Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1792: Battle for survival

Why did Di Ping send two teams to explore the way?

Although he knew there were dangers, he still had to do this, because there was not much time for him and he had to seize all available time.

He can't make mistakes like today. In the last days, everything is possible. Some gathering places were still there in the first moment, and they might be breached by mutant beasts in the next moment. This was not the first time he saw such a thing.

He wasted time just to prevent the worst from happening!

If there is no one in these two gathering places, he can change his direction in time and think of a way from other places, so that the time comes.

He can't wait for the brigade to arrive at these two places, only to find that no one is there, then time will be too late.

He only has one afternoon!

"Xu Sheng, you send girl Xiaobi back to the asylum city, send her to the medical office to recuperate, and then you stay and look after you, so you don't have to come over!"

Di Ping called Xu Sheng over and threw a teleportation scroll to Xu Sheng. Then, with a playful smile in his eyes, he patted his shoulder and said, "Behave well, I am optimistic about you!"

Xu Sheng took the teleportation scroll with both hands. He immediately shook his hand when he heard Di Ping's words. He almost threw the scroll out again. A handsome face was flushed with embarrassment and embarrassment. He explained anxiously: "City. .... Santo, I don't have..."

But the next moment he was interrupted by Di Ping waved his hand, Di Ping looked at him and said, "Seize the opportunity and strive for success. After this village, there will be no more shop!"


Xu Sheng opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.


Fatty and Zhang Liang looked at Xu Sheng's lewd smiles, winked at Xu Sheng, and made a wolf roar.

Xu Sheng's handsome face turned red into a pig liver color. He was not a talkative person, and now he doesn't know how to explain this situation.

Seeing Xu Sheng's embarrassed expression, the fat man's eyes were full of smiles. If it weren't for the dead city guard brothers lying on the ground, they might laugh.

However, several city guard soldiers cracked their mouths and almost laughed, and the atmosphere of sadness was diminished a lot.

It's not that these people are big-hearted, and they are not sad for the death of their comrades. It's just that these city guard soldiers are used to life and death.

In this last days, the person who is not the one who has crawled out of the dead, who has never died of friends or relatives, has too much sorrow, and everything is indifferent.

Xu Sheng could only stare at the Fatty two fiercely, and then bit the scalp amidst the joking gazes of the crowd, and walked towards Anton Xiaobi's car.

Although he looked blushing and looked a little embarrassed and shy, his footsteps were extremely brisk, like a child holding a dollar in his arms to buy sweets, and the whole person was light and fluttering.

"Sao Bao!"

The fat man rolled his eyes and twisted his mouth.

"Why, do you get mad?" Di Ping cast his eyes to the fat man, and said, "Is it too late to start? Everyday I know how to scream and kill. I will learn more from Xu Sheng in the future and solve my personal problems first. Many women, go back and find one quickly, and don't look at others!"

"Hey...I'll forget, I still like to be alone, and the whole family is not hungry!" Hearing this, the fat man immediately showed embarrassment on his face, hurriedly waved his hand and smiled and pointed to Zhang Liang said: "I don't want the city lord. You should find one for Zhang Liang? This guy is drooling!"

"You fat man, tell me about you! What are you talking to me... You think that everyone is like you and can't walk away from a woman!"

Zhang Liang's black face turned darker, and he kicked the fat man's **** with a kick, but the fat man seemed to know his habits and ducked away.

"Okay, stop making trouble!"

Di Ping snorted to prevent the two of them from continuing to quarrel. The two hurriedly stopped and didn't dare to mess up again. The fat man was not afraid of being afraid of Di Ping.

Di Ping leaned over on the hood of the off-road vehicle and studied the map carefully. This map marked many gathering places. These are the information collected by the radio in the past two months. Of course, some forces are not on it.

From this look, he also had to admire the magnificence of this girl, Xiaobi, who had conquered the more than a dozen gathering places in the west in just ten days, and the Light Awakeners added 16 people to the city of refuge.

These people are still training under the new barracks Buji. If they all come out of the new barracks, the number of awakeners in the sanctuary city will reach more than 80, which is already half the number of Kyoto.

"Let's go here!"

Di Ping's finger focused twice on a mark and said in a deep voice.

Zhang Liang and the fat man hurriedly approached, looked towards this place, and after only one glance, their expressions changed.

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