"Come down if you want to take a dip." Zhao Yin said.

Song Xiaodao walked around the corner of the cave, put on a small bikini, clutched his chest and walked back.


She jumped into the hot spring pool and swam quickly towards Zhao Yin: "Zhao Yin, do you think my clothes are suitable?"

Zhao Yin glanced at it and couldn't remember where the trophies were collected from. It fit her just right.

"Well, not bad!" Zhao Yin nodded.

Song Xiaodao raised his upper body out of the water: "What about here?"

Now, as Song Xiaodao's body evolves and his body shape gradually matures, the airport has finally undergone considerable changes.

"Not bad!" Zhao Yin nodded.

Song Xiaodao immediately said happily: "I will grow up soon!"

Then she plunged into the water and dived to the other side...

Early the next morning, Zhao Yin woke up from the invisible tent, pushed Song Xiaodao away from his body, and took away the paw of a big snow-white cat holding on his belly. Then, he stretched out his foot and kicked it away. The darling grandson of the corpse demon is held in his lap.

Only then did Zhao Yin get up easily.

Zhao Dehai and others were filling the bowls with the prepared breakfast together with Wu Xuegui. Zhao Yin glanced at it and then stared at the entire space.

One night passed, except for the living area near the waterhole, all the places were planted with corn.

Last time, Zhao Yin planted too densely, causing the corn trees to grow and be crowded together. The original yield should not be only that.

This time Wu Xuegui learned his lesson and planted much sparsely.

Despite this, a full 180,000 corn seedlings were planted!

If they are all mature, Zhao Yin can harvest 45 million kilograms of mutated grain!

If calculated based on Zhao Yin's current consumption, it would be enough to consume hundreds of years!

This is just the harvest of one crop of corn. In his life space, Zhao Yin can grow five crops of corn in a year!

Moreover, he can continue to expand his life space in the future. The larger the area, the more he can plant...

From now on, Zhao Yin will no longer have to worry about food!

"Old cripple, starting from tomorrow, make me corn tortillas and cornmeal buns. All humans and beasts can eat corn as they please, no need to save anymore!" Zhao Yin shouted loudly.


Ho ho ho…

All contract beasts cheered.

Recently, in order to save food, Wu Xuegui always feeds them watery noodle soup, which makes them not full at all.

With Zhao Yin's consent, Wu Xuegui, Zhao Dehai and others started making dry food on the spot.

After breakfast, all the contracted beasts had their stomachs turned out.

Zhao Dehai held a big white steamed bun and couldn't help crying.

At this moment, all the soldiers had red eyes.

After the end of the world, they have no food to eat, and most of them cannot even eat junk food. They can only eat tree bark and Guanyin soil to satisfy their hunger.

Many people did not die at Asan's hands, but starved to death while fleeing.

Zhao Yin sipped the soup noodles and said loudly: "Old cripple, prepare the pressing equipment earlier, wait for the first batch of corns to mature, and extract the germs to squeeze the corn oil!"

He remembered eating oil squeezed from mutated soybeans in his previous life, and he still recalled the taste.

"It is not difficult to make a local press. If you don't know how, I will give you a drawing!"

"Zhao Yin, why can you do everything?" Song Xiaodao looked at Zhao Yin with admiration.

Zhao Yin did not speak. A few years after the end of the world, these are the basic skills for survival.

In his previous life, Zhao Yin witnessed the development of his camp. There were talents with various skills, and he learned a lot.

Wu Xuegui nodded: "Boss, Lao Zhao and I can make presses. We learned how to do it in the army before. If there is really a surplus of food, we can still make wine!"

"Brew wine!" Zhao Yin was stunned and said, "Brew it for me tomorrow!"

After breakfast, Zhao Yin took only Xiaobai and left the life space.

His destination is still Xincheng, although it is far away.

But at Xiaobai's flying speed, it wouldn't take long to get there.

The territory of Daxia is not as good as the Asan Kingdom. Zhao Yin is familiar with the terrain and will not lose his way. Xiaobai flies directly into the clouds.

The strong wind from high in the sky flowed down the collar of Zhao Yin's suit and bulged up into a big bag behind his back. His long hair, unknowingly, fell down and was flying in the strong wind.

He is now a C-level evolver, and the wind still stings his eyes, making him feel like he is about to cry.

"Slow down, don't rush!"

Zhao Yin patted Xiaobai's head, unable to speak and could only speak from his heart.

The little white boy had rough skin and thick flesh. He didn't care about the strong wind at all, and flew happily, forgetting that his master couldn't bear it.


It quickly slowed down, and Zhao Yin was finally able to squint.

On the clouds, the sun became more and more dazzling. The sun climbed to the top of the head, reflecting the shadows of Zhao Yin and Xiao Bai in the clouds.

The whole world seems to have become a kind of white, and the blue sky and white sun are talking about this moment.

Judging from the terrain, we should be over Xilin at this time.

Zhao Yin suddenly remembered that when she met Ning Yue in her previous life, her accent still had a Qinghai accent. Thinking about it now, she should be from Qinghai.

The scene before death in the previous life appeared in my mind again...

"Brother Yin, in this end of the world, where can we go after we leave?"

This was the last time Zhao Yin heard her voice. He had never realized that her voice was very pleasant.

The last thing he saw was that her head rolled in front of him. At that glance, it was the first time that Zhao Yin looked at her squarely.

He felt the heartbreak...

When Zhao Yin was lost in memories, he suddenly remembered Xiao Bai's voice.

"Master, there is something following us!"

Zhao Yin suddenly woke up and looked back. The endless clouds were like an endless ocean, and he saw nothing.

"Are you sure?" Zhao Yin was alert and asked in his mind.

"I have been paying attention to it for a long time. That thing is very fast. It just disappeared again. Master... it, it appeared again!"

Xiao Bai's voice was trembling. His sixth sense told him that the thing was extremely dangerous, more dangerous than anything he had ever seen!

Zhao Yin suddenly turned around and a tiny black dot appeared in his sight!

If Xiao Bai had not been extremely sharp at high altitude, he might not have found it.

Zhao Yin's eyesight was fully open, but he could only vaguely see the outline of a fish!

"How is it possible?"

How could a fish fly in the sky?

In the seven years of his previous life, Zhao Yin had never heard of such a thing!

Before he could see clearly, the black dot suddenly grew rapidly... No, it was chasing Xiao Bai rapidly!

It was at least hundreds of kilometers away from Xiaobai before, but it was right in front of him in the blink of an eye. Zhao Yin's pupils suddenly shrank to the extreme!

At this moment, he was horrified. What black spot was that? It was clearly a huge mountain!

It was not a fish, but a technological product that looked like a whale!

The overall color was pitch black, and there was a stream of light spinning and running on the surface...

Zhao Yin recognized it as extraordinary energy at a glance. It was extremely rich and turned into a stream of light. It was many times richer than the C-level equipment on him...!

"Yi——! It's the space core!"

At this moment, a voice came from Zhao Yin's mind.

To be more precise, it was not a voice, but more like a brain wave.

The language was not any of the ones Zhao Yin had heard before, but he understood it inexplicably!

Everything happened in just a moment!

Before Zhao Yin could think, the giant stopped in front of Xiao Bai. The time around him seemed to slow down. A door opened in the belly of the giant.

Two "women" walked out.

Their skin was pale, their foreheads were full of blue veins, and they all had a pair of dead fish eyes!

One of the women reached out and grabbed the pendant on Zhao Yin's neck. Her brain waves came out like a spell.

"The key to the core of the broken space, you don't deserve it!"

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