At this moment, everyone looked back...

A huge figure ran out from the flying dust. It was three meters tall, covered with golden hair, and carried a golden stick in its hand, shining with golden light.

At this moment, whether it was Ah San or the Daxia army, everyone's eyes widened in horror...

They have never seen such a terrifying mutant beast!

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However, this was just the beginning. Immediately afterwards, two behemoths emerged from the flying dust, a snow-white giant tiger and a black rat the size of a car!

Two giant beasts ran out of the smoke side by side, with two human figures, one large and one small, sitting on them.

This wasn't over yet. Then, a buffalo as big as a locomotive walked out from behind the two giant beasts!

Giant rats of astonishing size followed behind...

At the end of the team, there was actually a ferocious-looking ‘zombie’!

At this moment, the arrogance on Mo Shan's face disappeared, and his mind was trembling.

He felt the terrifying pressure coming from the other side...

At this moment, the soldiers on both sides felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Looking at the giant beasts, slow down and walk slowly.

At this moment, Zhao Dehai smiled miserably and slowly closed his eyes, no longer having any thoughts of survival.

He didn't even look at it. Subconsciously, the people on the giant beast came from the territory of Asan. Needless to say, they must be people from Asan!

Wu Xuegui glanced quickly and quickly saw a group of Daxia soldiers and Zhao Dehai at Mo Shan's feet.

"Old Zhao?" Wu Xuegui was shocked.

Zhao Yin frowned and looked over coldly.

Wu Xuegui reacted immediately, turned around and apologized with a smile: "Boss, I'm not talking about you, how dare I be disrespectful to you, just because that man... is my old comrade, and his surname is also Zhao...!"


Zhao Yin's eyes softened a little and he asked: "Save people?"

"Please boss, take action!" Wu Xuegui pleaded with his face.

At this time, Mo Shan chatted to Zhao Yin from a distance, meaning to ask where Zhao Yin was from the Asan Kingdom, how could he be with these mutant beasts, and whether he was interested in killing Daxia soldiers with him. Have fun.

The intention of making friends was obvious, but it was a pity that Zhao Yin could not understand Asan language.

"My dear grandson, have you seen those people wearing Asan's military uniforms? Kill them cleanly." Zhao Yin ordered calmly.

Hearing this, the corpse demon suddenly raised his head and looked at the crowd opposite with his dead fish-like eyes.

At this moment, the hairs on all the Ah San soldiers stood on end, and they couldn't help but tremble all over.

"It''s the Zombie King!" someone exclaimed.

Mo Shan's face also changed drastically, and he vaguely understood something.

At this moment, the corpse demon's dull expression suddenly became ferocious. Its ten nails grew wildly, reaching nearly two feet in the blink of an eye. Then, its figure turned into an afterimage and suddenly rushed out...

Rub rub rub...

The sound of sharp blades entering flesh was heard one after another.

The zombie demon rushed through Asan's camp without stopping at all. The heads behind him rolled from their necks to the ground one by one.

A stream of blood gushes out from the headless neck.

After the corpse demon was killed, Ah San, the last corpse besides Mo Yan, and the first corpse to be killed, fell to the ground with a thud!

The next moment, the corpse demon stayed in front of Mo Shan, its ferocious face less than an inch away from Mo Shan's nose.

It seemed that the corpse demon was a little curious as to how Mo Shan's beard grew.

It's so ugly, not even me, it's much prettier than him!

"Get away... get away!" Mo Shan retreated in panic, suddenly swung his giant ax and slashed at the corpse demon.

The corpse demon raised his hand and snatched the giant ax away. His eyes were still staring at Mo Shan curiously. He slowly raised the giant ax with his right hand and swung it out suddenly...


There was a crisp sound of bone cracking, and Mo Shan's head was split in half diagonally...

At this moment, all the Daxia soldiers opened their eyes wide and opened their mouths.

Looking at the figure of the ‘zombie’ in horror!

No one felt that the rest of their lives were chilling in their bones.

To what level does this monster need to evolve to achieve such strength?

At this time, the corpse demon stared at the brains on the ground, swallowed, and remembered his instructions not to eat people, so he turned back reluctantly.

