Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 157: Large-scale corn planting

"Great, we'll have chestnuts to eat in the future!" Song Xiaodao jumped up happily.

Zhao Yin came back to his senses after a while. Previously, he felt that this chestnut tree was not very useful. At most, it could only improve the food for himself and Song Xiaodao and others, and it was not enough for the contracted beasts.

Now, a large chestnut forest!

The new chestnut trees, perhaps because they were all ripened by extraordinary water, the smallest ones were several times larger than the original chestnut trees, and the largest ones were already 70 or 80 meters high, with the canopy covering the sky!

Zhao Yin left the life space, brought Lao Hei in, and directly issued an order: "Pull the distance between these trees and plant them around the pond."

"Yes, Master!"

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Lao Hei responded, and ripples immediately appeared under his feet. After a few seconds, his figure sank into the ground. Zhao Yin saw a circle of orange-yellow ripples emerging from the ground, rolling up one of the chestnut trees and instantly moving in another direction.

There was no sign of the soil on the ground being turned over, and a chestnut tree was planted on the other side.

Then, Lao Hei moved them one by one, and soon all twelve chestnut trees were moved away from their original positions, leaving only the largest one in place.

The two female slaves not far away were still washing clothes. Today, Zhao Yin collected thousands of sets of clothes, enough for them to wash for a few more days.

They looked at Zhao Yin and Lao Hei, and now, they were no longer as surprised as before. They quickly retracted their gazes and continued to work mechanically.

Here, Zhao Yin took out Nongfu Spring again and poured it on the largest chestnut tree.

Another 50 bottles of Nongfu Spring were poured, and it finally bloomed and bore fruit. The thorn balls the size of a washbasin were hanging on it.

Zhao Yin counted them, about 5,000 thorn balls, each of which could produce at least 30 kilograms of chestnuts, enough to produce 150,000 kilograms!

The 120 bottles of Nongfu Spring poured previously split the chestnut tree, and the last 50 bottles made it bloom and bear fruit.

Zhao Yin secretly calculated that compared with corn, the yield of chestnut trees is much higher with the same consumption of Nongfu Spring!

It is indeed a rare mutant crop!

The chestnut tree is the only mutant plant that Zhao Yin has ever seen that has two crops at the same time. Today he discovered that it has the ability to split. I really donโ€™t know what other abilities it will discover in the future.

"Xiaodao, pick two thorn balls and taste the taste of new chestnuts." Zhao Yin said with a smile.

Song Xiaodao raised his hand, and two wind blades came out. With two clicks, two huge thorn balls fell down.

Zhao Yin raised his hand to catch them directly. The chestnut thorns now hardly hurt his skin.

There are 340 bottles of Nongfu Spring left!

Zhao Yin is not prepared to continue to ripen chestnuts.

Now, the area of โ€‹โ€‹the life space has increased several times, and corn can be planted in large quantities.

Planting one day earlier will mature one day earlier!

Next, Zhao Yin brought all people and beasts into the life space.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the space area that had increased several times.

Especially Zhao Dehai and others, their expressions were like seeing a ghost!

But no one asked anything.

Zhao Yin took out all the remaining Nongfu Spring and gave it to Wu Xuegui: "There are fifty corns that I ripened over there. Pick them all and keep some as seeds to fill the life space!"

"Drop three drops of Nongfu Spring on each corn seedling to ensure the survival rate. If there are any left, don't take them back. Ripen them directly into corn!"

After speaking, Zhao Yin turned his head and looked at all the people and beasts.

"Lao Hei, you are still responsible for turning the soil. Zhao Dehai, you all go to sow the seeds!"

"All vultures and giant rats are responsible for covering the soil after sowing!"

"Monkey and Xiaobai, you climb up the chestnut tree and pick all the chestnut balls. After peeling them, give them to the old cripple for preservation!"

"Old Cow... Forget it, Old Cow, go to sleep!"

After Zhao Yin arranged all the matters, all the people and beasts immediately took action, only the old cow stood there blankly.

