Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 152 I'm Not Ready to Rob

Zhao Yin stood there, still holding the half-burned cigarette butt in his mouth.

In his hand, he held a fluorescent weapon, even gloves, hat, and trousers, nothing simple.

Judging from the brightness of the fluorescent lights, they may all be D-level or above, or even... they may be C-level equipment!

Just based on Zhao Yin's outfit, at this moment, the anger in Fangda's heart disappeared instantly, and then he became vigilant.

"Why is the Yuan Yue Ax in his hand?" At this time, Ah San behind him suddenly spoke.

Weapons above C level are very rare. It is unlikely that two of the same weapons will appear in the same area at the same time!

"Vikas, do you know that weapon?" Fonda asked.

"My good brother Mo Shan used this kind of weapon. He went to encircle and suppress the remnants of Daxia's army today...!"

Vikas paused for a moment, then glanced coldly at the military uniforms worn by Zhao Dehai and others: "I'm afraid it's going to be a disaster!"

One of the deals that Asan and Fangda made was for Fangda to send Zhao Dehai and others to the camp, provide them with locations, and then let Moshan lead the troops to kill them.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱

As a result, Zhao Dehai and others returned safely, and someone was carrying Mo Shan's weapon!

At this time, Zhao Yin also opened the Eye of True Sight.

[Human male, power awakener, D-level evolver, evolution level 100/54: strength 162, agility 169, physical strength 150, spirit 98, life countdown: 189568 days]

[Human male, D-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0, strength 172, agility 174, physical strength 180, spirit 45, life countdown: 187959 days]

Except for Fang Da and Asan, the women are all ordinary people.

All the potentials of Fang and Da before D level were unlocked by the evolution potion!

Moreover, Fangda is a superpower, and the Eye of True Seeing cannot detect the level of his superpower, which means that it is at least level B or above!

Ah San's army is already considered powerful among all the apocalyptic forces.

And Fangda can trade with them on an equal footing on his own, which is certainly not easy.

"Did you kill Mo Shan?" Vikas strode forward, passed Fangda, and looked at Zhao Yin with blood-red eyes.

The next moment, Zhao Yin strode forward, raised his hand and grabbed Vikas' neck.

He pushed him to the ground and made two puffs!

Two axes chopped off both legs!

When blood spurted out, Zhao Yin raised his head and spat out the cigarette butt in his mouth: "Song Xiaodao, kill everyone here!"

Zhao Yin came here to ask about the location of Asan's military camp!

Now that an officer Asan appears here, all the steps are saved!

At this moment, everyone except Song Xiaodao was stunned, and even Wu Xuegui's eyes widened.

No one thought that Zhao Yin would take action so decisively!

As soon as they meet each other, they don't even say a word, and then they start killing people!

Song Xiaodao raised his hand, and two wind blades flew out, and immediately three screams came.

The three evolvers closest to her all had their bodies smashed into pieces, and then, her thin figure, as light as the breeze, rushed towards Fangda.

Only then did Fangda realize what he was doing, and he was filled with shock and anger.

He didn't even expect that a seemingly inexperienced little loli was actually a powerful superpower!

Fangda immediately activated his poison power, and his whole body was enveloped in a burst of black mist. The seven women behind him suddenly screamed.

Their bodies were rapidly melting by the poisonous mist, but Fangda ignored them and controlled the black mist to sweep towards Song Xiaodao.

Song Xiaodao had never fought against a person with superpowers, and it was the first time he saw poisonous superpowers. He screamed in fright.

She turned around and ran towards Zhao Yin: "Zhao Yin, Zhao Yin, this guy can also have super powers!"

"What are you afraid of? You have S-level powers, why are you still afraid of him?" Zhao Yin said speechlessly.

From the strength of Fangda's superpower, Zhao Yin immediately judged that it was an A-level poison system. The biggest advantage of this superpower is that it can attack and kill in a large area, and as long as the opponent is injured, he will either die or be disabled!

No wonder Ah San’s army didn’t dare to provoke Fang Da easily!

