"Your comrades will turn into zombies soon!"

Zhao Yin interrupted Zhao Dehai's words, pointed at the soldier bitten by the zombie with two fingers holding a cigarette, and spoke indifferently.

"For the sake of the old lame man's dedication to cooking for me, if you are willing to work for me for a month, I will save his life!"

Nowadays, Zhao Yin's biggest headache is not killing zombies, but how to collect corpse crystals.


Since ancient times, heroes will not only die on the belly of a woman, but also in the hands of their own people.

Zhao Yin didn't want to live guarding against the evil in people's hearts every day, but these former Great Xia warriors could be used temporarily.

They have all received ideological education from the army, and are at least better than ordinary people. If they are only allowed to temporarily collect corpse crystals for themselves, there should be no major problems.

At this time, the soldier bitten by the zombie had fallen into a coma, and his skin had turned black.

It won't be long before he turns into a zombie.

After the end of the world, Zhao Dehai and others have seen countless times that their brothers and sisters around them left forever in such a cruel way.

"I was bitten by a zombie, can anyone save me?"

While Zhao Dehai was stunned, Wu Xuegui came up from behind, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder: "Old Zhao, what are you still hesitating about?"

Zhao Dehai was promoted to captain in the army at the age of forty. He was definitely not an idiot.

Now he has long since put down his airs as a senior military officer.

"Don't talk about working for a month, it doesn't matter how long it takes. Please ask the boss to save my brother!" Zhao Dehai saluted with a military salute.

Zhao Yin nodded, tossed it casually, and a box of tuna flew over: "You have fifteen seconds, feed it to him!"

Zhao Dehai didn't expect that the other party could even calculate the time when the zombie virus would break out so accurately.

Without any delay, he immediately opened the can of tuna.

Liu Shun and several soldiers helped the soldier up, and they forcibly fed him canned tuna.

Soon, as everyone expected, the injured soldier's skin gradually turned white, the virus subsided, and he opened his eyes.

Zhao Dehai and others all showed joy on their faces.

After the end of the world, they handed their backs to each other countless times, struggled to survive together countless times, buried their comrades together countless times, and cooked moldy military rations together countless times...

Together they fought with Ah San, fought with zombies, and were oppressed by the superpower...

They lost their homeland and their faith collapsed. After the end of the world, they no longer have relatives or close friends...

Now, the only thing left is walking side by side through the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood. The remaining three dozen brothers.

Although they have all been prepared to die, every loss of a brother around them is the biggest blow.

Everyone's eyes were red.

"Tuan Zhao, Staff Officer Liu, where are the zombies?" After the soldier regained consciousness, he immediately turned over and got up.

"Six sons!"

Zhao Dehai laughed and punched Liu Zi on the shoulder: "You're not dead, go and thank the boss!"

Everyone laughed and were in a happy atmosphere.

The six men looked around, seemingly looking for the boss Zhao Dehai mentioned.

Zhao Yin frowned and looked at Wu Xuegui, who understood and immediately pulled Zhao Dehai: "Hurry up and work, why do you talk so much nonsense?"

Only then did Zhao Dehai react and asked everyone to help clean up the corpse crystals.

"You little brats, please listen to me. Don't miss a corpse crystal. If anyone is slow, go back and pull out the Kuzi to show off!"

With the addition of more than thirty evolvers, the corpse crystals can be collected much faster.

A few minutes later, Song Xiaodao came to Zhao Yin and handed him the collected corpse crystals and three star crystals.

Zhao Yin put all the space rings into his hands, and as always, ordered people to pile up all the zombies wearing Daxia military uniforms, and the little monkey lit them on fire.

After cremation, Lao Hei will bury him...

Seeing this, all the soldiers quietly looked at Zhao Yin with something more in their eyes.

"Old Zhao, do you know where the densest concentration of corpses is here?" Zhao Yin suddenly asked Zhao Dehai.

"As far as you are concerned, boss, there is no large group of corpses here!" Zhao Dehai said.

"No?" Zhao Yin was stunned.

I am also preparing to collect a batch of corpse crystals and star crystals.

"After the end of the world, Ah San's side was the first to clean up the corpses. It was my mistake and I was a step behind...!"

Zhao Dehai explained shamefully: "After the evolvers from Asan's side grew up, they came to our side. The large groups of corpses were dispersed and annihilated by them. Only a small group of them were left wandering in this mountain forest!"

Therefore, the zombies that Ah San turned into nearby were not those who wandered over, but Ah San who died among the strangulated corpses.

In a sense, the Daxia soldiers who became zombies are still guarding their homeland...

Zhao Yin frowned. The military's combat literacy was much better than that of ordinary people.

I have excellent weapons on hand.

Before zombies evolved, it was not difficult to kill them. If you seize the opportunity and work as a team, the snowball speed is very scary.

Zhao Yin glanced at Zhao Dehai sarcastically. He missed the best opportunity. How did he become the leader?

He pointed at the corpses of Mo Shan and others: "How can these rookies kill so many zombies? Also, how much supplies can be produced with so many star crystals, and they only have this little strength?"

"These people are only a part of it. There are thousands of survivors in Asan's army, at least more than 200 evolvers, and many generals have evolved to D-level!" Zhao Dehai said.

Zhao Yin was immediately shocked, as if he saw a large number of extraordinary supplies.

He asked in a deep voice: "Where is Asan's military camp now?"

"After the end of the world, the soldiers of Daxia have been besieged by Asan, and they can't spare time to scout their specific location."

Zhao Dehai suddenly paused, and anger flashed in his eyes: "But someone knows that there is a superpower in the camp where we are staying. He has exchanged supplies with Asan several times recently. He must know!"


"Sixty kilometers to the east, there is a gathering place of 30,000 to 40,000 survivors, and he is the leader there."

"Lead the way." Zhao Yin ordered directly.

The group set off quickly and crossed several hills.

Soon, they walked out of the forest and their vision gradually widened.

The sun here is bright and the sky is blue, which makes people feel clear, quiet and peaceful.

In sight, hills formed grasslands, with no end in sight.

However, there are no herdsmen now, and there are no cattle and sheep before the end of the world. The wild grass has grown to more than a foot high, reaching above people's knees.

The strong wind blew, rolling up the grass waves, like a green ocean, one wave after another.

Zhao Yin rode on Xiaobai's back, holding Song Xiaodao in his arms, and only heard the whimpering of the wind in his ears, accompanied by the rustling of grass leaves rubbing and colliding.

Suddenly, Zhao Yin couldn't tell whether this was after the end of the world or before the end of the world.

Everything seemed to be in a dream.

The only flaw was that there were a few zombies wandering aimlessly in the distance.

They were not soldiers, but more like tourists who came to travel before the end of the world. Judging from their attire, they should be three young girls.

However, at this time, the clothes on the three zombies had already withered, revealing their shriveled bodies.


The three zombies found Zhao Yin and his group and immediately rushed over here frantically.

Without Zhao Yin's order, Song Xiaodao released three wind blades from a distance, and three heads rolled down.

"My dear grandson, go pick up grandma's head." Song Xiaodao ordered the corpse demon.

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