Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1791: Divide and advance

"Green poison dragon, a fierce beast in a different space, bloodline level: a, talent skills: venom spray; enhancement level: third and sixth levels, skills: roar, rush, poisonous fog! Growing in the swamp where poisons are rampant, with cunning nature It is ferocious, has a large appetite, is prone to anger, often hunts without food, has developed poison glands, likes to spray poison, and has a three-star danger!"

Di Ping probed the master's face, and the information of this monster appeared in front of Di Pianping, no wonder it was so terrible, even Xiaobi was not an opponent, it turned out to be a third-order six-pole mutant.

If it hadn't been for him to use the green poisonous dragon's own venom to poison it and break its defense, he might only be able to kill it with a humanoid war puppet.

Seeing more than 30 city guard soldiers who had turned into black coals were wrapped up and carried onto a truck, many people's faces became extremely ugly, and many soldiers had tears in their eyes.

Everyone fell silent, and the operation ended in failure. Not only was it a loss of soldiers, but even one person was not saved!

With this monster, there can be people in this town!

The city guard soldiers entered the town to search, but they saw no one, except for the bones that can be seen everywhere.

It's okay to go back empty-handed, but Di Ping's heart is anxious. The original group of people who were pretty sure returned immediately had a population of 100,000. The task was completed, but now they have to find another way.

Now Xiaobi has suffered a serious injury. She was given healing potions just now, and Mok helped to treat her, but with Xiaobi’s physical fitness level-one skills and drugs, it was minimal, and at best it played a role in relief. For a while, she stopped talking about hands-on.

"It seems that this last task has to be completed by itself!" Di Ping thought to himself. He looked at Zhang Liang who was silently dazed and asked:

"Zhang Liang, are there any large gathering places around here?"

Hearing this, Zhang Liang immediately turned his head and wiped his eyes. It seemed that the wind was too strong just now and the sand had entered the sand. He calmed his mind and said, "City Lord, the gathering place in the west has almost been swept by us. There may be more, but most of them. It's a small gathering of hundreds of people, maybe we didn't find it!"

As he said, he took out a map from his arms, unfolded it in front of Di Pian, pointed to the places with red circles, and said: "City Lord, you see, the 13 gathering places in this area are all occupied by us. Take it down. Today, Xibihu Town is here. Originally, Miss Little Bi said this is over. Tomorrow we will head north and take down these two gathering places!"

Di Ping looked at these two places, in the northwest of the sanctuary city, nearly thirty or forty kilometers away from the sanctuary city.

It is almost noon now. If they return to the sanctuary and set off again, they will probably not be able to get there until night, and there is no time for them.

And now his location is the closest to these two gathering places. Although it is more than 20 kilometers away, it can save a lot of time than returning to the refuge city and sending out.

Di Ping fell silent for a while, these two gathering places must go, otherwise he would get two or three thousand people there in such a short time.

It's just that he is in a dilemma. Now Xiaobi is injured and must be sent back for treatment, so that there is only one master in the entire team, and he can't go to two places separately.

"Zhang Liang, I give you a task!"

After looking at the map and thinking for a while, Di Ping looked at Zhang Liang and said solemnly.

"Town Lord, please give an order!"

Zhang Liang said with a serious face.

"Pick two awakeners from your team, lead the team, to these two bases, explore the way, see if there are people in these bases, how many people there are, and report back as soon as there is news!"

Di Ping ordered.

"It's the city lord, I will make arrangements now, and set off immediately!"

Zhang Liang paid a military salute to Di Ping, then turned and walked towards the convoy. After a while, the unique roar with a little hoarseness came from behind: "Ma Zhanyuan, Xiong Chuankui, take your team and get out of the car!"


Two loud voices came!

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