Song Xiaodao asked when he saw that Zhao Ying had just left for a few seconds and then returned to the life space.

"Zhao Yin, is the Zombie King gone?"

"It's not gone! It's still there!"

Zhao Yin wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and didn't want to say more for fear of scaring the child.

If he had been a step later, he might have died outside.

"The zombie king's anger may not only be because of the corpse demon's tricks, but more likely, because of the loss of those two ribs!" Zhao Yin reviewed in his mind.

He suddenly regretted that he should not have brought those two ribs into the life space.

But will giving it to the Zombie King now reduce its anger?

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Obviously it's impossible. Humans and zombies are inherently antagonistic. Zombies eat humans and humans take corpse crystals.

Now, no matter what, the Zombie King cannot let Zhao Yin go.

Zhao Yin subconsciously searched for the two ribs in the space ring.

But he searched for the two space rings and couldn't see the shadow of the ribs!

He suddenly remembered that after treating the corpse demon's injuries that day, he went to the invisible tent to open the star crystal and forgot to put away his ribs!

Zhao Yin came to the place where he had healed the corpse demon and found that there was nothing on the ground.

He turned to everyone and asked, "Has anyone seen the Corpse King's ribs?"

Everyone shook their heads, only Wang Xiaolei whispered.

"Boss, after the corpse demon zombie recovered, it seems that he played with the two ribs."

"Where did he take it?"

"It's on the other side, where he often sleeps." Wang Xiaolei pointed to the other side of the pool and said.

Zhao Yin has not seen the corpse demon's grandson for two days.

He thought it was strange before, but because the Zombie King incident made him worried, he didn't ask anything.

At this moment, I finally realized the problem.

Zhao Yin immediately went to the other side of the pool, where Bald Egg and nine vultures usually live.


"Master!" "Master...!"

When Bald Dan and the eight vultures saw Zhao Yin coming, they all walked out of the cornfield and sent their heartfelt greetings to Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin responded casually and asked: "Where is the Corpse Demon?"

"Master, follow me!"

Bald Dan immediately led Zhao Yin to the edge of the pool, where the corpse demon was sleeping soundly between the corn skeins.

"My dear grandson...!"

Zhao Yin wanted to wake him up, but suddenly found that the corpse demon was holding something in his hand that seemed familiar.

Zhao Yin bent down and grabbed it in confusion, and immediately saw clearly, wasn't it the corpse king's ribs?

It's just that at this time, only less than five inches of the corpse king's ribs are left, and there are teeth marks on the tips, like traces of being eaten!

For a moment, Zhao Yin's eyes widened, extremely shocked.

"The corpse king's ribs were eaten by the corpse demon's grandson?"

Song Xiaodao, who followed, also looked like he had seen a ghost: "The hardness of this thing is comparable to B-level equipment, how can the little devil eat it? Zhao Yin, he won't have a stomachache, right?"

Zhao Yin was in a trance for a while. The fact was before his eyes. The traces on the remaining ribs could not be faked. They were really eaten by the corpse demon!

At this moment, even if he wanted to return it to the Zombie King, it was already impossible!


Zhao Yin kicked the corpse demon on the butt.

"Get up!"

The corpse demon was immediately kicked and flew out, falling into the pool. After sinking for a moment, it slowly floated again.

Face down in the water, motionless, still soundly asleep.

Zhao Yin suddenly felt something was wrong and immediately opened the Eye of True Seeing.

[Zombie Demon: Grade C, evolution 100/7, strength 350, agility 345, spirit 3, defense 328, spirit 3, awakening talents: stone system, bone transformation]

Zhao Yin's eyes shrank instantly: "Has this evolved to C level?"

Not only has he evolved to C level, but he has also awakened his second power, bone transformation!

He evolved by swallowing the two B-level ribs of the Zombie King, and he even copied the Zombie King's superpowers!

"What the hell...!" Zhao Yin was shocked and speechless.

Too damn perverted!

This way of growth is simply scarier than the Zombie King!

In fact, Zhao Yin didn't invest much in the corpse demon. Since he followed Zhao Yin, the good things he got were very limited, and Zhao Yin didn't even give him a piece of equipment.

Just because Zhao Yin has been wary of this thing!

But its current strength has still grown to a level that is no longer inferior to that of the sky-devouring vulture!

At this moment, Zhao Yin started beating drums in his heart again.

