Zhao Dehai opened his eyes weakly and saw a face that was unfamiliar yet somewhat familiar.

"Old Zhao, you are old!"

Wu Xuegui had tears in his eyes and his lips were trembling, but he was trying hard to smile.

"Xiaogui, is that you?"

Zhao Dehai finally recognized Wu Xuegui, and then whispered bitterly: "It turns out that when people are dying, they will see the person they want to see the most...!"

"Old Zhao, you are confused. You are not dead, you are alive and well!"

Wu Xuegui bent down, half-kneeling on the ground with his lame leg, crushed the chestnut leaves in his hand, twisted the kettle, and drank it for Zhao Dehai.

Not far away, Liu Shun guessed something, stopped the soldiers from moving forward, and lowered his voice: "Don't move, we are friends, not enemies!"

The corpse demon had not harmed them before.

The lame and bald man in front of him even called out Zhao Tuan's surname.

If he couldn't guess anything, Liu Shun might as well find a woman and drown under her legs.

Under the sun, Wu Xuegui's head was gray, and Zhao Dehai's dark face was also covered with wrinkles.

Zhao Dehai quickly came back to his senses and held Wu Xuegui's hand: "It's really you, Xiaogui, why are you here? I thought, I thought...!"

After the end of the world, the family and country will be gone, and the old friends will most likely wither away.

"It's a long story, hard to put into words!" Wu Xuegui shook his head and just sighed.

The two men were both in a trance. They didn't expect that when they said goodbye and saw each other again, it would be like this.

Zhao Dehai turned his head and looked at the bodies of Mo Shan and others: "These...!"

"These are all made by the boss." Wu Xuegui said with a smile: "I'll come and take a look and then leave. Now, I am the boss's cook."


"He is the boss of Xiaolei and I. Without his protection, we would not be able to survive until now." Wu Xuegui's complicated eyes were full of endless gratitude.

Zhao Dehai immediately stood up and walked towards Zhao Yin to thank him...

At this time, bursts of corpse roars came from all directions.

The battle just now still attracted nearby zombies, which were densely packed. Two to three thousand zombies appeared in sight and quickly surrounded them.

There are only about one or two hundred of them that are still F-level, most of them have evolved to E-level, and there are even three taller D-level zombies...

At this moment, the expressions of all Daxia soldiers changed drastically.

Zhao Dehai ignored the injuries that were slowly recovering: "Xiaogui, go to your boss and leave quickly!"

In his opinion, Wu Xuegui's boss owned so many mutated beasts, and since he could kill Mo Shan and others, there shouldn't be any big problem in breaking out with Wu Xuegui.

"All soldiers, kill me!" Zhao Dehai picked up the sword on the ground and shouted loudly.

Following his order, all the soldiers looked at death with a look on their faces, holding weapons and killing the surrounding corpses.

Zhao Dehai looked back and saw Wu Xuegui still standing there: "Xiaogui, why don't you leave?"

Wu Xuegui was stunned: "There are only a few thousand zombies. Old Zhao, do you need to be so nervous?"

Because he has followed Zhao Yin for a long time, every time he sees Zhao Yin's thousands of zombies, in Wu Xuegui's subconscious mind, you are so nervous about this little piece of cake!

It's just that Zhao Dehai had already rushed into the group of corpses and didn't hear Wu Xuegui's words, otherwise he wouldn't know how to feel.

At this time, Zhao Yin and all his contracted beasts were all in great spirits.

Looking at the three D-class zombies among the corpses, the eyes of everyone and the beast were shining.

"Kill!" Zhao Yin ordered.

All the contracted beasts could no longer hold back, especially the little monkey. With a low roar, the terrifying figure activated its first ability, becoming gigantic!


Its height suddenly increased to more than seven meters, and the golden battle stick in its hand also grew rapidly. It was covered with golden hair, and it suddenly rushed into the group of corpses while dancing wildly.

Suddenly, ten stick shadows as thick as bowls and nearly ten meters long sprayed out terrifying flames. The withered grass around them was ignited in an instant, and they swept through the corpses crazily.

In an instant, hundreds of zombies within a radius of tens of meters were instantly torn to pieces, and many were smashed into pulp.

At this time, Zhao Dehai and a group of soldiers were already locked in a bitter battle.

After all, there were only about thirty of them, their weapons and equipment were all F-level, and their evolution level was not high. In just a few seconds, a soldier was bitten by a zombie.

Zhao Dehai was filled with anger and wanted to rush to rescue him, but his figure was quickly surrounded by corpses... The next moment, a black behemoth suddenly rushed past Zhao Dehai.


It was a buffalo, which directly drove through the group of corpses, leaving broken limbs and blood stains all along the way.

Zhao Dehai opened his mouth wide and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

He knew clearly that now that zombies had evolved again, it would be difficult for him to deal with one or two at a time with his own fighting power. But in front of that cow, killing zombies was easier than cutting leeks...

Soon, several wind blades flew over, puff puff puff!

In an instant, most of the dozens of zombies surrounding Zhao Dehai and others were killed. Everyone relaxed and looked back...

It was a little girl with a pair of ponytails, a dress, and big leather shoes...

If placed before the end of the world, such a little girl might have just entered junior high school, but at this time, several winds were holding her figure, and the speed was astonishing. Two small white hands pointed quickly, and the wind blades swept across all directions. .

With every blow, several zombies fell...

At this moment, all the Daxia soldiers were stunned and even forgot to fight.

In fact, they couldn't do anything at this time, because seven more giant rats rushed into the zombie group. The largest one looked three times the size of the other giant rats. Its target was the three D-level zombies.

It escaped directly into the ground, avoiding all the zombies that were blocking it. Then, it appeared in front of a D-level zombie, suddenly pressed the zombie under its claws, and opened its mouth to bite off its neck...

This is not over yet...


A burst of black rain suddenly fell from the sky... No, it was not raindrops, but feathers that were more terrifying than arrows!

It covered a radius of hundreds of meters. All the zombies had their heads chopped off. Then, a terrible vulture led a group of smaller vultures to swoop down...

In less than a minute, nearly three thousand zombies were all killed, and the corpses were scattered all over the field.

The strong stench of corpses, accompanied by blood, drifted in the mountains and forests...

The world became quiet.

When Zhao Dehai and all the soldiers came to their senses, all the people and beasts, including Wu Xuegui, had already skillfully started to collect corpse crystals.

And the young man was still sitting steadily on the white tiger, with the terrifying "zombie" standing beside him!

From beginning to end, the young man was smoking a cigarette indifferently, as if three thousand zombies were not qualified to make him nervous.

At this moment, Zhao Dehai and others were shocked and trembling all over.

If Zhao Dehai did not understand Zhao Yin's identity, he would definitely think that he... was a god!

Otherwise, how could he have such a group of terrifying mutant beasts?

Otherwise, why is even a little girl under his command a terrifying combat-type psychic!

Otherwise, even zombies, in front of him, how could they be as obedient as grandchildren?

Zhao Dehai, who had planned to go to thank him before, could not move his feet at this moment.

Because he now understands that in this doomsday, such strong people often kill and live at will.

If he said one wrong thing, not only would he lose his life, but his subordinates would definitely not be able to stop any mutant beast in his hands!

Therefore, Zhao Dehai carefully practiced his words in his mind, and only forced a smile when he felt that he would not offend the other party.

"Thank you, boss...!"

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