"Master!" He shouted, his voice shaking the forest.

Then all the Daxia soldiers saw the 'zombie' who had just been arrogant. They immediately put on a flattering face, bent down, walked under the white tiger, and handed over the huge ax they had just snatched as if offering a treasure. A young man.

The young man, with a kind smile on his face, took the giant ax and rubbed the 'zombie's' head affectionately.

Everyone was stunned and their minds were buzzing.

Previously, they were still wondering how zombies and mutant beasts could coexist with humans. Now they all seem to understand that these giant beasts and zombies, I'm afraid...

They are all subordinates of that human young man!

At this moment, everyone looked at Zhao Yin, some with awe, some with fear, and some with yearning in their eyes...

Zhao Yin didn't care about the eyes of others at all and opened the Eye of True Seeing.

[Yuanyue Ax: Grade C, extraordinary weapon, toughness 99, attack 125, with the effect of slashing speed +35]

Zhao Yin didn't expect to have such a harvest, a C-class weapon!

Although it is far from the C-level golden battle stick at the same time, this ax is far superior to the rat king claw that Zhao Yin usually uses.

Now, King Rat Claw can finally retire with honor.

Zhao Yin put it away directly, his eyes fell on the corpse on the ground, and his true seeing eyes swept over it.

He discovered that these Asan soldiers were all using extraordinary weapons. There were 4 D-class weapons scattered among the corpses, 9 E-class weapons and clothes, and the rest were all F-class... a total of 63 pieces of equipment!

"Everyone who has the skills, go pick up the equipment!" Zhao Yin suddenly said loudly with a high voice.

Song Xiaodao, Wang Xiaolei, Little Monkey, Corpse Demon and Wu Xuegui immediately rushed forward, each one faster than the other.

Song Xiaodao was the most thief. He immediately rushed to Mo Shan's body and quickly took off his military uniform. Sure enough, he was wearing equipment inside, an extraordinary silk inner armor and a mithril chain inner armor!

"Zhao Yin, two pieces of D-level defensive equipment!" Song Xiaodao shouted.

She directly stripped Mo Shan naked, exposing his dark buttocks to the air, looking miserable and helpless.

And a certain unscrupulous, immoral, and very capable little loli narrowed her eyes when she smiled.

She also opened the Eye of True Sight and helped Zhao Yin identify it.

Soon, all the equipment was piled in front of Zhao Yin. There was nothing to see other equipment, except for the two pieces of defensive equipment on Mo Shan. Zhao Yin picked them up and took a look.

[Silk inner inventory: grade D, extraordinary defensive equipment, toughness 45, additional effect: charm +20]

This thing has a bunch of rubbish attributes, but it actually has charm.

Seven years ago in his previous life, Zhao Yin still didn't know what the role of charm was.

However, he really lacked an inner treasure, so Zhao Yin did not replace it directly and put in the space ring.

He planned to disinfect it before putting it on. Although the extraordinary equipment could not carry any viruses, after all, it was worn by Ah San, so it would be difficult to pass the psychological test.

[Mithril Chain Inner Armor: Level D, extraordinary defensive equipment, toughness 65, agility 40, additional effects: warm in winter and cool in summer]

It was a piece of D-level equipment with very good effects. Extraordinary equipment like underwear and armor was very rare, so Zhao Yin put it away together with other equipment.

Looking at the pile of corpses again, these Ah Sans have quite a lot of money!

If we look at those Daxia soldiers, they all have F-level equipment and none of them have E-level equipment. No wonder they are hunted down.

Seeing that his boss had finished what he was doing, Wu Xuegui asked hesitantly: "Boss, can you give me a few more minutes?"

Zhao Yin knew that he wanted to visit his old comrades, so he took out fifty chestnut leaves and handed them over: "Take this. When comrades meet, you always bring some gifts."

Nowadays, Zhao Yin's family is getting richer and richer, and he treats his subordinates more generously than before.

Wu Xuegui was about to kowtow to Zhao Yin in excitement, but Zhao Yin waved his hand: "Old cripple, it's okay to embarrass me at home, but don't embarrass me when you go out!"

Wu Xuegui nodded with red eyes, turned around and limped towards Zhao Dehai.

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