Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1796: Second gathering place

However, Zhang Liang thought too much, and his wish to ride a big cat might not be realized.

He just wanted to get close to the big cat. He was stared at by the big cat. He was so scared that he almost sat on the ground with no legs and ran into his car, Dongfeng Kaka.

The eyes of the big cat who followed the caravan like a stroll in the courtyard were full of grudges.

The fat guy who was a bit appreciative of Zhang Liang's grabbing a good job finally showed a gratifying smile in his eyes.

Without the big cat, Di Ping got on a Dongfeng warrior, and the convoy started and headed for the next gathering place!

Di Ping sensed the lack of high-end combat power, and even the big cat was sent out. If there are a few under his hands that are similar to his own strength, there is no need to be so urgent.

Owen, the strongest in the city of refuge, has just applied for an upgrade. He has just reached Tier 1 and Tier 6, and Ava is only Tier 1 and Tier 5. The rest are almost all Tier 1 and Tier 4 or below. These people simply can’t choose. Lift the beam.

This is because the sanctuary city has sufficient supply, not only with advanced cultivation techniques, but also with sufficient mutant animal flesh awakeners to have such strength.

Don't think about this at all in other bases. It is rare to have a combat power of Tier 1 or 5.

In this mutant evolution, humans are obviously lagging behind too much. Now the mutant beasts in the outside world are generally the first and third-level mutant beasts are extremely common. The awakened do not have the combat power of the first and third-level and it is difficult to survive outside. .

What's more, there are not a few mutant beasts of rank one and five, and there are many mutant beasts of rank one and nine.

Not to mention that some mutant beasts with extremely high bloodline evolved to Tier 2, and there were also powerful mutant beasts of Tier 3 that came out of the small world.

Human Di Ping's speed is considered fast, but it has only reached the second order.

Therefore, it is not false that the human living environment is becoming more and more cruel.

Kyoto can give up this big idea and must cooperate with the sanctuary. It is also because they feel that the pressure brought by the outside world is increasing, and the sense of security that firearms can produce is rapidly declining.

When mutant beasts surpass the first and fifth levels, the threat of ordinary firearms is almost zero, and only some powerful weapons can hurt or kill them.

Once mutant beasts reach Tier 2 or higher, some mutant beasts with strong defenses can hardly break through their defenses even with mechanical artillery. Only rocket launchers or high-energy armor-piercing shells can generate a little threat.

It’s just that mutant beasts are not standing there for you to fight. Some speed-type mutant beasts can’t injure them at all. This makes the power of their firearms lower and lower. Every major base feels that the matter is serious, and they have increased their new weapons. Research.

Ninety percent of the researchers in Kyoto are now fully researching and developing new weapons, as well as the development of new materials that enhance the lethality of firearms and cold weapons.

Like the newly researched new alloy weapons that are assembled to the Awakened Team, apart from having no special attributes, they have caught up with the first-order weak weapons in terms of sharpness and hardness.

This is a battle for survival, a life-and-death battle between humans and mutant animals. Whoever wins is eligible to live.

Although everyone knows the cruelty of war, the period of war is often the time when science and technology develops fastest, and science and technology advance rapidly under the pressure of survival.

The peace period will be affected by various factors, but in this period, no task force can hinder its advancement, and all forces are pouring into it.

This is about survival, and no one dares to slack off.

As long as mankind is given time, I believe that he will soon have a place in the last days. From the beginning of the use of tools, mankind has determined that he must become the master of nature, even if the world has changed.

What's more, this mutation is not just a beast, but humans can also awaken and enhance evolution through cultivation. Therefore, humans may not necessarily lose in this war.

Di Ping shook his head, as if he wanted to throw all the mixed thoughts out of his mind, he cast his sights out of the car again!

At this time, the whole world was silent, only the motorcade roared, echoing between the sky and the earth, and the monotonous sound made the world quieter, giving people a feeling of loneliness.

Because, without the shock of the big cat, as the convoy roared, mutant beasts gradually increased. Although they did not dare to besiege the steel convoy, they shuttled through the jungle from time to time and followed closely.

Like a wild cat squatting under the dried cured fish, his eyes are focused and greedy, ready to jump up and take a bite at any time.

"Free hunting is permitted, and all awakened persons cannot leave the convoy within 100 meters, and keep up with the convoy after the hunt!"

Di Ping watched these mutant beasts suddenly felt irritable, and picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered coldly.

"Long live the city lord!"

The general awakened who had been eagerly gearing up for a long time heard Di Ping's command from the walkie-talkie, and suddenly yelled in excitement.


With a loud shout, more than twenty silhouettes had already jumped off the truck and slew towards the mutant beasts in the jungle. One after another, one after another, they were afraid that the mutant beasts would be hunted down by others, screaming and screaming.

It was like a group of chicks who heard the cooing and knew that the owner was going to feed them, flapping their wings and spreading their two legs and rushing from a distance.

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