Vikas had been frightened by the previous scene.

The blood of the soldiers had long disappeared with the decadent life after the end of the world.

Zhao Yin nodded with satisfaction and asked, "Where is your military camp?"

"Go west, cross the mountain in front, there is a natural cave 50 kilometers away from here." Vikas looked more obedient than his grandson.

Zhao Yin released Xiaobai and Bald Egg, and then put everyone except Song Xiaodao into the life space.

Bald Egg picked up Vikas with one claw and rushed into the sky... and Zhao Yin, holding Song Xiaodao, sat on Xiaobai's back and slowly rose into the air.

"Wow! So fun!"

In the sky, the girl's silver bell-like laughter echoed in all directions for a long time.

Song Xiaodao shouted happily: "Zhao Yin, do you think that when I become stronger in the future, my wind ability can really take me flying?"

"Zhao Yin, why do you only take me with you, why not Wang Xiaolei?"

"Zhao Yin, if I have a pair of wings, you are not allowed to ride Xiaobai anymore, you can only ride me, I let you ride!"

"Eh-why don't you speak?"


Fifty kilometers away, in a natural cave.

Here, the only 3,000 troops of Asan on the border of Kunlun are stationed. At this time, there are 217 evolvers and three ability users!

The three ability users are Lieutenant Colonel Qiao Han who masters the C-level exploration ability 'Eye of Discrimination'! Colonel Singer who masters the B-level combat ability 'Stone Armor'! And Major General Roy who masters the B-level combat ability 'Frenzy Speed'!

There is a hot spring in the cave, with a constant temperature of about 40 degrees Celsius, which is most suitable for bathing.

At this time, the three superpowers were all naked in the pool.

"It would be nice to have a woman. I haven't enjoyed the taste of a woman for too long." Singer said.

Roy yawned and said, "When Vikas comes back, I will bring back the female slaves traded from Mr. Fonda. They are enough for us to play with for a long time."

"This time, we can't be like the previous times, playing to death after a few days, especially Qiao Han, you have to change those bad habits!" Singer said.

Qiao Han curled his lips and spread his hands, saying, "It's those women who can't be played with, not even the evolvers."

"You're talking nonsense, those women are resources, each of them is exchanged for military rations!" Singer cursed, "Damn it, the brothers below haven't tasted the taste, and you killed them all!"

Roy interrupted the quarrel between the two: "Mo Shan should have killed Zhao Dehai. In the future, without the entanglement of those Daxia pigs, we can develop our power with peace of mind. Sooner or later, all the women in Daxia will be ours!"

The other two smiled.

"And Fangda, that pig, we will kill him sooner or later!" Singer said.

"Roy, you promised Fangda the D-level defense equipment, are you really going to give it to him?" Qiao Han asked.

Roy frowned, Fangda's ability was too strange, and the lethality was too amazing.

Even if he joined forces with Singer and Mo Shan, they might not be able to defeat the other party.

For other evolvers, encountering Fangda's poisonous fog was no different from sending themselves to death.

"The zombies have evolved again. After a few days, I will be promoted to C-level and kill Fangda." Roy's eyes revealed fierceness.

At this moment, an evolver soldier ran over in a panic.

"General, it's bad, it's bad, Vikas is dead!"

Roy and the other two were shocked. Qiao Han quickly jumped out of the pool and grabbed the soldier's collar: "Vikas is a D-level evolver. Fangda has the courage to kill him?"

"No, not Fangda. The brother who was on guard outside the cave just now came in and said that he saw Vikas falling from the sky!"

"Falling from the sky?"

Qiao Han subconsciously raised his head and looked at the top of the cave.


At this time, Zhao Yin sensed the breath of thousands of lives in the cave, so he ordered Bald Egg to "release" Vikas!

Bald Egg did release him, but he seemed to have forgotten to send him back to the ground, and his head was smashed alive.

"Bald Egg, this is not good!"

Zhao Yin taught: "You should kill him first, so that you won't be scared or hurt when you fall down!"

"Master, I will pay attention next time!" Bald Egg responded honestly.

"Zhao Yin, when will you go down?" Song Xiaodao asked.

Zhao Yin patted Xiao Bai's head: "Go down!"


Xiao Bai cried and immediately dived down.

At this time, footsteps roared in the cave.

Soon, thousands of Indian soldiers lined up in neat teams and rushed out of the cave quickly. Led by more than 200 evolvers, everyone's face was murderous.

"Who killed Vikas? Get out of here!" The leader was a bearded D-level evolver, who shouted in international language.

Then everyone saw a big white cat with wings on its back, carrying two human figures, falling from the sky.

Landing steadily in front of the cave, the white cat, with cold vertical pupils, glanced at everyone coldly, with contempt and disdain.

The bearded evolver was stunned, and the anger on his face seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water.

He froze there directly.

"Mutated...mutated beast?"

"With such a large body, is it E-class...or D-class?"

"How can a person be with a mutant beast?"

All the Ah Sans had horrified expressions on their faces.

A month ago, they encountered an E-level mutant wolf. At that time, the entire army attacked together, including Roy, who had evolved to D-level at that time.

But in the end, more than a thousand soldiers died, several evolvers died, and even Roy was seriously injured and barely killed the mutant wolf!

Everyone still remembered it clearly. They were terrified of the existence of mutant beasts from the bottom of their hearts.

"Don't do it!"

At this time, Roy walked out of the cave.

Seeing Xiaobai and Baldy, he was also shocked.

But Roy was a superpower after all. Before the end of the world, he was a major general in the Asan army. He quickly calmed down.

"Friend, why did you kill my brother?" Roy asked.

"Do you need a reason?" Zhao Yin asked back, in a calm tone, without even looking up at Roy.

He slowly turned the space ring on his finger, took out the Yuanyue Axe and a rag, and wiped it gently. In the sun, it reflected the cold light.

"Yuanyue Axe?"

Someone in the army immediately recognized the extraordinary weapon.

Isn't it the one that the superpower Mo Shan had?

Roy's eyes widened: "Mo Shan also suffered from your murderous hand?"

"Yes!" Zhao Yin nodded, then raised his head and looked at all the Asan, and suddenly asked: "Are you all out to play? If you are all out, I won't wait."

Roy didn't understand what he meant for a moment.

"Friend, I have no grudges against you. You killed my people, so you can let it go. Why did you come here? Do you really want to fight to the death with me?"

"Fight to the death?"

Zhao Yin's eyes flashed, and suddenly turned cold: "Do you deserve it?"

At this time, Qiao Han and Singer also came out.

Qiao Han's eyes fell on Zhao Yin, Song Xiaodao, and the two giant beasts, and his whole body trembled violently.

"What's going on?" Singer asked.

"C...C...!" Qiao Han's face was pale, his lips were swollen, and he couldn't even speak clearly.

"What's C? Are you sick?"


Johan finally spoke clearly, and his mind calmed down a bit. He said tremblingly: "The vulture is C-level, the white tiger is D-level, both are real mutants!"

"Those two Daxia people are also superpowers. The man is also C-level, and the little girl is D-level. I don't know the level of their superpowers...!"

Singer also turned pale when he heard this.

Roy in front also heard these words and was stunned.

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