Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1793: Free hunting

"City Lord, this distance is too far, right?"

Zhang Liang looked at the location of Anping Town pointed by Di Ping, hesitated.

"It's far away!"

Di Ping nodded in agreement, then pointed to the map and drew an arc: "Look, we are just linking these three gathering places along this line, in a forward trend. It is noon now. Our time is only enough to rescue one or two of the gatherings. If there is no one in front of the gathering, we don’t have to turn when we receive the information, and we can go straight down, so that there will be no time wasted, and there will be no more injustices. road!"

"This plan is feasible or feasible, and it saves a lot of time!"

Zhang Liang looked at the line drawn by Di Ping and couldn’t help but agree, but the next moment, he pointed to the place where the three gathering places must pass, and said with a solemn expression: “It’s just that Yuanping Town is here. The northeast of the two gathering places is only 50 kilometers away from the current location. From here, you must pass through this wetland park in the middle. This wetland park used to be inhabited by many birds and animals, and the number is no more than that of the zoo. Less, our large convoy will definitely attract mutated animals to attack!"

"City Lord, Zhang Liang is right to worry. I've been to this wetland park before. There are many waterbirds in it. I heard that there are crocodiles in it. This is not a good place! You have to be careful!"

The fat man also looked worried.

"It's okay, the zoo was also taken by me and he, and this wetland park can't stop our footsteps!"

Di Ping waved his hand and said with an extremely calm and confident smile on his face.

"Well then! Since the city lord has decided, then we will implement it!"

Zhang Liang saw that Di Ping had made up his mind and would not persuade him.

"Then you go and get ready!" Di Ping nodded, looked down at his watch, and then continued: "At a quarter past twelve we are ready to set off. Time is urgent. You arrange for people to open the road ahead to speed up the march and earn money. Take a little to reach the first gathering place!"

"It's the city owner!"

The two of them immediately looked straight, responded, and left quickly to arrange Di Ping's order.

Although both of them are a little confused, why the city lord is so enthusiastic about saving people, even if the army is damaged and Miss Xiaobi is injured, but he still does not stop, but is more anxious.

But the two of them didn’t dare to ask, Di Ping’s power is getting heavier now, and sometimes just a faint look in his eyes puts a lot of pressure on them, even the fat guy who is laughing all day dare not mess around in front of Di Pian. Talk nonsense.

Fortunately, this time, apart from thirty people who were burned to death by the flames, there were not many wounded. Mok quickly recovered after a few treatments, and the convoy moved again.

It is impossible for a large-scale convoy to walk like a few people. The trucks must find the road. Although the road is now covered by vegetation and trees, it is difficult to walk, but for Dongfeng trucks, this type of road can still be taken, but it is a little expensive. strength.

A Chinese-made infantry fighting vehicle made its way in front, and no matter weeds or small trees were crushed into pieces, a road was crushed. Fortunately, the construction standards of these roads were relatively high before, and the underground cement layer was all one foot high. How thick it is, although a lot of weeds are grown from the cracks, it is not too serious and does not hinder vehicles from walking. At most, it is slower and bumpy.

The convoy was advancing at an extremely fast speed before, and it was no less than 30 hours. The chariot in front roared like a fast boat, riding the wind and waves on the green sea, facing the impact.

Whether it is a driver or a city guard soldier on a truck, his eyes look out of the car from time to time, with awe and envy in his eyes.

I saw a huge white tiger running with the convoy, and there was a person sitting on this white tiger. This person is not someone else but their great city owner.

He rode a huge white tiger and ran around the motorcade from time to time, which brightened the envied eyes of the people in the city of refuge.

Riding a huge mutant white tiger, this is such a majestic thing, that one has no thoughts and does not envy.

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