Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 159: The Man of the Starry Sky

At this moment, Zhao Yin felt the unprecedented threat of death!

The pressure from these two women was like a mountain, just like in his previous life, when he faced the flying white tiger, he was so desperate!

At this moment, the dog-head hat on his head suddenly released a light shield, wrapping him and Xiaobai inside.

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When the woman's finger touched the light shield, it was blocked for a moment.


The light shield was broken instantly!

The terrible unknown energy spread, and the dog-head hat on Zhao Yin's head that saved his life was shattered in an instant!

It was also at this moment that the time around Zhao Yin returned to normal, and the figures of him and Xiaobai also disappeared from the spot!

In the air, the dog-head hat turned into powder, and with the strong wind. Drifting among the clouds...

The woman's cold snort echoed.

"Space core, such a treasure, how can you have it? Sooner or later, it will be mine!"


[? ? ? ]

This was the last scene that Zhao Yin saw with his True Vision Eye before he returned to the life space.

What he should have seen was the information on that woman.

He and Xiaobai stood under the chestnut tree, one man and one beast, and their minds were still blank.

There was no joy after escaping death, nor was there the previous fear.

Only those question marks kept appearing in front of him!

If Zhao Yin had not seen it with his True Vision Eye, he would never have believed that this would happen. However, even if the level reached SSS level, at least some information should have been seen.

Could it be that her level had surpassed SSS level?

Now, with the level of mutant beasts and zombies in the world, even if they were all consumed by her, could they evolve to that level?

Is there really a level above SSS level?

Zhao Yin could not imagine everything!


At this time, the joyful voice of the corpse demon came.

Zhao Yin subconsciously turned his head, and the corpse demon in the pool suddenly jumped out, hugged his legs, and said happily: "Master!"


Zhao Yin lowered his head and stared at the corpse demon half-kneeling at his feet. His mind was shaken violently!

At this moment, he finally remembered what species the two women were...corpse demons!

They looked like two corpse demons.

It's just that their level is much higher than Zhang Jie. They seem to be more agile than him and can make subtle expressions on their faces!

Zhao Yin also had a vague guess about the origin of the two women. They may not belong to this world, but come from the starry sky.

Just like the arrival of meteor showers and unknown energy, they also come from the starry sky!

Perhaps they originally came with the meteor shower!

Zhao Yin was shocked by his guess. He didn't know how many such corpse demons there were. Was this disaster caused by them?

What's the purpose?

"Master! Master...!"

The corpse demon saw that Zhao Yin didn't respond for a long time, felt ignored, and looked up at him.


Zhao Yin raised his foot and kicked the corpse demon back into the pool.

Then he turned and walked towards the invisible tent.

"Zhao Yin!"

Song Xiaodao greeted him happily: "Why do you treat Xiao Momo like that? Did he make you angry?"

Zhao Yin said nothing, walked directly into the tent, sat down, took out a cigarette and lit it.

Just now, when he saw the face of the corpse demon Zhang Jie, he suddenly felt a sense of fear.

In the smoke, Zhao Yin thought of some questions that he had never thought about before.

He thought a lot.

"Will the corpse demon Zhang Jie become like the two women? "How can humans evolve into corpse demons in the starry sky?"

"Is this world-destroying disaster caused by their desire to cultivate their own kind? Or is it that evolving into corpse demons is the real theme of this evolution?"

"Then, what are these evolutions, human evolvers, mutant beasts, zombies...?"

"Are they the products of failed evolution? "

Zhao Yin couldn't figure it out, but he couldn't help thinking about it, and he couldn't stop it! These thoughts, like a flood, surged in Zhao Yin's mind.

"Why haven't I heard about the corpse demons in the sky in the past seven years? In the end, are they hiding, or are they following some rules and can't come out?"

"Or maybe they regard the whole world as a breeding farm, waiting to be fattened before harvesting?"

Zhao Yin sat there motionless.

The cigarette on his fingertips was about to burn out, and the unextinguished flame burned his fingers, but Zhao Yin still didn't notice it.

"If creating corpse demons is what they want, then is the evolution of other species the nutrition provided to the corpse demons?"

"Including all mutant beasts, mutant plants, human evolutionists, psychics, zombies, star crystals...!"

"Star crystals? "

Feeling a stinging pain on his fingers, Zhao Yin quickly threw away the cigarette butt and licked his cracked lips, but his face was much more relaxed.

"Although corpse demons can eat extraordinary food and use extraordinary equipment, they do not need evolution potions!"

"And the supernatural potion has no effect on them! Only humans can use it!"

"And these two potions are the most important things in the star crystal!"

"If this disaster is really driven by life behind the scenes, then there must be existence on the side of humans!"

