
The corpse demon suddenly raised his head, and the rice bowl in front of him was knocked over.

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His face was stained with soup, and he looked at Zhao Yin blankly.

"I went out today to find food for you, but I found that zombie king still squatting outside!"

"The food in the space is about to be eaten up, but... I am incompetent and can't defeat it...!"

Zhao Yin sighed: "I won't let you starve to death. You still have to go out tomorrow. You may... never come back!"

The corpse demon's eyes instantly became sharp.


He yelled!

At this moment, Corpse Demon Zhang Jie suddenly remembered that there was an old man who went looking for water for him and never came back alive...

I can't die, and no one can hurt my master!

The zombie demon held Zhao Yin's hand tightly, with such terrifying strength that it made Zhao Yin sweat on his forehead.

Zhao Yin tried his best to remain kind: "Actually, as long as there is a strong person who delays the zombie king for a few seconds, I will be able to take you away, but... my dear grandson, you are my heartthrob, how can you Let you take risks?"

"Master! Master!" The corpse demon nodded anxiously.

"You mean, you want to hold off the Zombie King for me?"

"Master!" The corpse demon nodded again.

Zhao Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

The current situation could no longer tolerate him not trying his best.

The strength of the zombie demon is no worse than that of the C-level zombie king. If you lend him your dog-headed hat and block one or two blows from the zombie king, there will be absolutely no problem... No, the zombie demon may not die.

It only takes a second or two for Lao Hei to activate his ability to escape from the ground.

You can leave by yourself then!

Although it is very risky, just in case there is any error in Zhao Yin's estimation.

The corpse demon is going to die, Lao Hei is going to die, and he himself is going to die too...

But if this drags on, the zombies outside will soon grow up, while Zhao Yin's strength will remain unchanged...

If the Zombie King stayed there longer, half a year or a year...

Even if Zhao Yin does not die at that time, it will be difficult for him to have a place in the apocalypse!

After dinner, Zhao Yin called Lao Hei.

"Do you dare to fight for me?"

"I am willing to die for my master!" Lao Hei's voice came from his heart.


Zhao Yin took off his dog-headed hat, put it on the corpse demon's head, and took out three bottles of iced black tea. He, the corpse demon, and Lao Hei drank them all.

Then, Zhao Yin slowly closed his eyes and remained motionless.

It took him a full ten minutes to rehearse in his mind all the situations he might encounter after going out.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuge Liannu appeared in Zhao Yin's hand, with all three explosive arrows loaded.

"The Zombie King would never have thought that I would dare to show up today!"

Zhao Yin's eyes flashed with determination, and he took the Corpse Demon and Lao Hei directly out of the life space.

He didn't bring any other contracted beasts with him. When facing the zombie king, even the little monkey would die!

Ho ho ho!

Outside, the entire sea of ​​corpses is still surging.

In an instant, Zhao Yin sensed the presence of the Zombie King. It was five hundred meters away, grabbing and gnawing on blood food that it had obtained from unknown sources, like a human leg.

"Old Hei, hurry up!" Zhao Yin heard anxiously in his heart.

Without any instructions, Lao Hei immediately activated his ability to escape from the ground as quickly as possible, causing ripples on the ground beneath his limbs and rat claws...

At the same time, the Zombie King has been keenly aware of Zhao Yin and his entourage. With its agility of up to 1560, it can travel across a distance of 500 meters in an instant. The twenty-two ribs of the Zombie King shoot towards the people blocking the front at a faster speed. The corpse demon.


The special effect of the dog-headed hat was activated in an instant, and a light curtain enveloped the corpse demon. It only took a moment... before it was broken.

Immediately afterwards, twenty-two Corpse King ribs collided with the Corpse Demon, and the remaining strength was unable to pierce the Corpse Demon's defense doubled by the iced black tea.

The next moment, the zombie king had arrived, his palm turned into a bone knife, and he slashed at the zombie demon's head.


It was Zhao Yin who used all his strength to activate the thunder power that he had rehearsed countless times in his heart. Five thunderbolts as thick as a bucket struck the Zombie King's head in an instant.

The Zombie King's body only froze slightly, and could not even be paralyzed for a moment.

