Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1790: Long scream

Xiaobi opened her eyes slowly, and the light was strong. She squinted slightly to adjust to the light. When the line of sight was clear, it turned out to be a person's face.

This is her familiar face. They fought and drank together, and they actually lay in his arms.

At this time, she suddenly smelled a scent that was unique to men, it smelled very good, and it was as fresh and intoxicating as sunlight.

From below, she could just see a trace of blood on the corner of Xu Sheng's mouth, her face was pale, her expression was painful, her brows were tucked tightly, her eyes were focused and calm.

"Yes, he saved me... Is he saving my injuries?"

Xiaobi didn't move, but quietly leaned in Xu Sheng's arms, staring at Xu Sheng with big eyes, quietly thinking about what happened before.

Thinking about it, she suddenly blushed, and her heart suddenly burst into a small deer, pouting, "He... the smell on his body is so good... his embrace is so warm," It's safe..." She didn't know why she suddenly had this thought.

Xiaobi looked at Xu Sheng's eyes without sinking and surging. She felt her heart beat faster, and there was a warm current flowing in her heart. She seemed to like this feeling a little, peaceful and calm.

"No wonder the master likes to lean in his arms, this feeling is so comfortable, so warm, so addictive!"

Xiaobi's eyes became blurred, and she didn't know that she was looking at Xu Sheng obsessively at this time, with a strange look in her eyes.

Di Ping was worried about Xiaobi, his mental power swept over!

It happened to see that Xiaobi was staring at Xu Sheng's face tightly, her big eyes were obsessed, focused and full of spring, her pretty face flushed, as if she was excited and shy.

"What's happening here!"

When Di Ping saw Xiaobi's expression, he was taken aback.

He was so familiar with this expression, it was definitely the expression of a girl when she was emotional, he had seen too many such eyes when she was in school.

Many girls liked him back then, and they often looked at him with such eyes.

But at this moment, Xiaobi actually looked at Xu Sheng in this way, and his heart suddenly jumped, his eyes widened, and his expression was horrified.

He thought of a possibility, "No? Can something like this happen?"

"The City Lord has won... Long live the City Lord..."

Watching the monster crash to the ground, it took more than ten seconds before the sluggish city guards reacted, and they burst into earth-shaking cheers.

I originally thought that I was going to die here, but the Lord of the City came and killed the extremely powerful mutant beast with just a few strokes. The joy between life and death made everyone roar, vent, and cheer crazily. .

It seems that only this way can express the joy in the heart and the respect for their invincible Lord City Lord.

This sudden cheer shocked Xiao Bi, who was immersed in the warm embrace, and frightened a Ji Ling, and Xu Sheng also reacted to her movement, looking down at Xiao Bi, and the two eyes met at once.

The two eyes banged together, and the two of them stopped in an instant, looking at each other quietly, as if staring through the years, this moment was just eternal.

what! The next moment a scream sounded, Xiao Bi jumped out of Xu Sheng's arms like a frightened cat.

But the cheers that shook the sky were just in time. This scream was extremely abrupt, like someone shouting in a quiet study room, and countless eyes gathered in an instant.

Xu Sheng's left hand was still holding a half-hugging posture, but at this time it was like a sculpture. In the countless light, his face turned white and red, and his movements froze there for a while.

And Xiaobi, our godfist Lolita, today finally looks like Lolita, her expression is a bit twisted, her pretty face is flushed like a cloud of fire, her head is lowered and her hands are twisting the broken corners of her clothes, and she feels uneasy. Shy look.

This scene stunned everyone. Many people's eyes were about to fall to the ground, and their horrified eyes were on the two people standing in weird positions.

After a full ten seconds, there was a bang, and the soldiers made a violent bang, as if it were a boiling kettle.

"Our Master Shenquan lost..."

Countless warriors in the city guard were wailing, and their faces were frustrated and lost like a concubine.

Fatty and Zhang Liang turned their heads to see this scene. The two of them were taken aback for a moment, and then their eyes burst out.


The two shouted silently in their hearts, looking at Xu Sheng as if they were looking at a criminal full of contempt

At this time, our invincible hero, the great Lord of the Sanctuary City, was forgotten by everyone. He stood beside the monster and looked messy.

After a long while, Di Ping rubbed his face, a little stiff face, a smile burst into his eyes, and he muttered, "This kid has a future!"

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