At this moment, the old cow clamped the chrysanthemum tightly, and secretly swore in his heart that even if he could not evolve hands like monkeys, he would evolve claws sooner or later!

It will definitely work!

Zhao Yin suddenly realized that he seemed to have forgotten something.

He looked around and found that the Corpse Demon's grandson was not there.

He took Song Xiaodao out of the life space and entered the cave.

From a distance, he heard a snoring sound like thunder.

Zhao Yin followed the sound and soon found a hot spring pool.

The flowing spring water gushed out from the cracks in the rocks, passed through a pool of hundreds of square meters, and then seeped out from the small cracks in the other end, flowing to an unknown place.

The countless rolling bubbles made the whole pool of water look milky white, and the hot air on the water surface made people want to jump in and take a bath.

The Corpse Demon's grandson was naked, floating on the water in the posture of the word "ๆœจ", and he was already asleep.

Zhao Yin looked at the lower half of the vertical stroke of the word "ๆœจ", and suddenly felt ashamed of himself.


At this time, Song Xiaodao came over, screamed, and quickly covered his eyes with both hands: "Zhao Yin, the little demon is a hooligan!"

Zhao Yin also felt it was very dazzling.

What's the point of having such a big one? Is he going to find a female corpse demon for him?

Zhao Yin threw out a trap net, pulled the corpse demon ashore, picked up the clothes he had taken off, raised his hand, and threw it directly into the life space.

Poor corpse demon Zhang Jie was sleeping soundly, and fell directly into the cold pool. He suddenly woke up with a start, and looked back blankly.

After finding that he was thrown into the life space by the master, he was not dissatisfied: "Master!"

He called hoarsely, but unfortunately, Zhao Yin was not there, so the corpse demon closed his eyes and continued to sleep soundly.

Two female slaves were washing clothes on the shore. They were not surprised by the performance of the corpse demon.

Dandan picked up a ball of soil and threw it out.

It just hit the vertical of the word "wood".

"Sister, I hit it again today!"

"Let me try!" Lily also picked up a piece of soil and threw it over.

Unfortunately, she didn't have the shooting talent like her sister, and missed it by two inches.

The corpse demon, who was sleeping soundly, didn't move, and still floated quietly.

Breathing in and out, snoring like thunder...


Zhao Yin was soaking in the hot spring, feeling a trace of warmth seeping into the body through the skin, and he was lazy all over, relaxed as never before.

Song Xiaodao, who was standing by, was helping Zhao Yin wash the newly acquired D-level silk inner treasury and mithril chain mail inner armor.

"Zhao Yin, do you really want to wear it?" Song Xiaodao asked with a look of disdain.

"Extraordinary equipment, non-toxic and sterile, you can wear it after washing off the smell." Zhao Yin said lazily.

In his previous life, he didn't know how many times he had worn the equipment stripped from the dead.

In the end times, only Song Xiaodao, who had never suffered with Zhao Yin, would care about these things.

After Song Xiaodao washed the two pieces of equipment, she took them out of the water, and the water droplets attached to them quickly dripped off.

She raised her hand and threw them to Zhao Yin, just covering his face: "Here you go."

Zhao Yin raised his hand and took it down, staring at him and said: "Can't you send it over?"

"Hehe... wash your face for you!" Song Xiaodao laughed, as if playing a prank.

Zhao Yin didn't bother with this increasingly presumptuous girl, and directly put on the two pieces of equipment and closed his eyes to rest.

It has been a long time since I have been so relaxed.

"At this time, if I could have a plate of fruit...!" Zhao Yin suddenly remembered that there was a yellow peach in the ring.

The few camps that were looted recently did not produce E-level food, and the things that could permanently increase attributes were eaten in advance.

He took out the yellow peach and took a bite directly. It was sweet and slightly cool.

Sure enough, the best partner for hot springs is fruit.

"Zhao Yin, I want to take a bath too!" Song Xiaodao suddenly said.

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