He didn't know if the zombie demon's psychology would also change after it evolved this time.

It's not that he is too cautious, but that so far, there is still no truly effective method to restrain the corpse demon.

After all, he is naturally opposed to humans, and no one can say what will happen.

Once the zombie demon rebels, now even the little monkey will not be able to check and balance it.

All people and beasts will be buried with him!

Zhao Yin immediately jumped into the pool and personally carried the sleeping corpse demon ashore.

"Wu Xuegui, heat up hot water for your good grandson to take a bath, prepare food immediately, and ask for the best ingredients in the space!" Zhao Yin shouted.

In the past, he disliked the corpse demon's smelly body and never let him enter the invisibility tent.

At this time, Zhao Yin directly carried the corpse demon back to the tent, as if he were his own son.

The corpse demon has become more powerful, which is still a good thing for him at present, so, to be on the safe side, Zhao Yin decided... to treat his good grandson better!

After Wu Xuegui boiled the water, Zhao Yin found a military pot and soaked the corpse demon grandson in warm water.

At this moment, Zhao Yin's eyes were extremely kind. Although his grandson had not woken up yet, he had already started to prepare.

Zhao Yin found the cleanest scrubbing ball and used the best shower gel to become a most professional scrubber.

He scrubbed the dirt off the corpse demon meticulously, and even after washing his hair, he let the little monkey dry it with supernatural power. Zhao Yin personally combed a scumbag hairstyle for the corpse demon.

Even the gel water that Zhao Yin had stored before the end of the world and had never used was used for the corpse demon...

Finally, the corpse demon Zhang Jie opened his eyes faintly and immediately saw the kind smile of the master.


The corpse demon was immediately flattered and turned over to climb out of the pot.

Zhao Yin raised his hand to hold him down, and said in a vicissitudes of life: "Don't move, children should be obedient when taking a bath."

Take a bath?

The corpse demon was stunned for a moment before he realized that he was lying in warm water, and the grandfather's warm hands were carefully scrubbing his armpits...

The corpse demon's nose suddenly felt sore. He could not remember the last time he took a bath. It seemed that it was before the end of the world, and the grandfather also helped scrub his back...

At this moment, the "kind" face in front of him gradually overlapped with the face in his memory. Zhang Jie suddenly couldn't remember what the grandfather looked like before.


Zhao Yin stood up, took out a snow-white towel, handed it to the corpse demon, turned around, and said faintly: "Wipe the water off your body, and I will find you a set of clean clothes."

After saying that, Zhao Yin hunched his back, tried his best to look like Zhang Shuguo before, and slowly walked out of the invisible tent.

The corpse demon Zhang Jie stared at the grandfather's back with his dead fish eyes, and tears suddenly rolled down.

Zhao Yin came outside the tent and lit a cigarette.

Song Xiaodao, who was waiting outside, was about to say something, but Zhao Yin made a gesture of silence and nodded.

Song Xiaodao immediately understood that the corpse demon was still the same corpse demon, and still recognized the master in front of him!

She smiled and walked aside to help Wu Xuegui cook lunch.

After Zhao Yin finished smoking a cigarette, he felt that the time was almost up, so he asked slave girl No. 1 to take out a clean military uniform and shoes.

Then he walked into the invisible tent.

The corpse demon was already standing on the carpet, naked, with a muscular body that looked stronger than Zhao Yin, and under his pale skin, the blue-black blood vessels bulged.

"Grandpa!" He immediately called excitedly.

"My dear grandson!" Zhao Yin smiled kindly and helped him put on his clothes and shoes personally: "My grandson has grown up and is more handsome!"

The corpse demon also showed a smile on his stiff face.

Wu Xuegui brought lunch, and the "grandfather and grandson" sat opposite each other. Zhao Yin kept picking up dishes for the corpse demon, but he was secretly calculating in his heart.

Seven days have passed, and no corpse crystals and star crystals have been harvested, but a lot of food has been consumed.

The zombie king is too narrow-minded. Looking at its deadly appearance today, it is unknown when it will leave.

If it is determined to kill me, it can just wait forever.

There is a whole sea of ​​corpses to feed it, and I can't afford to wait.

Zhao Yin frowned and looked at the corpse demon who buried his head in the big bowl in front of him: "My dear grandson, Grandpa... may be dying!"

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