Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 139 The Zombie King Evolved to A-Level

[1 bottle of Nongfu Spring, 1 bottle of iced black tea, 1 yellow peach]

[Exploding Arrow: Grade B, a type of extraordinary weapon, attack 520, with the attached effect of hitting the target to cause explosion, covering a 50-meter radius and attacking without distinction. Note: disposable weapon, disappears after explosion]

[Talent and superpower potion: Grade B, high-level type detection potion. After taking it, the hidden talent and superpower of the evolver's bloodline will be opened, the eye of true seeing]

After all the star crystals were opened, Zhao Yin's expression condensed.

He didn't expect the last five star crystals.

Two rare treasures were actually opened!

Needless to say about the explosive arrow, this is the third one he has.

And the Eye of True Sight superpower potion, in a sense.

This is the first bottle of supernatural potion that Zhao Yin has dispensed in this life based on luck!

Song Xiaodao's wind power was created by herself.

The thunder ability was developed by Team Wang and others.

The soul of the contract and the Eye of True Sight he possesses were obtained by Zhao Yin based on the memories of his previous life!

Only this bottle is based on Zhao Yin's luck in this life!

Unexpectedly, it was the Eye of True Seeing again!

It seems that he was destined to be a person who identifies abilities and depends on a strong person for survival.

Or enter a large camp and open an appraisal shop... In the apocalypse, there will always be a place for him, but he will never think about how nourishing it is!

At this moment, Zhao Yin suddenly felt a chill running down his spine. He couldn't help but raise his head and look upward, feeling inexplicably creepy.

Is everything in this world really arranged in advance?

Like a script, the fateful ending is already decided before it even begins?

So if he is reborn once, does that mean he goes against that person's wishes?

Therefore, we always encounter crises that we should not encounter at this time...?

In an instant, thousands of thoughts flashed through Zhao Yin's heart.

At this time, Song Xiaodao opened the curtain and walked in. He saw Zhao Yin staring at the roof of the tent.

"Zhao Yin, what are you looking at?"

Zhao Yin came back to his senses and looked back at Song Xiaodao.

The child is more than 1.5 meters tall, with a childish face and clear eyes.

She changed her hairstyle today and tied her single ponytail into a double ponytail, following her little head. The two ponytails swayed... clever and well-behaved.

Zhao Yin looked at her, his heart instantly calmed down, and he laughed dumbly.

It seems that he was frightened by the Zombie King, otherwise how could he have such random thoughts?

So what if someone really arranged it?

Zhao Yin, if he lives a new life, will he have to die again?

"What good stuff did you get?" Song Xiaodao finally found a lot of extraordinary items in front of Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin put away all the items, leaving only the Eye of True Sight potion, and said with a smile: "What do you think?"

"I've never seen a bottle with this color before. Could it be another supernatural potion?" Song Xiaodao asked.

Zhao Vagina: "It is indeed a potion with supernatural powers, but it is not a combat-type potion. It is rarer than ordinary combat-type powers. It is a bottle of the Eye of True Seeing!"

Song Xiaodao immediately stopped breathing.

In the apocalypse, many extraordinary treasures are dangerous. If you use them without knowing the information, you may lose your life.

Even if there is no crisis treasure, you still need to slowly explore the effect. If you get a disposable item, you will not know the effect at all.

Just like Zhou Lili, she only had an F-level peeping eye, and she was very prosperous in the Dawei Mountains at that time, accumulating more supplies than anyone else.

If Zhao Yin's Eye of True Seeing hadn't been more advanced than hers, he might have already regarded Zhou Lili as a guest.

There's no way she can just be a slave girl!

"Zhao Yin, remember you said that when the survivors become stronger in the future, many large camps will be established, and rare treasures will be sold in some places. Keep this bottle of potion in exchange for treasures!"

Song Xiaodao said: "It will definitely sell for a sky-high price!"

"You don't want it?" Zhao Yin asked.

"Isn't it okay to have you by my side?"

