Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1782: Save people

"City Lord, do you know this Cao Ruida?"

Liu Bingyu saw the smile on Di Ping's face with joy, so he smiled and asked.

"Yeah!" Di Ping smiled and nodded: "A friend I met last time in Quancheng, he is very outgoing and has the demeanor of an ancient chivalrous man. He is a good friend!"

"Oh! There are not many people who can be praised by the city lord. I want to see who this is like!"

Liu Bingyu raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Haha!" Di Ping said with a cool laugh: "Then you will be disappointed, he is not a handsome boy, but a big five and three rough, a! The smell of fierce Zhang Fei!"

"Oh! Then I'll see you more!"

Liu Bingyu suddenly covered her mouth and smiled, her pretty eyes bent into two crescents.


Cao Ruida stood at the gate of the asylum city and looked at this majestic giant city. His heart was ups and downs. He was still thinking about the message Ouyang Zhen told him that the Di Ping he knew, and the Di Ping brothers turned out to be this giant city. Lord of the city.

And the purpose of their trip was to see their brother Di, who came with the order issued by Ouyang Zhen.

Looking back at the exhausted look behind him, all the teammates with broken armor and injuries, he felt a little bitter in his heart.

He suffered so much along the way, endured so many battles and so many dangers, and now he felt a little chill in his heart, and the outside world was more cruel than he thought.

They came from Quanzhou and walked for seven or eight days. It was really high mountains and long roads, full of dangerous mountains and rivers. During this trip, they had a total of eleven people, but now there are only nine people left, and two comrades-in-arms fell on the road. .

Although he hadn't been in the special team for a long time, these people were partners who had experienced life and death, and had formed a deep relationship. It could be said that they were like brothers. He felt uncomfortable watching the brothers fall in the mouth of mutant beasts.

Fortunately, he had a bottle of life-saving medicine, otherwise he would also fall down. He reached out and touched the glass bottle in his arms that he was reluctant to throw away, with excitement in his heart, "Brother Di gave me this!" He raised his eyes and looked at the towering tower. At the gate of the city, there was expectation in his eyes, and there was a hint of anxiety, "I can finally see Brother Di, but I don't know that he still recognizes Cao Ruida!"

His vision is a little fuzzy, it seems that something wets his eyes, he seems to see a group of people walking towards this way, and the person in front of him vaguely seems to know...Brother Di!

Cao Ruida suddenly got excited, wiped his eyes anxiously, and then looked at Ding Qing, his eyes widened, his face was ecstatic, and he raised his big hand and waved violently, "Brother Di!"

Di Ping brought Liu Bingyu to the city gate to welcome Cao Ruida. He still admired Cao Ruida. Since he came to the city of refuge, he must welcome him at the city gate.

He had just crossed the square and was still thirty or forty meters away from the gate. At a glance, he saw Cao Ruida's extremely conspicuous big man, like a black iron tower, and the domineering King's spear in his hand.

At this moment, Cao Ruida also saw him, and was waving at him excitedly. A smile appeared on his face immediately, and his pace quickened to meet Cao Ruida.

"City Lord!"

The five or six awakened persons and nearly a hundred city guard soldiers guarding the gate of the city saw Di Ping come and salute in unison, his movements were neat, his voice was loud, and the trembling gate of the city buzzed straight, with extraordinary power.

Such a formation scared Cao Ruida and the others. The group of people looked at the young people who were walking and walking forward with horror in their eyes, and they couldn't help but exclaim in their hearts, "What a prestige!"

Di Ping just nodded slightly, stopped walking, and accelerated a few steps to greet him. A dozen meters away, he burst into laughter and said, "Brother Cao, long time no see!"

", so...long time no see!"

Cao Ruida hadn't recovered from the shock just now, when he saw Di Ping greet him, he raised his hands hesitantly in response.

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