However, Song Xiaodao's wind element can just restrain the poison element, not to mention that his supernatural power is stronger than the opponent's!

"Kill him to death, otherwise, I will make you unable to eat for three days!" Zhao Yin ordered loudly.

When Song Xiaodao heard this, he quickly stopped. At this time, the poisonous mist controlled by Fangda had already arrived behind her, and her instinctive powers were fully activated.

Countless wind blades formed a wind roll the size of a house, and suddenly swept away in the opposite direction.

The next moment, the poisonous fog that covered the sky and the sun collided with the huge wind, and was blown backwards in an instant. Then, all the wind blades fell on Fangda...

Puff puff puff puff...!

Zhao Yin turned away and observed three seconds of silence for the guy named Fangda.

A strong wind blew, and Fang Da disappeared. Even the bones and dregs were cut into powder by countless wind blades and swept away by the strong wind.

Zhao Yin held Vikas, who was missing two legs, in one hand and ordered: "Old cripple, go in and search for supplies!"

Wu Xuegui quickly led Zhao Dehai and others towards several containers.

Soon, a large amount of extraordinary materials were searched out.

[89 bottles of Nongfu Spring, 36 pieces of sandwich bread, 27 bottles of iced black tea, 25 pieces of compressed biscuits, 14 pieces of instant noodles, 2 bottles of D-level treatment potions, 1 C-level treatment potion]

[16 pieces of F-level equipment, 7 pieces of E-level equipment]

[A D-level machete, a piece of heavy armor...]

There is not a piece of equipment above D level...

Fangda has not opened a space ring. These materials were just placed in the container in the center.

When Fang Da came out earlier, he didn't even wear any equipment. He was too impatient.

Zhao Yin looked at the mountain of supplies in front of him, his expression was excited, and he collected them all.

At this time, his extraordinary food and potions had reached a rather terrifying figure.

[92 bottles of Nongfu Spring, 80 pieces of sandwich bread, 43 bottles of iced black tea, 52 pieces of compressed biscuits, 1 yellow peach, 1 can of beef, 34 yuan of instant noodles, 4 cans of tuna, 3 bottles of F-level evolution potion, 1 E-level evolution potion Bottles, 5 bottles of D-level healing potions, 3 bottles of C-level healing potions]

Zhao Yin really didn't plan to rob, but this traitor named Fang Da deserves to die!

He directly threw the machete to Wu Xuegui: "Old cripple, here it is, the kitchen knife I use for cooking in the future cannot be used to kill people!"

Wu Xuegui took it subconsciously, was stunned, and then said ecstatically: "Thank you boss, thank you boss...!"

He finally has a supernatural weapon, and it's D-class!

You know, even though Zhao Yin usually regards D-level as a material for upgrading space, in the eyes of other evolvers, D-level is definitely a weapon they only dream of!

Just like Fangda, as a powerful superpower, he only has one thing!

Zhao Dehai and others on the side stared at the machete in Wu Xuegui's hand, with envious expressions on their faces.

At this time, seven evolvers were walking quickly from outside the camp.

Their evolver levels are all F, and their clothes are in tatters, just like ordinary people in the camp.

When they saw the corpses on the ground clearly, they were all stunned.

"Tuan Zhao, what happened? Where's Boss Fang? Who are these people?" One of the young men boldly stepped forward and asked.

Zhao Yin frowned and looked at Zhao Dehai.

Zhao Dehai immediately said: "Boss, only the dead Ah Piao and Zhang Ming are Fangda's confidants. The other evolvers are just like us and have been oppressed by them!"

Zhao Yin nodded and ordered Song Xiaodao to pick up the equipment from the dead people, then turned and walked out of the camp.

Zhao Dehai raised his hand and patted the young man on the shoulder: "Brother, this camp will be yours from now on. The boss doesn't like the ordinary food in the warehouse."

When the young man heard this, he turned around suddenly and looked at Zhao Yin's leaving figure.

He already understood that it was Zhao Dehai's words that saved their lives!

Zhao Yin left the camp and slapped Vikas on the forehead: "Do you want to die or live?"

"I want to live, I want to live...!"

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