystal and said.

Ning Yue's character was stronger than Song Xiaodao's at the beginning. Not only was she a few years older than Song Xiaodao, but it was also related to her natural personality.

At this time, in front of the pile of corpses, there was a big river with clear water flowing slowly to the east.

"Go wash, Ning Yue!" Zhao Yin said.

"Yeah!" Ning Yue nodded, walked to the river, and dived directly into it.


Water splashed, and her thin figure swam quickly under the water like a fish, and the rapid water flow took away all the filth on her body...

Zhao Yin didn't expect that Ning Yue was actually a good swimmer. In the water, the dress Song Xiaodao gave Ning Yue was translucent.

The setting sun fell on her through the water, and her skin was as white as snow and her waistline was amazing... Her whole body exuded the vitality of youth.

"Hey, Zhao Yin, what are you looking at?" Song Xiaodao pouted and raised his increasingly full chest.

Zhao Yin coughed dryly, raised his hand and knocked on Song Xiaodao's head: "You are the one who is nosy!"

" just keep looking, hum!" Song Xiaodao snorted coldly.

She looked down at her chest, frowned, and was very worried.

Zhao Yin suddenly heard a fish flapping its tail in the water. She raised her hand and threw out the trap net. Suddenly, a big fish nearly three meters long and weighing hundreds of kilograms was pulled up by Zhao Yin.

"What a big fish!" Song Xiaodao was immediately excited.

In the life space, there are also many fish in the pond, but the types are monotonous, all of them are some black carp, carp and the like. This fish is covered with golden scales and has a round body. It is obviously a huge mullet.

The meat of mullet is firm and boneless, which is most suitable for baking.

"Zhao Yin, let's grill the fish?" Song Xiaodao suggested, and the little greedy cat's appetite was aroused.

Zhao Yin nodded: "Go and wash and peel the fish."

Song Xiaodao immediately jumped off Xiaobai, held up the big fish weighing hundreds of kilograms in both hands, and walked to the river. She avoided the place where Ning Yue was swimming, put down the fish, and took out the blood sword she had just obtained.

The little girl slashed with a sword, and immediately opened her intestines and stomach, and the bright red blood flowed slowly along the water...

Here, Zhao Yin took out a pile of wood, lit a bonfire, and moved out tables, chairs and benches, thinking in his heart that he should urge Wu Xuegui to brew corn wine as soon as possible.

Now, the wine stored before the end of the world and the ones looted have been drunk.

Ning Yue came back, wearing a wet skirt that clung to her body.

The girl had beautiful curves, ups and downs, and she blushed, with her hands on her chest.

"Zhao Yin, do you have any more clothes?" Ning Yue asked in a low voice.

Zhao Yin looked back, his eyes fixed.

Although he had seen Ning Yue's body in his previous life, he was still shocked at this time.

She was very thin, but she had everything she should have. The wet collar... was about to burst out, and her hands could not cover it.

The gauze-like skirt, wet and sticking to the snow-white skin, was very visually impactful.

The mermaid line at the waist was faintly visible...

Zhao Yin retracted his gaze and coughed dryly: "Let's talk about it next time when there is a trophy. The previous ones are all with Song Xiaodao!"

Soon, Song Xiaodao came back carrying the fish.

Ning Yue spoke to her, and Song Xiaodao did not hesitate, and directly took out all the collections for Ning Yue to choose.

Many sizes of clothes that Zhou Lili and her sister had collected were not suitable for Song Xiaodao, but suitable for Ning Yue.

After Ning Yue made her selection, she looked at Zhao Yin, waiting for him to release the invisible tent and let her go in to change clothes.

But Zhao Yin seemed to have not noticed it at all.

He held the blast gun, strung the big fish, roasted it on the charcoal, and sprinkled a layer of star salt on it...

Seeing this, Ning Yue didn't dare to speak, so she could only walk to the bushes beside and bite her lips...

At this time, Zhao Yin turned around calmly, sat on the bench, and turned his back to Ning Yue.

Song Xiaodao looked at him sideways, and saw this, a relieved smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

However, the next moment, Zhao Yin suddenly had a mirror in his hand.

He whispered: "It's time to shave your beard again!"

Many people don't understand that there is a special flavor to appreciate flowers in the mirror.

"Stinky Zhao Yin!" Song Xiaodao stared.

Zhao Yin glared back: "What are you doing?"

Song Xiaodao was scared: "Nothing... Nothing, you need to see the beard urgently."

After a while, Ning Yue came back and sat down without saying a word, quietly looking at the campfire, but from the corner of her eyes, she would occasionally peek at Zhao Yin.

Her face was always red, as if she was thinking about something...

Song Xiaodao was grilling fish, the outer layer of fish meat was already cooked, she cut off a piece of fish meat and stuffed it into Zhao Yin's mouth.

"Stinky Zhao Yin, is it delicious?"

Zhao Yin ate it naturally and said: "Well, not bad."

Then Song Xiaodao put his little face close to him and smiled: "I grilled it!"

Ning Yue stared at Song Xiaodao, with envy flashing in her eyes.

Although Zhao Yin treated him very well, he was not as natural as he treated Song Xiaodao...

The fish skin was roasted golden, Song Xiaodao cut off several large pieces of fish meat, put them on the plate and placed them on the table, and the three of them sat around and ate...

At some point, three miles away from Zhao Yin and others, a huge black shadow appeared at the bottom of the river, slowly swimming towards Zhao Yin's direction.

Slowly approaching...

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