Zhao Yin said that he was not a person who killed indiscriminately, but Zhao Dehai did not dare to despise him at all.

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He would not kill for no reason, but it did not mean that he would not kill if he was unhappy.

Of course, what Zhao Dehai did not know was that Zhao Yin's cruelty was only for those who were weaker than him, but if he encountered a crisis beyond his ability to deal with, he would often run faster than a rabbit.

He ran countless times in his previous life, and he ran a lot in this life...

When being bullied by a strong person, you must bow your head, otherwise you will be greedy for life!

But if he is in power, he should naturally show his majesty!


This camp is not very big, but it is full of 30,000 to 40,000 people. When a group of people saw Zhao Yin and others coming, they all watched from a distance with numb expressions.

This group of people includes young and strong people, women, children, and the elderly, and they are not even as good as the beggars before the end of the world.

The men were skinny, the women were pale, and none of them had complete clothes on. Their hair was like a chicken coop, dirty and smelly.

Along the way, they passed by crooked stone and wooden houses, which seemed to be built by amateurs. Most of them didn't even have doors, and they just hung a tattered curtain.

There were also many tents used by local residents, all of which were tattered.

"Zhao Yin, what is this for? Is it for exorcism?" Song Xiaodao suddenly pointed to a tent with a feather stuck outside the door.

It looked like it was taken out of a tattered down jacket and dyed with flower petals.

Song Xiaodao had seen a lot of such decorations along the way and was very curious.

Zhao Yin coughed dryly, and suddenly didn't know how to give the child an answer. Wu Xuegui, who was standing beside him, blushed when he heard it.

"Why don't you speak?"

Seeing that Zhao Yin didn't answer, Song Xiaodao stretched out his finger and poked his waist.

"You'll know later." Zhao Yin was vague.

"What can't be said...!"

Song Xiaodao's eyes widened suddenly before he finished speaking.

She saw a wooden house with feathers on it, without even a door curtain. A man was pressing on a woman, panting...

The woman looked numb, as if she heard footsteps, and looked back. She happened to meet Song Xiaodao's eyes, and she smiled numbly at Song Xiaodao.


Song Xiaodao was stunned. She knew what the two were doing, but it was the first time she saw it.

Zhao Yin covered her eyes and quickly dragged the child away.

Then a slap hit her head: "Do you know what it is for now?"

Song Xiaodao covered her head, but smiled: "Zhao Yin, I know, the feather is telling others that the people inside are married, they are husband and wife, right? When I grow up, I want to...!"

"That's enough!"

Zhao Yin stretched out his hand to cover the child's mouth, not allowing her to continue, and said: "They are not husband and wife!"

After the end of the world, most camps have this kind of decoration, just like the red light district before the end of the world and the red-light alley in ancient times.

"Ah?" Song Xiaodao was shocked.

She immediately thought of Wang Quan. If Zhao Yin hadn't arrived in time, she would have...

Then, Song Xiaodao was angry: "Too much, I'll kill that bad guy!"

Zhao Yin pulled her back: "Don't bother! They are willing, you will only destroy their business."

"Important?" Song Xiaodao was stunned again.

At this time, Wu Xuegui sighed: "After the end of the world, men are braver and stronger, and have the ability to go out to find supplies, but most women are timid. If they are not good-looking, no evolver is willing to take them in. If they want to survive, they can only sell themselves."

This is the tragedy of this world!

Captain Wang, Xie Jinshan and others wanted to change.

Unfortunately, they were incapable and underestimated the evil of human nature, and ultimately failed!


Song Xiaodao spat: "So disgusting!"

People are different. From Song Xiaodao's perspective, she would rather be bitten to death by zombies than do such a thing.

A group of people continued to move forward, and Song Xiaodao suddenly saw a few children who were as thin as skeletons. The oldest was seven or eight years old, and the youngest was only two or three years old. They knelt on the ground, kowtowed to a man, and begged for food.

"Uncle Wang, please have pity on me. I haven't eaten for five days."

"Woo woo... Uncle Wang, the child is hungry... woo woo!"

"Get out of my way!" The man cursed loudly.

He had a pre-apocalyptic Tang sword hanging on his waist. He was not an evolver, but his tattered camouflage uniform was stained with black plasma, which was obviously left by zombies.

He looked better than most people in the camp, with full muscles and ruddy complexion.

