Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1797: Yuanping Zhen

Di Ping looked at these predator-like awakeners, finally showing a smile in his eyes.

Why do you say these people are so active? This is because the sanctuary has a policy. Every time you go out to hunt, the mutant animals that are hunted can be occupied by the hunter.

To explain briefly, if you hunt down a one-thousand-jin mutant beast, then one hundred-jin mutant beast is yours.

Therefore, these talents are so active, it is a matter of interest who does not run fast.

There are not many mutant beasts in the jungle, and one step may kill one less, that is, one less harvest.

This policy is still Cheng Chao’s suggestion. As more and more people are awakened in the Sanctuary City, the pressure on all supplies will increase if they rely solely on the city’s supply. It’s even the lowest level if all the supplies are fully equipped. Weak rank weapons also cost hundreds of crystal coins, not to mention combat skills and medicine supply.

There are a large number of training resources in the system store, but Di Ping did not give up the supply. The crystal coins in the sanctuary city have always been in an insufficient state. Once the supply of training resources is turned on, the current amount of crystal coins cannot supply so many people. Consumption.

Therefore, he suggested that the awakened ones behind, the Sanctuary City only provides the initial weapons and equipment, and the latter weapons and equipment are either equipped by the team, or rewarded for completing the task or purchased by themselves.

And it’s hard to have purchasing power based on their wages alone. Some people are okay. They can eat in the army and use them in the army. All the money saved can be saved to buy equipment, and the salary of a family is only enough for the family’s livelihood. , He couldn't save money, let alone buy equipment.

So there is this plan!

As long as each awakener goes out with the team, the mutant animals that are hunted can account for 10%, and the team will also occupy one floor, and the remaining eight floors are turned in.

The first level may not seem to be much, but in the long run, not only individuals but also teams can accumulate a lot, so that individuals have the financial resources to buy some weapons, medicines and even combat skills, including training resources.

The team has also accumulated some wealth and is free to control, so that for the awakened who perform well or reach the position, they can use funds from the team's reserve to purchase materials and equipment as rewards to stimulate the team's enthusiasm.

Di Ping thinks this plan is very good, not only can save the investment in the base, but also inspire everyone's enthusiasm, and it will not be the same as doing more.

At the beginning, it was possible to have less people, more cohesiveness and enthusiasm, but when there were more people, this kind of policy became a bit unreasonable. There were always people doing more and others doing less. The same distribution will surely make many people conceal. of!

Dozens of mutant beasts are not much powerful, not even Tier 1 or Tier 5. Within a minute of these people, some people ran back carrying the mutant beast with joy, threw it on the truck, and immediately ran back again. , I'm afraid of running slow and being hunted down.

"Call car number one, please answer when you receive it..."

When Di Ping was watching a group of awakened hunting mutant beasts, the walkie-talkie in the car rang, and the fat man's voice came from inside.

Yue Lie grabbed the walkie-talkie, "Car No. 1 received it, please speak!"

"The second advance team sent back news that they have arrived at the Gu'an gathering place, peaceful reintegration failed, conflicts occurred, the gathering leader was killed on the spot in resistance, and they have now fully accepted the gathering place!"

There was excitement in the fat man's voice.

"Ask the number of people in the gathering place!"

Di Ping didn't care how it was compiled. The compilation process was not smooth, nor was the awakened person killed. He only cared about the number of people.

"The city lord asked how many people there were in the gathering place and heard the answer!"

Yue Lie pinched the microphone and asked loudly.

"Received, the preliminary statistics are about 2,500 people, and the specific statistics are still underway, and specific data will be reported soon!"

"City Lord, any instructions!"

Yue Lie looked back and asked Di Ping.

"Order to stop free hunting, the convoy will move forward at full speed, and it must reach Gu'an Town in half an hour!"

Di Ping was a little disappointed, and the number of people was still a little bit worse, but soon he put away his disappointment and ordered in a deep voice.

Yue Lie nodded, then shouted into the microphone: "Fat team, Fat team, the city owner has ordered to stop hunting, and must rush to Gu'an Town in half an hour! Please answer if you receive it!"

"Received, received, guaranteed to arrive on time!"

The fat man’s excited voice came from the microphone, and then a loud roar sounded outside, "The city lord has an order, stop hunting and move forward at full speed!"

With a roar, many mutant beasts had already been chopped down to the ground, and only one knife was left. They were taken aback for a moment, looked at the prey on the ground with some regret, and then turned to chase the team.

This scene was not on a single person, but no one was hunting again. They gave up fighting and hurried back. Silhouettes of people ran out of the jungle like cheetahs and jumped onto the truck quickly, without a trace of sluggishness.

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