Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1794: Shock

"Hey! The city lord is really handsome, riding a white tiger, tut...If I get a head too, the girls from the base who will definitely be able to attract it will rush up!"

The fat man closed his mouth and leaned against Zhang Liang with his shoulder, with an enviable expression on his face.

"It's easy! Let the city lord borrow you to ride for two days, so that you can take the girl!"

Zhang Liang gave him an angry look.

"Forget it! I have to dare to ride too. I don't want to make the elderly unhappy, so I swallowed me as a piece of fat snack!"

The fat man shook his head like a rattle, with an expression that he would not ride to death.

Di Ping is not a high-profile person, riding a white tiger is indeed very popular, but he is not to show the limelight, but to do the tiger's prestige, the second-order white tiger is so powerful, the general mutant beasts all flee without the wind and dare not approach. .

This saves a lot of things for the team to walk, and there is no need to stop from time to time to clean up the besieging mutants!

Although it will also cause some powerful mutant beasts with some territorial consciousness, this is exactly one of Di Ping’s intentions. If the mutant beasts don’t come, let’s dare to come, just solve it, and become the crystal coin in his hand, and increase the base. Inventory of mutant meat.

However, to Di Ping's surprise, the whole journey was calm, and he didn't even see a mutant animal hair. He might have been scared away by the big cat.

After half an hour, the car drove more than ten kilometers and entered the wetland park area in front of it. This wetland park occupies a huge area of ​​more than 10,000 mu of land, and they thought they had to go along the road next to the wetland. Up.

On the avenue, what you see is an endless lake. It was originally a wetland of shallow aquatic plants. At this moment, it turned into a rippling lake. From time to time, you can see clusters of green plants swaying with the waves.

There was silence above the water surface, only the wind blowing gently, pushing the lake wave forward layer by layer, the golden light was broken into pieces by the waves, emitting thousands of golden rays, beautiful and colorful, really A good view.

At this time, there was no one person in the bustling area where Xixi was originally visited, let alone skimming over the water from time to time, flying in the sky from time to time, and flocks of waterfowls dancing from time to time, and some were just boundless silence.

Riding on the white tiger, Di Ping stared at this blue lake in a daze!

Here, he once held her tender little white, wandering on the embankment, watching the sunset and the lonely bird flying together, watching the autumn water and the sky together, talking about endless love and love, endless love stories ...

But, now, all of this seems to be a dream bubble, buried by the blue water of the lake, turning into a ray of grudges by the lake, just adding a story.

call out!

Suddenly Di Ping raised his head and let out a long roar, like a dragon roar, like a tiger roar, high-pitched and sharp, long and clear. The long howling sounded in the whole sky, and a domineering vigorous whistle sounded in all directions. Swept out.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to tremble in this howling!

The originally calm lake seemed to be a sudden storm, and there was no wind to roll up three-foot waves, and then fall heavily, shooting on the water surface, the whole lake seemed to be trembling

The world was silent, there was only this long howl, only the figure standing upright like a mountain.

The howling sound seemed to be cheering, reminiscence, or farewell, and a kind of sadness, like a lone wolf standing on the mountain and roaring towards Leng Yue, cold and lonely.

All the people in the sanctuary city looked at the city lord who was standing on the embankment rising to the sky and howling, feeling the power that was so powerful that it could not be added, they were shocked in their hearts, and their eyes were full of awe.

The fat man’s eyes were full of stars flashing, and he said excitedly: "Zhang Liang, look at how fierce the city lord is, and he surrendered with a long roar, really domineering!"

"It's domineering!"

Looking at Di Ping's back, Zhang Liang murmured, "However, how can I feel a smell of sadness from the roar of the city lord?"

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