In fact, if ordinary people form a team and encounter a lone zombie, they can also kill it with tools. The man is one of such a group of people.

"Uncle Wang, I am Xiaofang. Dad was your friend when he was alive. Have you forgotten, or do you not like Xiaofang anymore?" A little girl of six or seven years old suddenly hugged the man's legs.

She put her little face on the man's legs, refusing to let go: "Xiao Fang is so hungry, so hungry, so hungry...!"

The man finally showed a hint of hesitation on his face when he heard it. He looked around and then took out a bag from his arms.

Inside were two steamed buns with green hair growing to an inch long. The man took one out, broke off a quarter and put it in the little girl's hand.

"Take it. I also exchanged the corpse crystals I earned with my life for food from the camp. Don't come to me next time. You will starve to death sooner or later anyway!"

The man in front of him looked like a kind-hearted person with a hard mouth.

After saying that, he kicked the little girl away and was about to leave.

At this time, the remaining children all surrounded her like crazy. The steamed bun in the little girl's hand was instantly snatched away by a bigger boy, and the man was also surrounded by the remaining children.

"Uncle Wang, give me one!"

"Uncle Wang, since you gave it to her, why can't you give it to me?"

"I want one too, I want one too...!"

Obviously, they all knew this man, knew that he would not kill people even if he was angry, and were not afraid.

The man slapped several children, and their faces were swollen, but he still did not let go, and his face still had a desire for life.

In the end, the man softened his heart again, sighed, took out the bag again, and distributed the remaining three-quarters of the steamed bun to all the children.

He exchanged his life for the two steamed buns, and now only one was left.

The man carefully put it in his arms and was about to take a step...


A rusty dagger, with a sharp tip, suddenly stabbed into the man's waist from behind.

When it was pulled out, the bright red blood sprayed on the face of a boy of seven or eight years old behind him.

The man turned around and looked at him in disbelief: "Goudan, you stabbed me?"


The boy stabbed again and stabbed into the man's lower abdomen. Only then did the man react, raised his foot, and kicked the man away with a bang.

He staggered back, covering the wound on his stomach. In the end times, ordinary people who suffered such a serious injury were no different from death.

"Goudan, I fed you for two months... Now that the zombies have evolved, I can't even eat myself... Do you know?" The man still couldn't believe that the child he had fed for two months wanted to kill him.

"Little bastard, you don't even dare to breathe when you see other people, but you dare to kill me?"

The little boy said nothing, sitting on the ground and looking at the man with indifferent eyes.

Finally, the man couldn't hold on any longer, bent over and fell to the ground, curled up in pain, and then the other children rushed over and took away the remaining steamed bun in his arms.

One child even took the Tang sword on the man's waist. After taking it off, all the children ran away!

Only the girl named Xiaofang cried and threw herself on the man: "Uncle Wang, Uncle Wang, what will I eat after you die...?"

This scene was seen by Zhao Yin and his party.

All 30 soldiers blushed, Zhao Dehai clenched his fists, and slowly withdrew his eyes from the man and the little girl.

Finally, he sighed softly!

Zhao Yin's face was indifferent. In the end, this scene would be staged every day, in any corner, at any time.

The strong live, the weak die, this is the rule of the end of the world!

But he didn't think how stupid the man was. Everyone has their own choice, but when you bear the price, don't regret it.

In his previous life, wasn't he Zhao Yin such a person?

But in this life, he is not!

"Zhao Yin, do you want to save him?" Song Xiaodao asked softly: "Give him a few leaves!"

A few chestnut leaves can save this man.

"There are so many people in the world, how many leaves do I have to save?" Zhao Yin said coldly.

After that, he strode forward without looking back.

Song Xiaodao did not speak again, and followed Zhao Yin closely, while Zhao Dehai continued to lead the way.

Only Wu Xuegui limped forward, trembling all over.

"The end of the world... the end of the world...!"


After everyone went deep into the camp, Zhao Dehai finally stopped and pointed to an open space not far away: "Boss, that's where Fang Da lives!"

In the entire camp, only that area was clean and tidy.

Seven or eight pre-apocalyptic containers, which looked old but not shabby, were placed in the middle of the open space in an orderly manner.

"Go and ask him to come out to see me!" Zhao Yin ordered in a deep voice.

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