The corpse demon was dumbfounded, and immediately rushed forward, happily picked up the three heads, and handed them to Song Xiaodao with both hands.

The black sticky blood flowed through his fingers.

Song Xiaodao frowned: "I asked you to take back the corpse crystals, why did you give me the corpse heads?"

The corpse demon was stunned, clearly she just said to pick up the heads.

He still obediently broke the head, took out the three E-level corpse crystals inside, and handed them to Song Xiaodao.

"Grandma doesn't want it, give it to your grandfather!" Song Xiaodao laughed, very happy.

Zhao Yin knocked on the little loli's head and whispered: "Don't bully your grandson!"

After putting away the corpse crystals, people and beasts stepped on the weeds and went east all the way. On the way, they met scattered zombies again, and the corpse crystals were taken back by the corpse demon without any delay.

In the evening, a tall stone wall in the distance appeared in everyone's sight.

"Boss, the camp I mentioned is in front." Zhao Dehai came to Zhao Yin and said.

Zhao Yin raised his hand slightly, and all the people and beasts stopped.

"How many evolvers are there inside, and how strong are the psychics?" Zhao Yin asked.

"There are more than 20 evolvers inside, and the strongest one is said to be the psychic's brother-in-law, and his strength has reached D level!"

Zhao Dehai continued: "The psychic is called Fang Da. We have never seen him take action. We only know that he is very strong, and even Ah San doesn't dare to provoke him."

Zhao Yin pondered slightly, remembering that in his previous life, he had never heard of a strong man named Fang Da.

It can only mean that this person is definitely not the top psychic he knows.

As long as he is not an SSS-level combat psychic, Zhao Yin has nothing to worry about.

"All contracted beasts, follow me back to the space, dear grandson, you go back too." Zhao Yin turned over from Xiaobai and gave the order directly.

After all, most of the people in the camp are ordinary people, and bringing such a group of "monsters" in may cause unnecessary panic.

These are all survivors of Daxia. If it is not necessary, Zhao Yin is unwilling to commit more murders!

He just wanted to ask Fangda for Ah San's address. As long as the other party knew what was good for him, he didn't want to bother with anything else.

Only Song Xiaodao and Wu Xuegui were left beside Zhao Yin. Wang Xiaolei and all the contracted beasts were all taken into his life space.

Zhao Dehai and others were all stunned. They saw Zhao Yin raised his hand and touched the mutant beasts one by one. All of them disappeared inexplicably.

Zhao Yin did not explain, and they did not dare to ask more.

"Lead the way!" Zhao Yin did everything and ordered in a deep voice.

"Okay... OK, boss!"

Zhao Dehai, Liu Shun and others immediately led the way.

Soon, they came to a gate made of alloy. Several sentry towers were built inside the stone wall, and several evolvers were standing on them.

One of them immediately aimed the bow and arrow in his hand at Zhao Dehai and others.

Zhao Yin looked up and saw that the man was holding an E-level extraordinary bow, but the arrows used were all made of ordinary steel.

His pupils shrank subconsciously. He didn't expect that the psychic named Fang Da actually had such a family background.

You know, Zhao Yin had never used this kind of bow before. His heart skipped a beat and he couldn't help but look at the bow a few more times...

"Captain Zhao, how many corpse crystals did you bring back this time? The leader said 300 E-level corpse crystals. Have you collected enough now?"

The evolver holding the bow and arrow said loudly, deliberately emphasizing the word "captain" with a sarcastic tone.

Zhao Dehai replied: "Brother Zhang Ming, we met Ah San on the way and almost couldn't come back. We came back now because we have something important to see the leader...!"


The people on the sentry tower laughed, and Zhang Ming interrupted Zhao Dehai loudly: "Zhao Tuan, you dare to come back without corpse crystals, what did you promise to our boss Fang at the beginning!"

"The camp provides us with shelter. We handed over the corpse crystals and star crystals we got to Boss Fang. It's not that we broke our promise, but we really have something to see Boss Fang!"

Zhao Dehai said: "Brother Zhang Ming, let us in, and I will definitely reward you generously in the future!"

"Generous gift?"

Zhang Ming sneered: "Just you? You can't even get 300 corpse crystals, what generous gift can you mention?"

Zhao Yin frowned on the side. Zhao Dehai didn't mention his situation in this camp before.