Song Xiaodao hugged Zhao Yin's arm: "Having you help me look at things will save me a lot of energy. Do you think I'm stupid?"

Zhao Yin looked down at the child's big eyes, his shadow clearly reflected in the dark pupils.

Zhao Yin smiled and put the supernatural potion into Song Xiaodao's hand: "This thing can detect the enemy's strength in advance. It can also be regarded as a self-protection ability. Go use it!"

"Zhao Yin, when did you become so generous?" Song Xiaodao asked in surprise.

"I was just thinking that if I die one day, you may be the only one who will collect my body, so I have to be nice to you." Zhao Yin said with a smile.

"Isn't it because I am your fiancée?" Song Xiaodao pouted.

Zhao Yin hit her on the head: "Take it and get out!"

After saying that, he shook off the child's arm and walked out of the invisibility tent.

Seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Yang secretly calculated that even if the Zombie King was guarding him, he would be tired after seven days.

Now that the dog-headed hat has regained its energy, it's time to take risks.

At nine o'clock in the evening, it was the time agreed by Zhao Yin and Tu Yi.

He left the living space alone.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

In an instant, the roars of countless zombies could be heard in Zhao Yin's ears. The silence in the living space for the past seven days made him suddenly feel uncomfortable.

Zhao Yin instantly sensed Tu Yi's presence!

The bird was not dead, it was still hovering in the clouds.

The next moment, Zhao Yin's vision and hearing were fully opened!

Even his skin could feel the movement of every wisp of wind within a few hundred meters around him.

In an instant, Zhao Yin discovered the zombie king three hundred meters away!

Seven days later, with only eleven pairs of ribs left, it was still grumpy and angry.

The sea of ​​corpses all around were swimming around crazily, seemingly still looking for the Corpse Demon and Zhao Yin...

Next to the Zombie King, there were all extremely tall zombies.

There are hundreds of D-level zombies, and Zhao Yin even saw twelve C-level zombies...!

In the distance, only a huge skeleton was left of the giant python, with no trace of snake meat remaining, and even the snake skin had been eaten by the zombies.

Obviously, those twelve C-level zombies were able to evolve so quickly because they ate a lot of high-level mutant beast meat!

And the Zombie King has reached level A!

[Female zombie, level A, evolution level 100/0, strength 1184, agility 1560, defense 1335, spirit 85, awakening ability: bone transformation]

Zhao Yin's heart was beating wildly. He had seen such a terrifying existence three years after the end of the world in his previous life!

At this moment, if the Zombie King finds him, it only takes one strike, and Zhao Yin will not even have any bones left!

The dog-headed hat that Zhao Yin has always used as his trump card can no longer block the zombie king's attack!

In almost three seconds, Zhao Yin observed everything around him.

Without hesitation, he immediately communicated with the life space, and before disappearing from the spot, he sent a message to Tu Yi high in the sky.

"Leave here, go three hundred miles northeast, wait for me...!"

At the same time, the Zombie King also sensed Zhao Yin.


The extremely angry corpse roar was earth-shattering and echoed for dozens of miles around. ,

It suddenly flapped its bone wings, and in an instant, it was in front of Zhao Yin.

Whoosh whoosh!

Twenty-two ribs flew out, piercing the air, roaring, and suddenly shot towards Zhao Yin...

Zhao Yin's figure was nailed through in an instant!

At this moment, the Zombie King was still upset.

Over the past seven days, every minute and every second, his anger level has been rising. He came quickly, turned into a bone knife in his right hand, and chopped off Zhao Yin's head with one blow...

However, the killed ‘Zhao Yin’ suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes.

Fragmented into pieces, and finally disappeared without a trace.

It turns out that it was just the shadow left by that hateful human being!

Ho ho ho—!

The Zombie King was furious, and its twenty ribs were wreaking havoc in the vicinity. Trees, weeds, and even meteorites on the ground were crushed into powder by it.

It turned into smoke and dust, spreading around.

Amidst the smoke and dust in the sky, roars were heard, echoing within a hundred miles.

For a long time...

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