Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1789: Man riding a tiger

Boom boom boom...

The flaming long knife shattered the air, and the flaming sword beams slashed towards the monster.

Everyone was dumbfounded to see that the man who looked like a **** was brandishing a fiery sword and slashing at the monster.

Ho Ho Ho...

Every time the monster wakes up, it will give out a painful and angry roar, but the next moment it will be stunned. In everyone's eyes, this monster just stood still and let Di Ping cut it.

Gradually the monster's eyes went from anger, to cruelty, to anxiety, to fear.

He seemed to feel the threat of death, and he didn't even attack Di Ping, and when he woke up, he turned and wanted to escape.

But how could Di Ping let him go, his mental skills were immediately activated, and the monster's mental consciousness was strongly impacted, so that it knew the danger of death, but was powerless and could only scream in despair.

A wave of violent vitality rushed into the monster's body with the wound and began to explode, strangling the internal organs of the monster like a sharp blade.

This is even a second-tier and ninth-level mutant beast that can’t endure two attacks like this, but this monster is so terrifying that it has fainted five times and was chopped by Di Ping for dozens of three vitality cuts. After several vitality slashes, the red vitality in the body was exhausted, and the monster didn't even fall.

Di Pianyang was red like a tide, sweat transpiring all over, exhaling like a cow, white air rushed out of his nose, and the whole body was agitated like a waterfall, making a faint thunder sound.

His eyes were sharp, staring at the mutant monster, intense excitement and excitement surged in it.

Roar! The monster suddenly stood up, and Yang Tian let out a loud roar. The roar was stern and angry, revealing a deep sense of unwillingness and despair, giving people a feeling of dead end.

But no matter how unwilling it is, its vitality has come to an end.

boom! The monster's huge body crashed to the ground

puff! The blood spurted out instantly like a flood that opened the gate, agitating the sky full of blood mist.

Watching the giant beast fall to the ground, Di Ping's eyes disappeared, and his body was shaken. In a short period of time, his vitality and mental power were exhausted seriously, and he actually felt dizzy in his mind and feeling weak in his body.

The strength of this monster is very strong, even Xiaobi is not an opponent, and Di Ping did not expect it to be so badly injured, the outer defense is broken, but relying on the internal organs, it actually resisted nearly a hundred knives. , Only then was beheaded, showing the strength of strength.

If it weren't for his mental power breakthrough, I wouldn't be able to fix it, no wonder he could beat Xiaobi like this. When he thought of Xiaobi, he was startled and hurriedly looked towards Xiaobi.

Xiaobi used her last force to knock the monster down, and her heart was empty at the time!

She could have escaped, but she didn't know why when she saw the fighters shooting frantically, she didn't retreat, so she couldn't move forward.

These weak Tu people have such courage, which has never been seen in her cognition.

Among them, that one is not a selfish person, and no one will easily bury his own life for others, but do everything possible to grab resources and cultivate for himself.

Because only by cultivating continuously can they become stronger, surpass the shackles of life, and live more, for a century, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years.

Whoever wants to abandon the almost eternal life and chooses to die, in the world of cultivation is only selfish and no sentimentality, even in the family, she has seen too much blood and cruelty.

Even the poor world where she lived when she was a child is not a pure land, it is more cruel and ruthless and bloody, there is no morality, and some are just the weak.

But when she was with these Tu people here, she found that these people were very fun and interesting, and it was really fun to be with them.

Killing monsters and saving people seem to have become a fun thing. There is also a fight for alcohol. They can always drink them, but every time they still fight with themselves recklessly, it is very cute.

There are also many problems in these lives. Almost all of them are afraid of death, they are also very selfish, and they are extremely weak, but sometimes even the timid and selfish people suddenly become brave and fearless of death, knowing that it is death, they will pay for it , Like moths fighting a fire, just to save the lives of others.

This makes her puzzled, let alone understand.

It's a bit silly, in her opinion, it is impossible to imagine in her world!

Today, when she entered the town, she suddenly felt that something was wrong. The town was completely silent, with countless dead bones, and a pungent toxic odor from many places. She felt a little dizzy when she smelled it, and the few who followed him in. The name fell ruthlessly.

She immediately knew the danger, there was a powerful and highly toxic mutant beast in this town.

Moreover, at this time, he felt an extremely terrifying atmosphere in the center of the town approaching her quickly.

This breath, even she felt a great sense of oppression!

Knowing that she had encountered a powerful alien beast, she hurriedly asked everyone to retreat. After she was left behind, once she was lost, she could find a chance to escape.

But what she didn't expect was that she waited for her to withdraw, only to find that these people did not run, and they even established a line of defense to wait for themselves!

This made her annoyed and moved. In order for these people to live and to complete Di Ping's explanation, she chose to fight again to block the mutant beast.

What she didn't expect again was that these people, seeing that they had been injured by the monsters, rushed out of the car one by one and chose to fight the monsters.

These people knew that they couldn't defeat the monster at all, and knew that they were going to die, but they still shot wildly, just to save themselves.

When she saw a dozen people burned to black carbon by the flame, her eyes turned red, and a strong and unfamiliar feeling rose in her heart.

These people were talking and laughing with her a few days ago, drinking and bragging, and they turned black carbon in a blink of an eye, which made her heart burst into blazing emotions.

She was moved, she was angry, and she chose to fight again, even if it was death, she Xiaobi was not afraid, only fighting for those who moved her.

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