Zhao Yin raised his hand and threw three D-level corpse crystals to Zhao Dehai: "Let them open the door!"

"Boss...!" Zhao Dehai took the corpse crystals: "How can we let you spend money on us?"

"I want to see Fang Da as soon as possible." Zhao Yin said.

Less trouble is worse than more trouble. Zhao Yin was worried that something would happen after the Asan found out that Mo Shan and others were dead.

As for the three D-level corpse crystals...

"Take them. I will make them spit out ten times what they ate!" Zhao Yin narrowed his eyes, revealing murderous intent.

Zhao Dehai didn't say anything more. He sighed and threw the three corpse crystals directly to Zhang Ming: "Open the door!"

Zhang Ming raised his hand to catch the corpse crystals, took a look, and was stunned.

Although three D-level corpse crystals are equal in value to three hundred E-level corpse crystals, they are completely different concepts.

If Zhao Dehai's team kills three hundred E-level zombies one by one, they can do it, but Zhang Ming doesn't believe that they can kill D-level zombies.

"Where did you get the D-level corpse crystal?" Zhang Ming asked.

"I've already given you the corpse crystal. As for where it came from, I can't explain it to you!" Zhao Dehai was also aroused with anger, and his voice was a little louder: "Open the door!"

"Not enough!"

Zhang Ming suddenly said, with greed in his eyes: "If you want to go in and see Boss Fang, these three corpse crystals are not enough!"

"How many more do you want?" Zhao Dehai looked grim.

"These three corpse crystals are the tasks assigned by Boss Fang. We brothers have been here all day to provide protection for you, and we have to spend effort to open and close the door for you. Don't you want to show some appreciation?"

Zhang Ming changed the subject and became friendly: "Give me another D-level corpse crystal, and also tell me where you got it from, and I will let you in..."

Before he finished speaking, boom!

A thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit Zhang Ming's head directly!

The hair was instantly scorched by the terrible electric current, and more than half of the head was scorched. When the smell of barbecue spread.

With a plop, Zhang Ming fell from the sentry tower.

At this moment, the remaining three people on the sentry tower were all trembling.

Looking at Zhao Yin behind Zhao Dehai in horror.

They didn't care about the ordinary-looking survivor before.

At this time, everyone's face was pale. One person's legs became weak and he fell directly from the sentry tower.

He fell heavily to the ground, not even daring to cry out in pain.

"Boss, you... wait a moment, I'll go and ask Boss Fang to come over." Someone shouted.

"No need!"

At this time, Zhao Yin's patience had already run out, and he whispered, "I'll go in by myself."

"Song Xiaodao, kill people!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several wind blades flew out and swept up the sentry tower in an instant, puff puff puff...

Including the person who fell to the ground, all three evolvers were split in two.

The wind blades flashed from various parts of their bodies, and when the wind blades dissipated, the bodies of several people split, like blood bags exploding, and scarlet blood plasma suddenly gushed out.

At the same time, Zhao Yin took a step, boom!

One punch, the door broke!

The alloy door that was enough to block any D-level, and even C-level might need some effort to break, the door chain broke directly and flew out backwards.

The sentry tower beside him was smashed, rumbling and wood fragments flying everywhere.

Zhao Yin took Song Xiaodao and strode into the gate, and Wu Xuegui hurriedly followed behind him.

Zhao Dehai and others came to their senses.

Liu Shun blurted out: "So strong!"

"More than strong?"

Zhao Dehai turned around and ordered: "In the future, be more respectful to me, and never disobey me!"

He was sure that Zhao Yin was a killing god.

Although he had his own rules, anyone who dared to touch his tiger whiskers would definitely seek death!

There were many such people in the end times, but there were definitely not many who could do whatever they wanted like Zhao Yin.

"Old Zhao, what are you waiting for?" Wu Xuegui turned back and urged.

"Here we go!"

Zhao Dehai picked up Zhao Yin's three corpse crystals and the weapons in the hands of the four evolvers, caught up with Zhao Yin, and handed them to him respectfully: "Boss, these are your corpse crystals and spoils of war."

Zhao Yin waved his hand to put them away, and said calmly: "Lead the way, work hard for me in the future, I am not a person who kills indiscriminately!"

Zhao Dehai was shocked to realize that Zhao Yin had heard their conversation.

"Understood...Understood, Boss!"

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