Although there are still too many things that cannot be figured out, Zhao Yin is satisfied.

At least, it is not the worst.

He got up and walked out of the invisible tent. Wu Xuegui and Wang Xiaolei set up a big pot outside the door and were steaming buns.

There was a blazing fire under the stove, and the rising smoke floated in the air and was quickly absorbed by the boundary wall, as if this space had its own purification system.

The two corpse demons were attracted by his life space.

I remember at that time, they mentioned that the SS-level space pendant was just the key to this space. What level was this life space itself?

Zhao Yin shook his head. In his past seven years, he had heard of many life spaces, but he didn't know if other life spaces were as good as his.

Under the chestnut tree, there were many tables, chairs and benches piled up, as well as a dozen wooden beds.

They were all just produced by Zhao Dehai and others, and they are still busy at this time.

Some people moved in the wood left over from making arrows before, others carried extraordinary weapons to cut the wood into shapes, and finally Zhao Dehai and Liu Shun spliced ​​it together into a wooden bed...!

"Zhao Yin, are you in a bad mood?"

Behind Zhao Yin, Song Xiaodao's small voice came.

Looking back, the girl was holding a new wooden stool in both hands and looking at him carefully.

Zhao Yin raised his hand and rubbed her little head: "I'm just a little tired and want to rest temporarily."

How could Song Xiaodao not know that with the character of Emperor Zhao Yin Gan, it was impossible to rest for no reason, not to mention that it had just been repaired last night.

But she was smart enough not to continue asking.

Song Xiaodao put down the wooden stool and pulled Zhao Yin's clothes: "Sit down."

Zhao Yin obeyed, bent down and sat down, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Song Xiaodao became more and more certain that he must have encountered something, otherwise, he would never be so absent-minded.

She took out a butterfly knife from her space ring, which she used to 'cut watermelons'.

"Let me trim your hair, it's all messed up by the wind."

Zhao Yin was not wearing a dog hat, his hair was a mess, and behind his back, his clothes were soaked with sweat.

The butterfly knife cut iron like clay, blowing hair and breaking hair. After a few minutes, Song Xiaodao said softly: "It's done!"

She took out a mirror and handed it to Zhao Yin.

In the mirror, Zhao Yin returned to short hair and neat sideburns. Although they were not as trimmed as Teacher Tony before the apocalypse, they were not ugly either.

Zhao Yin asked in surprise: "Song Xiaodao, when did you learn to cut hair?"

"That's what I just learned last night, hehe, I'll cover your head from now on!" Song Xiaodao saw that Zhao Yin was satisfied, and she was also very happy.

The girl subconsciously raised her head and looked at the soldiers in the distance. Their previous haircuts now looked like dog gnaws.

Even Wu Xuegui, who was steaming steamed buns and wiping his sweat, had a bald head that turned into a big bald egg!


Zhao Yin understood for a moment, and then he was silent for a moment and asked: "You are using them to practice, are you preparing to give me a haircut?"

"I didn't mean it. I thought I could make it look better for them."

Song Xiaodao spoke forcefully, but it was easy to hear that she was feeling guilty.

"Well done!" Zhao Yin smiled.

"I've been unhappy with the old lame man for a long time. He obviously doesn't have a few hairs on his head, but he still takes care of it every day. Do you think that by covering the top of his head, others won't be able to tell that he is bald?"

"Haha...!" Song Xiaodao covered his mouth and bent over with laughter.

After laughing enough, she gently pinched Zhao Yin's shoulder with her little hand: "I have another idea, but I need you to agree first!"

"You say it first!" Zhao vagina said.

"Do you agree or not?" Song Xiaodao shook Zhao Yin's shoulders, coquettishly.

Zhao Yin didn't accept this trick at all and said ruthlessly: "Forget it, you'd better stop talking."

"Zhao Yin, I just want to get some feathers and make you a duvet, how about it?"

"You can't let you make those vultures. We have to rely on them to kill zombies!"

"No? Then...what about Xiaobai?"

Song Xiaodao pouted and said: "Xiaobai's hair is white and clean. Just cut off half of it and Uncle Zhao can make a lazy sofa for you!"


Xiaobai's ears were very good, and his hair suddenly exploded all over his body. He looked at Song Xiaodao warily.

She looked like she would fight to the death if she dared to take action.

It had a confrontation with Song Xiaodao, but was eventually defeated by Song Xiaodao. It lowered its head and licked the white hair on its paws, looking very cherished, as if saying goodbye.

"I'm just teasing you, huh! Stinky little white guy!" Song Xiaodao snorted coldly.

Zhao Yin was too lazy to pay attention to this prodigal girl, closed his eyes, and enjoyed her little hands gently squeezing his shoulders.

At this moment, he didn't want to think about anything anymore...

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