Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 179: See the Talent Pill Again

Zhao Yin picked up a piece of star crystal and suddenly put it down again, saying: "Go and call Ning Yue over.

"Okay!" Song Xiaodao couldn't wait to run out.

She was jumping up and down, the two ponytails on her head swaying, against the fiery red sun shining in from outside the door, every strand of hair seemed to be attached with a layer of flame.

A green gauze dress accentuated her slender waist.

Today's Song Xiaodao doesn't look like a person in the apocalypse at all. Instead, he looks like a junior high school student before the apocalypse.

Zhao Yin was in a good mood, and looked at the child's back with a smile.

I still remember that when I first met Song Xiaodao, her face was covered with gray and gray, her clothes were not covered, and she cried easily. Now she has been raised like this...

"In this apocalyptic world, only I, Zhao Yin, can raise my children to be fat and white!" Zhao Yin felt a sense of accomplishment.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Soon, Song Xiaodao pulled Ning Yue in.

When Ning Yue saw Zhao Yin, her face instantly turned red again. She lowered her eyes and did not dare to look at Zhao Yin.

She feels like she is the pervert!

"Zhao Yin, are you looking for me?" Ning Yue asked softly.

"Yes!" Zhao Yin nodded and pointed to the two chairs opposite: "Sit."

Song Xiaodao pulled Ning Yue over: "Oh! Open the star crystal quickly and stop the ink marks, okay?"

Zhao Yin lit a cigarette, sat there, and said: "Today's star crystals, each of you can open ten. If it can produce special powers or equipment that you can use, I will not take it back!"

"Really?" Song Xiaodao was immediately shocked.

Zhao Yin glared at her: "Do I look like a liar?"

"It's not like that!" Song Xiaodao squinted his eyes and smiled, flattering him: "You can only look handsome, one word is handsome, two words are still handsome, three words... you are handsome as hell!"

After saying that, she immediately stepped forward, grabbed a star crystal and opened it directly.

A bottle of Nongfu Spring came out.

Song Xiaodao's little face suddenly froze, like a little gambler, he opened the second piece, a piece of sandwich bread, without believing in evil...

Immediately afterwards, she held the remaining eight star crystals, closed her eyes and prayed for a while, and then opened them all.

[2 bottles of Nongfu Spring, 1 piece of sandwich bread, 2 bottles of iced black tea, 1 can of canned beef]

[1 butterfly knife] [1 E-level katana]

Her little face immediately sank.

Although two pieces of equipment were released, for today's Song Xiaodao, they are no better than garbage!

She looked at Zhao Yin aggrievedly: "Zhao Yin, I'm done."

In fact, Song Xiaodao's luck was already very good. With ten star crystals, he could get two pieces of equipment.

Zhao Yin waved his hand and put all the equipment and extraordinary materials into the space ring.

"Ning Yue, it's your turn."


Ning Yue stepped forward and looked at the hill-like pile of star crystals, unable to hide the shock on her face.

Previously in the life space, two female slaves mentioned the star crystal to her. They knew that the star crystal was precious, and they were not at all as understated as Zhao Yin said at the beginning.

Every star crystal needs to be taken out from a powerful zombie. It is the hope for human survivors to survive!

She looked at the pile of star crystals with a dazed look in her eyes.

Isn’t it said that every star crystal is precious?

"Are these all star crystals?" she asked in disbelief.

"Yes!" Song Xiaodao answered for Zhao Yin.

" often get so much?"

"It's not very often. Only once did I get more than this time. However, Zhao Yin opened it several times. It didn't seem like there were so many."

When Ning Yue heard this, her heart was pounding.

Zhao Yin's strength once again refreshed her knowledge!

She no longer hesitated, nor did she grind it like Song Xiaodao, she directly took out ten star crystals and pinched them open one by one.

Suddenly, bursts of white light flashed across the table.

