Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1795: Bad temper

A long roar exploded Di Ping's long-held feelings, seeming to spit out the last trace of depression. He felt relieved in his heart and his whole body was relaxed a lot, as if he had opened the shackles.

Others don’t understand what his long scream means. He knows best. He is venting. He is also saying goodbye to his previous life, people and things, including his previous feelings. He wants to welcome the new Life, new feelings.

The resentment with Su Xiao has now disappeared, and maybe there is still a little memory in the deepest part of my heart. It is nothing more than recalling a scene at a certain time or a certain scene.

"Go, continue on the road!"

Di Pingduan, who was relaxed physically and mentally, sat on the big tiger and waved to the convoy. He urged the big cat first, and the big cat also snarled and ran forward.

Di Ping's eyes swept across the surface of Bibo Lake, and a strong arrogance broke out in it, and there was a kind of domineering look at the world!

Just now he made this long howl with all his strength, and his mental power exploded, and the powerful mental power pressed towards the surroundings. As long as his mental power was not stronger than his mutant beast, no one could calm down under such a strong mental pressure.

Just now, there was also a warning to the mutant beasts in the wetland. There must be mutant beasts in the large lakes below, but no one dared to emerge.

The wetland was in the shape of a long strip. They happened to walk on a wide surface, less than two kilometers wide. After a short while, the convoy drove through the wetland, but nothing happened, which surprised the originally feared City Guards Center.

Seeing Ruoda's lake disappearing from sight, many people wondered, maybe the water here is too shallow, there is no mutant beast!

But they didn't realize that after the convoy left, the water was rippling on the surface of the lake, and there was an undercurrent surging under the water, as if some monster was stirring its tail in it, and the water was muddy.

This piece of water is not as calm as they thought!

"City Lord, the first team sent back news that there are people in the Gujia Town gathering area. They have already spoken to the person in charge of the other party. The other party hopes that we will come to rescue!"

Just after passing the wetland park, Zhang Liang jumped out of the car panting and caught up with Di Pinghui, who was riding a big cat, reporting.

When Di Ping heard that he was overjoyed, he hurriedly asked, "How many of them are there?"

Zhang Liang replied: "There are no statistics on the specific figures, probably around 1,000 people!"

"Only a thousand people!" Di Ping was disappointed in his heart. He was too far from the goal he had imagined. However, he immediately re-energized. It is not bad to have a thousand people. First, one thousand is one thousand. Two gathering places?

Maybe the following two gathering places are large gatherings of thousands of people, hope there will always be there!

Di Ping looked at the table below. It was a little too much. He pondered and looked at Zhang Liang. "Zhang Liang, you take ten cars to Gujia Town and pick up these thousand people and send them back to the asylum city. I will take one. The team headed straight to the next gathering place from here!"

"It's the city owner!"

Zhang Liang hurriedly took his orders. Although he promised, his expression was a bit solemn, and he said with concern: "City Lord, our group is a bit weak, and there are only ten awakened people. The strongest is only Tier 1 and Tier 4 on the way. If you encounter any powerful mutant beast..."

He didn't say the following, but I believe Di Ping can also understand.

"This is the problem!" Di Ping nodded, and after a moment of thought, he suddenly patted the big cat under him and said: "It's okay, I let the big cat follow you. It is now second-order, so it should be enough for now. If there is any more danger, you can send me a message again, and I can support it!"

"Well, there are big cats who believe that not many mutant beasts dare to make trouble!"

Zhang Liang immediately smiled excitedly, and his eyes turned extremely hot when he looked at the big cat.

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