Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1781: Moment of despair

Di Ping sat at his desk and reviewed the documents accumulated over the past few days. The population of 100,000 people in Zhongzhou, a densely populated province, is a large town, and these people are gathered in a small area. You can imagine how many things are in the city.

You have to worry about eating, drinking, housing, transportation, use, etc. Although there are various departments in charge, most of the work has been done.

But that's it. He has been sitting still for almost an hour, and he is looking at the urban construction plan sent by the construction office.

This is a big project, related to the development of the city!

It is not a problem to meet 100,000 people to live now, but what about 200,000, 500,000?

Di Ping is ambitious, and he doesn't believe that the system will only release a task on population size once. There will definitely be more tasks later. He has to prepare for the future. What if the system releases another 500,000 people?

Therefore, he confessed that Luo Quanyue's Construction Office had come up with an urban rule plan based on the current urban area. He didn't expect Luo Quan to hand it in within a few days.

When he saw it, it was not bad. Although there are many places that are not what he wants, there are no major problems in the general direction. What's more, he can see that there are experts in the knife. The rules are drawn very professionally, living areas, commercial areas, and even underground. The pipe network is considered.

Although the city is not large, this map will never be designed by one person.

"Boom boom!"

Di Ping was thinking about areas that need to be improved in this plan. At this time, there was a rapid knock on the door, interrupting his thoughts.

Liu Bingyu hurriedly got up and walked quickly to open the door, only to see a sweating city guard standing at the door.

"Miss Liu!"

The soldiers of the city guard saw that Liu Bingyu immediately saluted him, and said anxiously: "A group of people outside the city are looking for the city lord! They said they came from the Quancheng base!"

"Oh!" Liu Bingyu raised his eyebrow when he heard the words: "Quancheng base, how did they run to Zhongzhou?"

"Bingyu let him in!"

Di Ping's calm voice came from the room.

Hearing this, the soldiers of the city guard immediately beamed with joy. He ran to report that he wanted to see the city lord up close. This was an honor, in his opinion.

"come in!"

Liu Bingyu opened the door and said with a smile.

"Yes, yes..." The soldier nodded in excitement, and then followed Liu Bingyu carefully and walked into the office. His legs trembled with excitement, when he saw Di Ping behind the desk. , Became more excited, not knowing which leg to step forward, it seemed that he couldn't even walk the road.

"Someone said he came from Quancheng Base?"

Di Ping looked up at the soldier and asked softly.

"Report..... Report the city lord..... Yes...!"

The city guard soldier immediately shook his body and gave a military salute.

Liu Bingyu looked at this soldier's appearance and suddenly showed a bright smile at the corner of his mouth!

Di Ping didn’t pay attention to the excitement of the city guard soldiers at this time. He had seen too much of this situation, and it was no wonder that he was now thinking about who would come from Quancheng Base. He raised his brows and asked. : "Who are here?"

"Nine people came, and one of them was tall, holding a big iron gun, and said that he knew the city lord. When he mentioned his name, he must know him!"

After the initial tension, the soldiers of the City Guard had calmed down and replied to Di Ping.

"Oh! What's his name!"

Di Ping's eyes lit up and asked anxiously.

"Call... Cao... Rui Da!"

The members of the city guard seemed to be unable to remember the name, and when he scratched his head, his eyes lit up and said anxiously.

"Cao Ruida!"

Di Ping repeated, a smile appeared in his eyes!

As he had judged, the person from this Quancheng base was Cao Ruida, his friend in Quancheng!

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