[3 bottles of Nongfu Spring, 2 pieces of sandwich bread, 1 bottle of iced black tea, 2 pieces of compressed biscuits]

[A grade D machete]

[Talent Pill: Grade B, the effect increases and strengthens a talent]

After Ning Yue finished driving, she calmly looked at the items on the table, unable to tell whether they were good or bad.

"Zhao Yin, how about these things?"

Zhao Yin and Song Xiaodao both stared at the talent pill on the table, and they were unable to recover for a while.

Zhao Yin has prescribed so many star crystals, but only at the beginning of the apocalypse has he prescribed such a pill!

This is how his shooting talent came about.

In terms of rarity, talent elixirs can definitely compete with supernatural potions!

From a certain perspective, the amplification of human talent is also a kind of transcendence, and its value is no less than that of supernatural potions.

For example, in Zhao Yin's previous life, he said that there was a scientist in a certain military region. Because the talent pill amplified his talent, he could directly improve extraordinary equipment and provide that military region with terrifying combat power!

There are even people who were engaged in medical research before the end of the world. After amplifying their talents, they used mutated plants to make medicines, and their efficacy is not much worse than the medicines prescribed by Star Crystal...

For example, Zhao Yin's shooting talent is basically not inferior to combat abilities below B level. With the blessing of powerful extraordinary long-range weapons and arrows, he can even kill more powerful beings instantly!

"Zhao Yin, are these things... bad?" Ning Yue asked unconfidently when Zhao Yin didn't speak for a long time.

"Very good!" Zhao Yin nodded and said, "It's much more than I expected. This is a B-level talent pill, extremely rare!"

Ning Yue didn't want Zhao Yin to feel useless, so after hearing this, she immediately felt relaxed.

She asked softly: "What is the talent pill?"

"Sister Ning Yue, this pill can enhance your talent. I haven't enhanced it for so long. Even Zhao Yin has only enhanced one shooting talent. The team's strength can be enhanced so quickly, which is inseparable from his talent!" Song Xiaodao shouted excitedly.

Ning Yue heard this and held the talent pill in front of Zhao Yin with both hands.

"Zhao Yin, my strength is too weak to be worthy of this talent pill, or...!"

Zhao Yin interrupted Ning Yue directly: "I said that if you can open something useful, it's yours!"

He didn't break his promise to Ning Yue and Song Xiaodao.

For some people, Zhao Yin would fight for what he should fight for no matter what, even if it means killing people to steal treasures!

But Ning Yue and Song Xiaodao are both people he plans to keep by his side in this life.

In fact, the previous promise was not Zhao Yin deliberately giving them the opportunity to grow?

"Zhao Yin, this pill is too precious!"

Ning Yue bit her lip. She didn't know how to repay Zhao Yin for saving her life.

Now, there is finally something that he cares about, why doesn't he appreciate it?

"Ning Yue, I won't ask about your things anymore." Zhao Yin said, and then he started to open the star crystal.

Song Xiaodao no longer paid attention to Ning Yue, ran over to hug Zhao Yin's arm, and shook it hard: "Zhao Yin, let me open ten more, you see Ning Yue has opened good things!"

"Don't even think about it!"

"I'll open five more, isn't five enough?"

Zhao Yin felt a headache and threw a star crystal to her: "One!"

Song Xiaodao took it, held it in his arms, closed his eyes and prayed, then pinched it open.

Another compressed biscuit came out.

Her little face sank again, and she stood aside motionless, as if she had lost her soul.

Zhao Yin looked back at Song Xiaodao, the little girl lowered her head, dug the ground with the tip of her shoe, and tears rolled in her big eyes.

"Open it, but I will distribute the things you open!" Zhao Yin said helplessly: "Ning Yue, you come and open it too!"

Song Xiaodao immediately burst into laughter, and the previous unhappiness seemed to have disappeared. He grabbed the star crystal and opened it.

Ning Yue was also infected by this atmosphere and walked over...

It took five minutes for the three of them to open all the star crystals.

The mountain of supplies could not be piled on the table, and many of them were piled on the ground.

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