The difference in strength is too big!

The bone knife continued to attack the corpse demon.


The zombie demon tried hard to dodge, but was still hit by the bone knife. A large piece of forest-white skull and skin and flesh, including an ear... were sliced ​​off by the zombie king's bone knife.

While the blood was flowing, Zhao Yin watched the zombie demon's darling grandson being so traumatized, but his face remained expressionless, as if everything was within his budget.


The zombie king had no time to make a second blow, and a fiery red arrow hit his face directly.


The terrifying power of the explosive arrow still couldn't break through the Zombie King's defense, but the violent shock wave made it take a step back. Instead, the zombie demon flew backwards towards Zhao Yin under the shock wave.

If Zhao Yin is hit by the zombie demon, he will be shattered into pieces. Even if he doesn't die, he will be knocked out of the range of Lao Hei's superpower.

But all of this was still in Zhao Yin's calculations. The moment he reached out and touched the corpse demon, he was instantly drawn into the life space...

The next moment, Lao Hei's ability was activated...

One person and one beast sank into the ground instantly!

The Zombie King paused, stunned, and seemed to realize that he had fallen into Zhao Yin's trick!

The corpse demon is just a bait. The inconspicuous D-class mutant beast that can be sprayed to death with just one breath is the main force behind their escape!

If he had known it earlier, the Zombie King wouldn't have been able to wait for the rat to activate its power.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.


The zombie king roared angrily.

The entire zombie sea became violent, and all the zombies roared together with the zombie king, and the sound vibrated hundreds of miles away...


The zombie king cannot enter the underground, and the twenty-two rifts are rolling over the earth crazily...

He didn't know what the effect of Lao Hei's superpower was. Can he take Zhao Yin away from here, or can he only take him to hide underground?

The two lost ribs carry part of the Zombie King's superpowers. If they are not recovered, even if it reaches S level in the future, its superpowers will be greatly reduced!

So, get it back no matter what!

The zombie king is digging the earth crazily...

"Master, this is heading northeast, are we going home now?"

"Wherever there is a home in the last days, it's just a country of zombies!"

Zhao Yin was riding on Lao Hei's back, wrapped in an orange-yellow light shield. He looked at the endless soil in front of him, and was retreating rapidly, like water.

My heart is full of security!

Zhao Yin's mood instantly improved, and his mind became active again.

"Don't go forward, turn around and go back!" Zhao Yin ordered.

"Master...Master, are you sure?" Lao Hei's heart trembled.

Now, the zombie king has formed a shadow in Lao Hei's heart.

As powerful as the zombie demon, he can't stop the zombie king's attack!

At this moment, it finally understood why its master would rather let the idiot corpse demon get the star crystal that day instead of sending himself there.

That's because if he shows up, he will die.

"Go back and take a look. There are hundreds of thousands of corpse crystals and the skeleton of a giant python!" Zhao Yin patted Lao Hei's head.

"Go back and see if there is a chance. The corpse demon's vitality is stronger than the zombies, and it won't die for the time being!"

Soon, Lao Hei drove Zhao Yin back to the previous location.

Zhao Yin closed his eyes and listened for a few seconds, and said in his heart: "The zombie king hasn't left yet. It's digging on top. It seems that it won't leave for a while!"

"Master, do you still have to wait?" Lao Hei asked in his heart.

"Those two ribs may be very important to the Zombie King. God knows when it will leave."

Zhao Yin thought for a while and ordered: "Detour to the giant python skeleton!"

At this time, the Zombie King was still digging wildly. It would not have thought that the man and the mouse would come back boldly.

Escape right under its nose!

Zhao Yang secretly calculated that the Zombie King was five kilometers away from the giant python's skeleton at this time. After he went up to get the skeleton, the Zombie King would probably be able to escape even if he found it.

"Get the skeleton and leave, never stop!" Zhao Yin said to Lao Hei in his heart.

There's no way he could spend hundreds of thousands of corpse crystals here with the Zombie King. It's not cost-effective!

A few minutes later, Lao Heidi escaped under the giant python's skeleton. Zhao Yin raised his head and said, "Send me up and pick me up in one second!"

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