Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1780: Block the monster

Fatty jumped out of the car, and suddenly more than a dozen people on his body jumped off, like dumplings, and there were more people behind who wanted to jump off.

"Stop it all!"

When Xu Sheng saw this scene, his eyes suddenly widened, his expression was astonished, and he roared in anger.

"If you don't go, let's go!"

The fat man stopped, turned his head and glared at Xu Sheng and roared.

"You bastard!"

Xu breathed fire into his instantly angry eyes, pointed at the fat man and shouted: "When will you grow up? The last time you recklessly killed a dozen brothers, how many more would you kill!"


The fat man rushed out of his body. He suddenly turned his head back, his eyes sprayed out angry flames and stared at Xu Sheng. He opened his mouth to curse, but the next moment his mouth was half open, he froze, with a fat face. Like pig liver, his eyes flashed with pain, the blue veins in his neck jumped suddenly, and the hand holding the battle axe creaked.

This is the pain in his heart. He often dreams of a group of brothers wailing in the mutant beast’s mouth with blood all over, asking him to save himself. He always wakes up in sweat, and then cries like a child. The middle and high level people know it, so no one will mention it lightly.

There was also a glimmer of pain in Xu Sheng’s eyes. He knew that uncovering the scar was the greatest harm to the fat man, but he had to expose it. The fat man was reckless by nature. He would not buy anyone except the city lord. He wouldn't listen at all, so he could only wait for the incident and plead guilty to this fat brother!

His eyes settled again, watching the fat man screamed in a deep voice: "Fatty, is it useful for you to go up there? Miss Xiaobi desperately died to make a living for us, so you can easily ruin her. Are you right to her? If something goes wrong, these brothers are about to have an accident, how do you explain to the city lord, do you trust the city lord?"

Xu Sheng's words are very heavy, and every sentence of the heavy weight is heavy, the waist of the pressed fat man is bent down, and the sweat on his face rolls down like a ball.

"do not talk!"

Looking at the fat man's gray eyes, Zhang Liang couldn't bear to pull La Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng was unmoved, his eyes staring at the fat man like electricity, waiting for his answer.


The fat man and Xu Sheng looked at each other for a moment, eyes flashed with sadness, a heavy axe slashed to the ground, the cement splashed, and a big hole cracked in the ground, and then he walked back with a gray face.

Seeing the fat man walk to the truck again, Xu Duo breathed a sigh of relief, and the tension eased slightly, but everyone couldn't relax. Xiaobi was still fighting the monster!

At this time, Xiao Bi's aura was messy, his face was pale as white paper, and his movements began to slow down, but the monster was still crazy.

"What should Xu Sheng do now?"

Zhang Liang also asked anxiously.

"It's too late to retreat now, and I can't leave Miss Xiaobi. She will still stare at her if she wants to retreat. The only way is to ask the city lord for help!"

Xu Sheng looked at the battlefield with a solemn expression.

"The city lord? The city lord is afraid that he can't beat this monster, right?"

Zhang Liang was taken aback, then looked back at the monster, and said with some worry.

"The method of the city lord is beyond your understanding!"

Xu Sheng's eyes were filled with arrogance and admiration. In his eyes, it seemed that there was nothing that the city could not succeed, and there was no monster that could not win.

Zhang Liang heard the same expression of worship and excitement in his eyes. Among the entire Sanctuary City Guards and the Awakened, Di Ping is synonymous with invincibility, and is the idol and hero of everyone.

"Then what are you waiting for? Send a letter to the lord, there will be something wrong with Miss Xiaobi!"

Zhang Liang saw Xu Sheng still in a daze, and hurriedly urged.

Xu Sheng also reacted, hurriedly raised his wrist, and said in a deep voice: "Xiaoqing, send the highest level signal to the city lord for help!"

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