Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 154 Zhao Dehai's Decision

"Friend... no, Your Excellency, we have no grievances. If you have any requests, just ask me. I am the person in charge of this military camp, my name is Roy!"

Roy bent his body and tried to remain respectful: "As long as the camp has it, you can take it.

This time it was Zhao Yin's turn to be stunned. He didn't expect that the bones of these Asans were so soft.

He despised Zhao Dehai even more, for he was forced to such a situation by such a group of weaklings!

This book is first published on ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’96๐–˜๐–๐–š.๐–“๐–Š๐–™, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

The next moment, Zhao Yin disappeared from Xiao Bai. When he reappeared, except for the two female slaves, all the people and animals were brought out by him.

Zhao Dehai and others saw the Ah San army in front of them clearly, and everyone's eyes turned red.

"Roy! Singer! Johan!"

Zhao Dehai read out the names of the three people word by word. Every word contained overwhelming hatred!

Zhao Yin didn't want to delay at all. At this time, all Asan came out.

In his mouth, he spat out one word indifferently: "Kill!"

next moment!


Ho ho ho!

All the contracted beasts became excited. There were those flying in the sky, those running on the ground, the terrifying giant monkeys with flaming figures, the mice the size of locomotives, the old cows as big as hills...

In an instant, the contracted beasts rushed into Asan's army.

Suddenly, screams rose up and down one after another...

"Everyone, kill me and save your dead comrades!" Zhao Dehai roared and led all the soldiers into the crowd.

The ground was dyed red with blood, and broken limbs and arms were flying everywhere... This was an unfair massacre!

The three Roys standing at the end of the crowd were completely stunned, and finally understood why Zhao Yin came to find them.

It turns out that they were helpers invited by the remnants of Daxiaโ€™s army!

They never imagined that the Daxia army, which they had forced to a dead end, would still be able to fight back one day!

If they still felt fear when facing Zhao Yin before, then now, they have all fallen into despair.

At this time, a zombie with a scumbag hairstyle suddenly appeared behind the flaming monkey that rushed forward.

He rushed directly towards Roy and the other three. Several evolvers blocked them along the way, but the Corpse Demon eliminated them all with a few swipes of its claws.

In an instant, he was in front of Roy and punched him in the cheek.

Roy quickly activated his crazy speed ability and prepared to dodge, but the zombie demon was too fast, bang!

Roy's head was shattered by a punch, and his brains, along with blood, sprayed into the corpse demon's face.

The corpse demon subconsciously stuck out his tongue, licked the corner of his mouth, and licked the contaminated brain into his mouth, but he quickly remembered something and looked back at me.


The corpse demon vomited out again, raised its terrifying cheeks, and looked at Singer and Johan with eyes like dead fish.

At this time, Zinger and Johan finally recovered from their shock.

"Run!" George Han shouted loudly, turned around and ran away.

Zinger slowed down a beat, and was instantly caught up by the corpse demon, who punched him in the back of the heart. After all, Zinger had been on the battlefield for a long time, and he immediately activated the stone armor ability!

A thick layer of stone skin appeared on his back, spreading rapidly to cover him!


The zombie demon's punch landed on him, but it did not break through the stone armor. The strong inertia caused Singer's body to fly out.

"Sure enough, my superpower is the most useful!" Zinger was rejoicing when suddenly his face changed wildly.

Although the stone armor power was not broken by the corpse demon, his back suddenly became numb, and while he was still flying in the air, his whole person began to turn to stone...

This was definitely not his stone armor power, but everything from his bones to his flesh and blood was numbing rapidly. After a moment, Singer lost consciousness... After his body hit the ground, it turned into gravel all over the ground...

In fact, after the corpse demon punched him, he stopped looking at Zinger. He caught up with George Han who was escaping in a few steps, slapped him down, and poof!

Half of the head was broken into pieces, and the remaining half was retracted into the chest, making it look like a turtle from a distance.

"Zhao Yin, your good grandson is too violent, you need more education!" Song Xiaodao took out the cooked corn on the cob and gnawed it, while saying to Zhao Yin behind him.

"You need to educate him, but he is older than you, so don't call him a good grandson!" Zhao Yin said as a lesson.

"Hmph! I am your fiancรฉe, and he is your grandson, shouldn't he call me grandma?" Song Xiaodao snorted coldly.

She was particularly concerned about this matter, and even dared to disobey Zhao Yin every time.

Zhao Yin and Song Xiaodao were still riding on Xiaobai's fleshy, furry back, and had no intention of joining the battle.

Ten minutes later, it became quiet in front of the cave.

Ah San's troops were all dead, and not a single hair of the contracted beasts was injured.

Zhao Dehai and a group of soldiers were exhausted from exhaustion. Previously, they had desperately fought with the mutant beasts to kill Ah San's soldiers. Many of them suffered injuries of varying severity.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were blood red and there were tears in their eyes.

"Line up!"

Zhao Dehai suddenly shouted, and Liu Shun immediately led all the soldiers to line up in a neat line, facing the direction of the former Daxia military camp.

"stand at attention--!"

Zhao Dehai's voice was hoarse and he shouted with all his strength.


More than thirty people arranged their military postures, holding swords in one hand and holding their heads high, some with trembling lips.

Their dark faces were stained with Ah San's blood, but they were as radiant as ever.

Zhao Dehai shouted loudly: "Everyone! Say your final farewell to the former Daxia and the faith you once had! Salute!"


When all the Daxia soldiers saluted in unison, some of them shed tears.

The home and country they once protected with blood and life, the obsession and thoughts they once believed in with their souls, the glory they once took pride in, at this moment, they are going to leave behind...

When the end of the world comes, they should let it go!

But, they are unwilling to see their comrades die like that, unwilling to see their home and country broken like that, unwilling to see the city built by their ancestors with blood and bones collapse like that...

But! It's time to let it go!

Wu Xuegui stared at the backs of the last batch of Daxia soldiers at the Kunlun border, with a smile on his lips and tears in his eyes.

He was laughing and crying.

Zhao Dehai shouted loudly: "Turn left!"


All the soldiers faced Zhao Yin, and Zhao Dehai shouted again: "Take off your uniforms!"

This time, everyone moved very slowly.

They all felt reluctant to leave.

Including Zhao Dehai and Liu Shun, they all slowly took off their torn and bloodstained military uniforms, then carefully folded them neatly and laid them flat on the ground.

The next moment, Zhao Dehai knelt on one knee in front of Zhao Yin.

Liu Shun and all the soldiers knelt down.

"Boss, from now on, there will be no more Daxia soldiers here, only your workers!"

"We just discussed it in the life space, and we will work for you in the future. As long as you don't abandon us, we are willing to die for you!" Zhao Dehai said loudly.

"We are willing to die for you!"

All the soldiers said in unison, and the combined voice shook the mountains and forests!

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